
Chosen answer: Fred Sanford was one of two main characters of "Sanford & Son", a TV show from back in the 70s. He was a junk dealer. Those who are British might be interested to know that it was the American version of 'Steptoe and Son'.


The One After Ross Says Rachel - S5-E1

Question: After we come back from the break, with Ross asleep on Monica and Chandler's lap, the riff that plays in the background is really familiar to me. I know I can play it on guitar and the name Robben Ford springs to mind. Has it been in a film before or is it taken from a full length song?

Answer: Ironman by Black Sabbath.

Is it the one playing right after the parents leave and there's a shot of the plane? Doesn't sound like Iron Man to me.

Chosen answer: She answered Monica's ad for a roommate.


Show generally

Question: TOW the Proposal. Eventually Chandler asks Monica to marry her. Why does Monica say later on that she asked Chandler? (This is when she gives Phoebe advice about her wanting to get married to Mike).

Answer: Because initially Monica set up the room with all the candles etc to ask Chandler, she got down on one knee and then starting crying saying "there's a reason why girls don't do this" so Chandler knelt down too and they kinda asked each other.


Show generally

Question: During the opening credits one season we see a hand gesture where they smack both their fists together twice. Does this gesture have any meaning?

Answer: On episode No. 405 "The One With Joey's New Girlfriend," Monica explains the story behind the hand gesture: "It's this dumb thing that Ross made up because he was trying to fool our parents. It's a way of giving the finger, without actually having to give it. I remember I cried the night he made it up, 'cause it was the first time that I realized that I was actually cooler than my older brother."


Answer: Jack and Chrissy are two of the three main characters from "Three's Company." They, along with their roommate Janet, always got into weird situations, mostly involving misunderstandings about what was going on. They always came up with completely off-the-wall ways to get out of the situation.


Show generally

Question: In the UK at least, new box sets have just been released of all 10 series (3 discs per box). Does anyone know if these are double sided or single sided discs? The original DVDs were double sided, which always seemed stupid.

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: They are double sided. Four episodes per side on 3 discs gives 24 episodes which equal one season.


Answer: Marissa is Giovanni's twin sister. According to, Giovanni is 15 minutes older.

Jeff Swanson

Answer: I believe she is referring to Linus Van Pelt from the Peanuts (Charlie Brown) comic strips. See

J I Cohen

The One Where Ross Finds Out - S2-E7

Question: I was just wondering if anyone could name the song which plays when Ross bursts into Central Perk and kisses Rachel for the first time. It's a big 80's guitar power song and I really recognise the riff but can't think of the band or song.

Answer: The producers wanted to use U2's "With or Without You" as the background clip for Ross and Rachel's kiss; however, there wasn't enough time for them to arrange for the necessary rights. Instead of the song, a studio clip similar to the band's playing style was used.

James Castells

Show generally

Question: One of the trivia points is that the etch-a-sketch in Joey's apartment always has a picture on it linked to the show. Are there any examples of this?

Answer: Some of the things shown on the MAGNA-DOODLE are shown on this website Reportedly, they were drawn by Paul Swain, the best boy (a crew member), and though some of them had something to do with the show, some were inside jokes for the crew.

The One With Rachel's Crush - S4-E13

Question: Rachel meets Joshua at work. She goes back home after work and as she enters home announces: "I have the best job in the entire world" and keeps on repeating Joshua's name and enjoys it when suddenly Ross gets upset about it and says "hello?" which implies that "I am sitting right here, and you shouldn't be making me jealous." She answers "hi" apologetically. My question is: what right does Ross have to get upset? they're not in a relationship.

Answer: True, but they've not been broken up all that long and are still friends - it would be kind of Rachel to at least not flaunt her latest love interest in his face.

Jon Sandys

Answer: Rachel was always the toxic one between Ross and Rachel whenever Ross became happy with someone, Rachel always put her foot in it.

Answer: Plus, Ross acting like an entitled arsehole is a constant in the show, his behaviour regarding Rachel and her love life outside of him is wildly inappropriate on many occasions.


As a man who had complete security in his life until his wife announces lesbianism and ends in divorce, I think his paranoia regarding relationships and behaviour in the show are justified. It's all well and good to say he should be over it, but Rachel's actions inside and out of the relationship don't help him.

Answer: Rachel was being insensitive when gushing about Joshua, and it hurt Ross. Though they became friends again, Ross never stopped loving Rachel and felt she also caused their split and then played the victim. Rachel seemed more oblivious than apologetic when saying, "Hi," back to Ross, and was in denial about still loving him and her part in the breakup. She was equally jealous when Ross started dating Emily and never expected him to move on so quickly. She told Monica that she always believed they'd someday get back together.


Chosen answer: It's not "referencing" anything. It's a joke that Monica excitedly thinks she might be pregnant due to Joey's remark, when the truth is she's not, and knows she isn't, so wants to move on quickly to spare her embarrassment.


Answer: The joke also makes more sense if you write her response as "Really?...Okay, let's get past the moment."

Show generally

Question: In what episode does Joey try to look nineteen years old? There is a scene where he comes out dressed ridiculously, and asks if he looks nineteen, to which Chandler replies, "On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most looking like an idiot, you're easily a 19."

Answer: The first episode of the 7th season. The One With Monica's Thunder.


Answer: Much like a lot of things in sitcoms there are certain aspects that get fazed out temporarily or completely because they don't fit the story line. However, in 'The Last One', Joey mentions that the chick and the duck went to live in a special farm when they grew old; meaning that they died of old age. In the same episode Rachel confirms this when she asks "Didn't they die?"

Tobin OReilly

Show generally

Question: In the earlier episodes of Friends why is Ben Gellar credited as John and Christoper Allen and then when he next appears, he is credited as Jack and Charlie Allen? Was the character of Ben played by quadruplets before the part was recast?

Answer: The twins who played Ben Gellar were named John Christopher and Charles Thomas Allen. John Christopher was the one credited initially, and the "Jack and Charlie Allen" credit was for both twins (Jack is a nickname of John).

LuMaria 1

The One with Mrs. Bing - S1-E11

Question: When we first see Mrs Bing on TV, Jay Leno mentions that she recently got arrested and asks how it came about. Her response is "occasionally, after being intimate with a man, I just get a craving for Kung Pao chicken" This gets a lot of cheers and laughter from the audience and Chandler shouts "that's too much information!" at the TV. What was happening here? Why does what Mrs Bing said get so much of a reaction from everyone and not answer the question she was asked? Am I missing something?


Answer: This is a story about how Chandler's mom got arrested. So she is saying "after being intimate with a man I get a craving for Kung Pao Chicken." So what she is implying is that she is intimate with whomever, and immediately afterwards when orders Kung Pao Chicken. By this she is saying she got arrested at the place where they sell Kung Poa Chicken, because she was being intimate with the individual there. Conclusion she was openly having sex at a Chinese Restaurant.

Answer: I've seen a few answers that are similar to this. It's really unclear to me what the relation to being arrested is and/or why it's too much information. I feel like I'm missing a connection here.

I think the implication is she got arrested for indecent exposure. Probably because she went to get some chicken after sex and didn't bother to dress properly. Chandler of course immediately knows what she means.


Chosen answer: Nora Bing's remarks got a huge response by her being funny and making the incident about sex. Audiences tend react to titillating anecdotes. Chandler, of course, is always mortified by his mother for not acting her age and being sexually uninhibited.


This answers nothing really.

Answer: I honestly think part of it has been deleted since the original broadcast. I remember her saying something extra that carried on the joke, but watching it on streaming services, it isn't there.

You're probably right. When popular TV series are syndicated, they get edited to a shorter running time so the channels carrying them can air more commercials. It really ruins the quality as sometimes the best jokes or bits get cut.


Chosen answer: This was, "The One After the Superbowl," a two-part episode. Brooke Shields guest starred as Erika Ford, a crazed fan of Joey's character on "Days of our Lives." She stalked him, believing Joey really was the doctor he played on the show.


Answer: Actually, the one in TOW the Prom Video is Tim Bohn. Markus Flanagan is solely Robert.

The One With The Flashback - S3-E6

Question: In the cold open, Janice asks who's done it with who. How come Ross and Rachel aren't saying anything and why, in a deleted line in that same scene, does Rachel says something like, "If you don't put out I'll dump you for someone who does" to Ross? Ross and Rachel have had sex numerous times prior to this episode so is the whole joke that Rachel's being sarcastic?


Chosen answer: Everyone, including Janice, already knows that Ross and Rachel, having been a couple, has "done it," so there's no reason for them to say anything, hence why Rachel makes that joke. Janice's question is meant to find out who, other than those two, have had a sexual encounter with each other. Janice is still directing the question to Rachel and Ross, but she wants to know if either of them has done it, or almost done it, with any of the other friends.


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The One With Chandler In A Box - S4-E8

Monica: Fine, judge all you want to, but [to Ross] married a lesbian, [to Rachel] left a man at the altar, [to Phoebe] fell in love with a gay ice dancer, [to Joey] threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire, [to Chandler] LIVING IN A BOX!

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