Sex and the City
Sex and the City mistake picture

Models and mortals - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: Miranda picks food with the chopsticks, then exactly one second later the food is gone and she is talking. Too fast for her to take it to her mouth, chew it and swallow it, for the scene takes place in real time. (00:06:00)


Models and mortals - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Carrie arrives backstage at the fashion show, she's wearing a black dress with a long jewelled necklace that is wrapped once around her neck and hanging down on both sides of her chest, like a scarf. When the fashion show starts, the necklace strands are tied together in a big knot/wrapped around her neck more. Then, when she's about to get in a cab home, they are untied/hanging down again.

Models and mortals - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Big arrives at the party Carrie is eating a snack, with a remaining one on her hand. Big sees her and she's eating another snack, which leaves her with zero food. Half a second later there's a wide shot and not only is she not chewing the previous bite, but 2 snacks have suddenly appeared on her hand.


Models and mortals - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: Before dinner, Miranda holds the candles with her right hand. Then puts them in her left hand. A nanosecond later, from a different angle. She is leaving them on the table using her right hand. She couldn't have used her left hand for she is holding the napkins and they would've fallen down.


Models and mortals - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: In the kitchen, Sam has Chinese food in her chopsticks and says "she's like a model." She takes the chopsticks to her mouth, then angle changes and she is picking food again, though this time less amount.


To market, to market - S6-E1

Plot hole: In this episode Carrie runs into Aidan, who now has what looks to be about a 6 month old baby (Tate). This doesn't seem possible, as Carrie and Aidan would have only broken up about a year ago, and Miranda was around 6 months pregnant when they broke up. Brady is only about 5 months old at this point in the series, leaving Aidan only roughly 8 months to have this baby - but Aidan lay in bed for about a month and then dated Nina Katz for awhile. Timeline just doesn't seem to fit.

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Samantha: There isn't enough wall space in New York City to hang all of my exes. Let me tell you, a lot of them were hung.

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Answer: Yes, it is.

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