Lost mistake picture

White Rabbit - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: When Kate revives Claire, Claire's hair is constantly changing positions between instant cuts. Most noticeably when Kate says she needs water, Claire has hair covering her ear then it's tucked behind her ear. (00:17:00)


Lost mistake picture

Walkabout - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: When John, Michael and Kate get knocked down by the boar, we see a shot of John lay on the floor and his knife is not visible. Camera cuts and we can see John is holding his knife up so that it would have been visible in the previous shot. (00:18:25)


Lost mistake picture

Tabula Rasa - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: In the "previously, on Lost" segment, we see Locke talking to Walt and he has a cut over his right eye that is straight. We we see Locke as Siyaid is explaining about gathering electronic equipment, There is now a curve to his cut. (00:00:25 - 00:09:15)


Lost mistake picture Video

Deux Ex Machina - S1-E19

Continuity mistake: When Jack speaks to Michael and Jin, as they build the raft, and then when he walks up the beach and inquires about Sawyer's trouble with his head, the backpack that Jack carries on his back is nylon, black/green with white trim. Yet, when Sawyer asks, "Sensitivity to light, that bad?" the backpack is suddenly transformed into solid black leather, of an entirely different style. Then, in following shots it jumps back and forth. (00:16:40)

Super Grover

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The Glass Ballerina - S3-E2

Benjamin Linus: Your flight crashed on September 22,2004. Today is November 29th. That means you've been on this island for sixty-nine days. And yes, we do have contact with the outside world, Jack. That's how we know that during those sixty-nine days, your fellow Americans re-elected George W. Bush, Christopher Reeve has passed away, Boston Red Sox won the World Series.
[Jack begins to laugh.]
Benjamin Linus: What?
Jack Shepard: [Still laughing.] If you wanted me to believe that, you probably should have picked somebody else besides the Red Sox.
Bejmain Linus: No, they were down 3-0 against the Yankees in the Championship Series and then won eight straight.
Jack Shepard: [Skeptically.] Sure, sure. Of course they did.
[Ben turns on a VCR.]
Joe Buck: Back to Foulke... Red Sox fans have longed to hear it! The Boston Red Sox are world champions! A clean sweep of the St. Louis Cardinals, and the Red Sox celebrate in the middle of the diamond here at Busch Stadium.

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Trivia: The character Sun was created specifically for Yoon-jin Kim, after she auditioned for the role of Kate but the writers felt she was not right for the role.

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Show generally

Question: In the pilot episode, the pregnant girl looks over at the bald man and he opens his mouth to reveal something bright orange. What was that?

Answer: He was eating a peice of an orange with the skin still on.


Answer: No, it is maracuya. You will see Locke eating maracuya in the following episodes as well.

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