
Answer: Rachel is referring to one of the The Three Stooges, which consisted of Moe, Larry, Curly, and also Shemp. Curly Howard, the third Stooge, was later replaced by his real-life brother, who played Shemp. Curly and Shemp played the most unintelligent and bungling member of the trio.


I think she meant "chef" but made a mistake.

Answer: She meant Shemp. He was being a clumsy doofus like one of the Three Stooges and that was the one that came to mind.

Answer: I thought she said, "There's a chimp in my office."

Answer: A.A. Milne is the name of a famous author, but of course he never said "Get out of my chair, dill-hole!" Chandler is setting us up for a deeply philisophical comment only to deliver a crass insult.


The One With The Princess Leia Fantasy - S3-E1

Question: I'm not positive it's in this episode, but there's a very cool, very large poster/print on the wall in Rachel's room that says "Film Noir," visible in a few scenes. Does anyone know who the artist is, and whether the print is commercially available?

Answer: It is a vintage italian art print. Google images may come up with something if you search that phrase. Otherwise check on

Answer: Marissa is Giovanni's twin sister. According to, Giovanni is 15 minutes older.

Jeff Swanson

Answer: Actually, the one in TOW the Prom Video is Tim Bohn. Markus Flanagan is solely Robert.

The One With The Flashback - S3-E6

Question: In the cold open, Janice asks who's done it with who. How come Ross and Rachel aren't saying anything and why, in a deleted line in that same scene, does Rachel says something like, "If you don't put out I'll dump you for someone who does" to Ross? Ross and Rachel have had sex numerous times prior to this episode so is the whole joke that Rachel's being sarcastic?


Chosen answer: Everyone, including Janice, already knows that Ross and Rachel, having been a couple, has "done it," so there's no reason for them to say anything, hence why Rachel makes that joke. Janice's question is meant to find out who, other than those two, have had a sexual encounter with each other. Janice is still directing the question to Rachel and Ross, but she wants to know if either of them has done it, or almost done it, with any of the other friends.


Answer: The song is "Time of the Season" by The Zombies.

LuMaria 1

The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner - S3-E14

Question: When I first watched this, the way Joey talked and everyone reacted, I thought he had accidentally thrown Ginger's real leg into the fire, and she got an artificial one later. If Ginger had her fake leg then, why did everyone react the way they did?


Chosen answer: How in the name of heaven would he have "thrown" her real leg into the fire, short of wrenching it off her body? Joey's not a psychopath. They reacted the way they did because he threw her artificial leg, thinking it was a log, into the fire, then ran away, leaving a one-legged woman stranded in a cabin with no means of transportation. A cowardly response, and he clearly feels awful about it after the fact, but that doesn't negate it being a terrible thing to do in the first place - less so the action itself, which was a stupid mistake, but him running away afterwards.

Answer: Lennie is a character in the novel "Of Mice and Men." He is large and strong, but also mentally challenged. He loves holding small animals, but has a tendency to kill them accidentally.

Chosen answer: Rachel was tired of Ross' constant insecurity over their relationship and his unfounded jealousy over Mark, Rachel's co-worker. Ross was also fed-up because Rachel had become overly obsessed with working, and was not spending enough time with him. When Rachel said she wanted a break, it was in the heat of an argument. The next day she wanted to immediately get back together, only to discover that Ross had slept with the girl from the copy center within hours of their break-up.


Answer: Ross was being an insufferable jealous man. He never actually listened to Rachel when she said she didn't have time to stop for food and wine for their anniversary. Typical selfish baby behavior that was Ross Geller.

Answer: It's highly doubtful the nerdy Issac ever slept with Chloe, or many other women for that matter, although he is trying hard to convince Ross of his sexual prowess.


Answer: He's asking if she wants to know if he's going 'number 1' (urinating) or 'number 2' (having a bowel movement).

Brian Katcher

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The One With Chandler In A Box - S4-E8

Monica: Fine, judge all you want to, but [to Ross] married a lesbian, [to Rachel] left a man at the altar, [to Phoebe] fell in love with a gay ice dancer, [to Joey] threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire, [to Chandler] LIVING IN A BOX!

More quotes from Friends

Trivia: The Magna-doodle on the door in the boys apartment has a different picture on it every episode. There is usually some tenuous connection between the picture and the plot of the episode.

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