Continuity mistake: At the beginning of every show we see Carrie walking down the street and she gets splashed by the bus. First the bus has people on it, then in the next shot they all disappear.

Continuity mistake: In the opening credits, when Carrie gets splashed by the bus, her pink tanktop changes from slightly wet to soaked in half a second.
Continuity mistake: Samantha is wearing a tweed suit. In several of the takes, the back of the suit is shredded. Then in other shots, it is fine.
Continuity mistake: When the real estate agent is about to show the views she hands a brown folder and a pair of red sunglasses to Sam. In the following shots the glasses are gone. Sure Sam had five seconds to put them away, but she didn't move from the spot, plus her hands were busy all the time.
Continuity mistake: After Carrie has sex, Kurt's grey underwear way below his groin (to protect his modesty) is briefly seen. (00:12:16)
Continuity mistake: While having coffee with Carrie, Skipper cries "I hate that word!" and raises his hands next to his head. A shot later they are not close to the head.
Continuity mistake: When Miranda is drinking with Skipper, she brings her cocktail close to her face twice.
Continuity mistake: Charlotte gets in a taxi with his date and the cab drives fast and leaves. Inside the cab, it drives really slow. It even gives the impression of being still for a couple of seconds.

Continuity mistake: When Sam is smoking a cigar with Big, a woman suddenly appears right behind her.
Continuity mistake: When Miranda recalls the Linda Fiorentino movie, Carrie's right arm swaps between holding a cocktail or resting empty handed by her lap.
Continuity mistake: When the couple is practising golf, the sky has dusk light, but in the immediate shot it is bright blue.
Continuity mistake: Miranda says "I'll raise your thighs and give you a chin", and Carrie swaps from eating a spring roll with her head lowered to having her head raised. (00:05:49)

Continuity mistake: Miranda picks food with the chopsticks, then exactly one second later the food is gone and she is talking. Too fast for her to take it to her mouth, chew it and swallow it, for the scene takes place in real time. (00:06:00)
Continuity mistake: Sams shays she looks good and Miranda replies "you paid enough for it" and puts her chopsticks down. A shot later they're back in her hand and she is picking food. (00:06:03)
Continuity mistake: When Carrie arrives backstage at the fashion show, she's wearing a black dress with a long jewelled necklace that is wrapped once around her neck and hanging down on both sides of her chest, like a scarf. When the fashion show starts, the necklace strands are tied together in a big knot/wrapped around her neck more. Then, when she's about to get in a cab home, they are untied/hanging down again.
Continuity mistake: When Big arrives at the party Carrie is eating a snack, with a remaining one on her hand. Big sees her and she's eating another snack, which leaves her with zero food. Half a second later there's a wide shot and not only is she not chewing the previous bite, but 2 snacks have suddenly appeared on her hand.
Continuity mistake: When the artist stops using the airbrush he holds it with his left hand. A shot later it's in his right hand where he drops it off.
Continuity mistake: When Carrie exits the club there's a woman with a bulky silver wig behind her. When the shot changes the woman has moved several meters back and is walking by again.
Continuity mistake: Before dinner, Miranda holds the candles with her right hand. Then puts them in her left hand. A nanosecond later, from a different angle. She is leaving them on the table using her right hand. She couldn't have used her left hand for she is holding the napkins and they would've fallen down.
Continuity mistake: When the girls sit down to eat Chinese food, Sam puts the oyster pail away, but half a second later her hands are away from it, fiddling with something else.