
Answer: No, although shortly after the event, there was a "I *heart* NY" seen written on the small message board that hangs on Joey and Chandler's front door. A small tribute, no doubt. Also, during the end-credits of the 2001 Season Eight episode, 'The One After "I Do"' there is a dedication to the people of New York. Joey wears an FDNY shirt as well.


Answer: They actually had to re-shoot the episode following 9/11. Chandler had made a joke about a bomb on a plane while in the airport during the honeymoon episode, so they changed that subplot.

Chosen answer: Gunther is rather particular about his appearance, keeping his hair carefully cut and colored, and is always wearing well chosen shirts and ties. This is what is commonly referred today as being "metro-sexual" which a lot of people consider to be gay. Gay men (stereotypically) are particular about how they look, so she just assumes. Also, since he is SO in love with Rachel, he doesn't have other relationships to prove her opinion incorrect because he is always hoping she will be single soon and notice him. Who can say why he is so in love with Rachel. Why does ANYONE love someone else? Infatuation? Her looks? Her personality? We will never know. Love is funny that way.

Kimberly Mason

Answer: Nope, Jennifer Aniston doesn't have children, it was all prosthetics although it did look really good.


Answer: Ross starts with the correct translation for "Thanks for the coffee". Gunther: "Je spreekt Nederlands?" (You speak Dutch?) "Dat is te gek!" (That's great!) "Heb je familie daar?" (Do you have family there?) And "ezel". Literally translated it's a donkey, but we also use for the word jerk or idiot. And finally Gunther says "Jij hebt sex met ezels" (You have sex with donkeys).

Nelleke Rietvink

Answer: A Triscuit is a cracker that is made of wheat or something. You set them out at cocktail parties with crab cake or something. You understand it a little more when you hear his next line, something about the sharp edges.

The One With The Video Tape - S8-E4

Question: In episode 'The One With The Videotape' we get to know the story 'how Ross and Rachel got bonus night'. What I wonder is does anyone know the whole 'Western Europe' story or is it (unfortunately) one of those stories that doesn't have ending at all, because there's no need of one?

Answer: There is no ending. The DVD commentary includes the writers saying they never wrote the whole story, only the set up.

Answer: Joey tells as much of the story needs before its cliffhanger, so that when the other person responds they'll have been seduced, and the first person can make up the end whilst making a move.

Chosen answer: Fred Sanford was one of two main characters of "Sanford & Son", a TV show from back in the 70s. He was a junk dealer. Those who are British might be interested to know that it was the American version of 'Steptoe and Son'.


Chosen answer: If you watch the episode on the dvd, at the end it will come up explaining how the scene was cut due to September 11th. After that quick message the scene plays automatically.


Chosen answer: After extensive research on the internet, I couldn't find any stories to explain this. It would not be unreasonable to say that Marlo Thomas had not appeared on the show for 6 years - last time we saw her she was 59, and in this episode she is 65. She is an ordinary woman who works hard, and simply looks older.

He's My Brother

The One With The Halloween Party - S8-E6

Question: I don't get Joey at the party. I understand that he's dressed as Chandler with the preppy jumper and jeans but what I don't understand is the 'I'm Chandler blaaaaaargh' or 'I don't sound like that blarrrrrrrrgh'. Why is he 'blargh'ing?

Answer: He's imitating Chandler (not brilliantly) who makes noises like that, most often (and most similar to that one) when disgusted by something. For example, he does that when he realises Joey isn't wearing any underwear under all his clothes during "The One Where No-one's Ready."


Answer: Earlier Chandler asked to borrow Joey's shoes, as his were too slippery to dance in, and he discovered that Joey's feet were much smaller than his. Ross then noticed the same thing at the end of the episode. Like a lot of TV show contrivances, it's a reveal which multiple characters conveniently discover around the same time for the sake of a gag.

Chosen answer: Ross claims he came to the party as 'Spud-nik (the satellite)' but admits he's really 'doodie'. The flushed (as in toilet) remark is another 'Poo' joke.


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The One With Chandler In A Box - S4-E8

Monica: Fine, judge all you want to, but [to Ross] married a lesbian, [to Rachel] left a man at the altar, [to Phoebe] fell in love with a gay ice dancer, [to Joey] threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire, [to Chandler] LIVING IN A BOX!

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