Lost mistake picture

Dave - S2-E18

Continuity mistake: When Hurley is chucking the food out, he gets covered in what appears to be mayonnaise. When the shot changes he's not covered anymore. (00:02:10)


Lost mistake picture

Abandoned - S2-E6

Continuity mistake: When Hurley is talking to Rose about the doomsday button, he is holding a striped shirt, getting ready to put it on a clothes line. When the shot changes, the striped shirt is on the clothes line with not enough time to put it on there. (00:12:10)


Lost mistake picture

Raised by Another - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Claire puts up the drapes, one is caught on a plant. When Thomas walks over to the drapes, it's not caught anymore. Neither Thomas nor Claire have been near the drapes during this time. (00:16:50)


Lost mistake picture

Confidence Man - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: Kate says she looked at the envelope of the letter - the camera shows a closeup of the envelope which on the right hand side of the crest has no creases and just 1 barely visible fold. When Sawyer goes to snatch it back, the envelope is already creased significantly. (00:33:55 - 00:35:35)


Lost mistake picture

Homecoming - S1-E15

Continuity mistake: When Boone runs into the jungle in daylight he holds his stick at an angle pointing up. We then see a closeup shot of his hands holding the stick and it's horizontal. (00:21:00)


Lost mistake picture

Special - S1-E14

Revealing mistake: When Locke and Michael are walking along the tree branch to get Walt, there is one instance where Locke's foot appears to be floating in the branch rather than stepping on it. Very bad CGI. (00:35:20)


Lost mistake picture

Special - S1-E14

Continuity mistake: When Michael is waiting for Walt to return from school, he is looking in a box and has an envelope visible beneath the box. Camera changes and the envelope has moved in relation to the box, it is no longer sticking out. (00:32:20)


Lost mistake picture

Special - S1-E14

Visible crew/equipment: Walt loses Vincent and runs after him in the jungle. In one of the following shots of Walt, there is a crew member and green portaloo with yellow roof visible in the jungle. (00:28:00)


Lost mistake picture Video

Deux Ex Machina - S1-E19

Continuity mistake: When Jack speaks to Michael and Jin, as they build the raft, and then when he walks up the beach and inquires about Sawyer's trouble with his head, the backpack that Jack carries on his back is nylon, black/green with white trim. Yet, when Sawyer asks, "Sensitivity to light, that bad?" the backpack is suddenly transformed into solid black leather, of an entirely different style. Then, in following shots it jumps back and forth. (00:16:40)

Super Grover

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Tabula Rasa - S1-E3

Locke: Do you play checkers with your Pop?
Walt: No. I live in Australia with My Mom. She got sick, she died a couple of weeks ago.
Locke: You're having a bad month.

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Lost trivia picture

Trivia: In series 2, episode 2, at around the 35 minute mark when the camera goes underwater to show the shark swimming past, the shark has the Dharma logo on the back end of it. (00:33:35)

Sam Johnson

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Season 1 generally

Question: When Claire is pregnant with her baby, her belly looks very realistic. Does anyone know how they make it look so real?

Answer: Using a mold, a realistic pregnancy belly is made of latex (rubber), including the distinct belly button, to suit the proportions of Emilie de Ravin who plays Claire. It is then painted with a special paint/adhesive compound that adheres to the surface and for shots of the actual belly, additional veining and stretch marks are airbrushed on.

Super Grover

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