The One With Barry & Mindy's Wedding - S2-E24
Question: Why are Monica and Richard invited to Barry's wedding? Monica wasn't even invited to Barry's first wedding to Rachel, they did not know each other.
Answer: I agree with the other answers. Another possibility is, Rachel was close friends with both Monica and Mindy in high school. Mindy was likely friends with Monica, and therefore invited her to the wedding along with Rachel, knowing they were roommates. Richard has known the Geller and Green families for years and may also know Mindy's parents and was invited separately. He could be Monica's +1, or she his, but even if both were invited separately, they are still attending as a couple. Monica wasn't invited to Rachel and Barry's wedding because the girls had lost touch after high school and Monica moved to NYC.
Answer: It's never explained, and the writers probably didn't gave it serious thought, just using their presence at the wedding as a plot device. But since, as you say, Monica was not invited to Rachel's wedding, the most logical explanation is that Richard is the invitee, and Monica is his +1. Richard and Barry are both doctors and so could know one another, or perhaps Richard is friends with Barry's, or Mindy's, parents. If the latter, this would not be unbelievable, as Mindy's parents would likely be in the same circle as the Gellers, with whom Richard is close.
Question: I, and some other people, remember an episode in which Monica's obsessive-compulsive tendencies have so annoyed her employees in the restaurant that they lock her in a refrigerator. Some other people do not remember this, and my best efforts looking through plot summaries have not turned it up. Searching with Google on Monica and refrigerator has not helped. So does someone know where it is, or approximately where it is? Thank you.
Chosen answer: This is season 4, episode 10, "The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie". Everyone who works under Monica hates her after she got their old boss' job in an earlier episode. She hires Joey just so she can fire him to bring the others in line, but he's enjoying the money so doesn't play along. At one point they lock her in the walk-in freezer, where she gets covered in marinara sauce. This makes her so upset that Joey relents and lets her fire him.
Question: What happened with the duck and the chick? It isn't shown how they left the show, is it?
Chosen answer: The chick and the duck died of old age sometime between season 6 and 7. We find out in season 10 the Friends told Joey they had been sent to a farm where nobody could visit, to save his feelings.
Question: How did they film the Phoebe and Ursula parts when both of them were in the same room?
Chosen answer: A lot of these scenes are shot over the shoulder of one or the other character, if you watch closely, the one whose back is to the camera is often a double. For the most part, they'd film one character's part, reset and have Lisa Kudrow change clothes, then film the other one's part. It's the same technique used in "The Parent Trap" (Lindsay Lohan) and a couple of Eddie Murphy movies ("The Nutty Professor" and "Norbit", that I know of).
Question: Just wondering, did any of the Friends actors have a falling out while filming the show?
Chosen answer: Probably the only known conflict among them was when Matthew Perry had issues with prescription drugs and alcohol; the other Friends pressured him into seeking help during the series' run. Other than that, it appears the six had a pretty close relationship. They apparently have not all been together in a long time (until the Friends Reunion on MAX), but that's largely due to scheduling issues and that some of them are naturally closer to some of the cast than others. Cox, Anniston, and Kudrow are the closest. Anniston was the one who reached out to Perry the most.
Question: Why does no one ever sit on the window bench, behind the desk? It seems to be there for no apparent reason, the only person I've ever seen sitting on it was Rachel. Why does no one ever sit on it?
Chosen answer: Unless there is a specific plot reason for someone to sit here, such as when Rachel was moping after her first break-up with Ross (after he made "the list"), it does not serve the overall story well. A character would be sitting far away from where the central action takes place, making it more difficult for them to interact with what is going on. Rachel again sits on it when she, Phoebe, and Chandler were looking for where Monica hid the Christmas presents. Rachel discovers them inside the window seat. Also, a window bench is not that comfortable to sit on, and the other furniture is far more inviting.
Question: What is the function of Rachel's/Monica's guest room's wall across the door? Isn't it just annoying to get in? I also noticed that there's a screen across Monica's door. Why are these here?
Chosen answer: This has been mentioned before. The wall and the screen serve no purpose other than to block the audience's view into the bedrooms from the living room. When the storyline does not require the characters to be in the bedrooms, then the stage area next to the living room is the Central Perk set, which the viewer is, of course, not supposed to see.
Question: Joey tells Monica and Phoebe that the list was Chandler's idea. So how come no one thinks to tell Rachel this? Ross could've just fessed up and saved himself a lot of trouble. And, furthermore, how come everyone else later tells Rachel that the list was Ross' idea?
Chosen answer: It would hardly have mattered to Rachel who actually suggested writing the list. What did matter was that Ross participated in it and that he gave very unflattering reasons (such as she's spoiled and is just a waitress) about why he should not be with her. As for the others blaming Ross, they apparently feared Rachel's anger and/or felt guilty for being involved.
For one, some of the reasons, like the chubby ankle thing, was Joey's idea, so that could have been mentioned. And yeah, Ross participated, but his reasons were reworded by Chandler in a way that made them seem insulting. She was spoiled by her father when she was younger, which made her want to move to the city. By not adding the part about Ross and Julie being paleontologists, it looks like he is just plain insulting her lifestyle instead of giving genuine reasons.
Question: I remember the first episode of F·R·I·E·N·D·S that I saw was probably the best one, and I would like to know which season and episode number it is. It is one where Ben says "Monka Bang," meaning Monica banged his.
Answer: It's Season 3 Episode 8: The One With The Giant Poking Device.
The One With Phoebe's Dad - S2-E9
Question: What is the year of the taxi Phoebe drives to her dad's house?
Answer: From a website i've just looked at, it says the New York taxi served from 1981 to 1983.
Question: Why is there a lot of talking and off screen watching of porn in this show? It's treated like it is very common to do so.
Answer: Eh, it is common but nobody likes to admit it. Porn is a huge industry in the US and worldwide so somebody must be watching.
Question: Is the guy who plays Russ Ross with a fake nose (or make up), because the credits say Snaro plays Russ, but it looks so much like Ross so can some one tell me who plays Russ.
Answer: It is David Schwimmer playing Russ. A couple of behind-the-scenes Friends books say that he chose to put this in the credits as a tribute to a friend.
Question: In which episode did Ross play his keyboard in Central Perk, etc.?
Answer: This took place in episode number 7 in Series 4. The episode is entitled "The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line".
Answer: Earlier Chandler asked to borrow Joey's shoes, as his were too slippery to dance in, and he discovered that Joey's feet were much smaller than his. Ross then noticed the same thing at the end of the episode. Like a lot of TV show contrivances, it's a reveal which multiple characters conveniently discover around the same time for the sake of a gag.