Answer: It's probably the photo they took at her house of them going to the prom.


Question: Just before Peter's suit was taken by Tony he said he warned him about the weapons but during that phone call he just lied to Tony and hung up. So when did he warn him about the weapons?


Chosen answer: He told Happy.

Question: Tony says he was the one who called the FBI but then why would they aim their guns at Peter? Tony wouldn't tell them to shoot at his recruit.


Chosen answer: Tony wouldn't tell them anything about Peter because he didn't expect Peter to be there.


Question: Why was Liz so interested when Peter said he doesn't work for Stark anymore? She doesn't consider Peter as that much of a friend. She barely talked to Peter and spent the whole ride on her phone and tried to make Peter give her the corsage and only went with him to the dance cause she didn't have a date.


Chosen answer: She didn't "only go with him because she didn't have a date". She was interested in dating Peter, and knew he was interested in her. She had been waiting for him to finally build up the nerve to talk to her about it. She was interested in Peter leaving the Stark internship because she was genuinely interested. The awkward silence before hand was due to her dad being in the car (as it would be for a shy teenage boy with his date's father present).

Chosen answer: Actor Tony Revolori, nee Anthony Quinonez, was a controversial choice to play Flash. In the comic books, Flash is a jock of European descent. Mr. Revolori is Guatemalan, and not particularly athletic in appearance. Some comic book fans are notoriously traditional. Often, when the race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation of well known comic book characters are changed for modern portrayals, a segment of the fan base reacts negatively. In an interview with the website, the actor stated: "I'm not what the character was in the comic books...and there's still people who will hate that fact. It was very disheartening to receive hate mail and death threats and things like that." There is no mention of the exact nature of the alleged threats, nor how seriously Mr. Revolori took them. There is also no indication of formal police involvement.

Michael Albert

22nd Aug 2017

X-Men 2 (2003)

Question: Why were the X-men planning to escape in the helicopter instead of the jet they came in? Did they forget that Rogue and Bobby and John were waiting for them?


Chosen answer: The dam was breaking and at any moment they could all be killed. The helicopter was merely the quickest way to escape since they were much closer to it. Presumably they would have contacted Rogue and Bobby as soon as they got in and guided them on how to escape, or tried to go and pick them up.

13th Aug 2017

Kung Fu Panda (2008)

Question: Why didn't Tai Lung kill Zeng? And when Tai Lung says to Shifu "I have come home, master" why did he call Shifu master? Was it to show that he still had a bit of respect for him after everything he did for Tai Lung?


Chosen answer: He didn't kill Zeng because he wanted Shifu to know he was coming. And he called Shifu master because he was mocking him.


Answer: It didn't look like she was untying his shoe laces to me. It looked more like she was pulling down Ron's sock to get a better look at his wounds.

She's just trying to asses his injuries.


Maybe after they got out of the willow but I'm referring to when Harry and Sirius were talking.

Chosen answer: She could be untying them because one of his legs is broken and sometimes a broken limb can become swollen.

What does that have to do with Hermione untying the shoelaces?

Answer: I think she took off his shoe to get a better look at his leg. It can be kind of hard for someone to examine a wound if someone is wearing a shoe on their foot.

But she didn't take off his shoe.

Chosen answer: They can be overheard discussing Ron's injured leg. Hermione says she's sure that Madam Pomfrey will be able to fix it in no time. Ron's being overly dramatic, saying it might have to be chopped off.


Answer: No I mean after that.

Question: Why did Hermione and Harry try to stop Ron from getting Scabbers back? They surely don't want their best friend's pet to go missing? They couldn't have been worried about getting caught since they were so far away?


Chosen answer: For one, students are forbidden to be outside the castle at night and, second, it was believed that Sirius Black was hunting Harry because he wanted to kill him, making it dangerous for Harry to be out. The dementor guards are also roaming the castle grounds, and Dumbledore had warned students that they cannot not distinguish friend from foe. They had already attempted to attack Harry twice. Also, if Harry, Ron, and Hermione were caught being outside, they would also get in trouble for having been at Hagrid's right before Buckbeak's execution. Students would not be allowed to be present at an event like that.


7th Aug 2017

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Chosen answer: Essentially he created a nuclear fusion machine to produce energy, more efficiently than anything else on Earth. Currently, nuclear power plants work by nuclear fission, the splitting of atoms to produce energy. Fusion is the combing of atoms to produce energy and is how the Sun (and all stars) works. Which is why Otto says "the power of the sun, in the palm of my hands".


Also. A cool little feature I just realised. If you look at his glasses. Splits the light and dark. Just realised.

7th Aug 2017

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Chosen answer: K was trying to explain to J why he suspended him, but without fully having to explain to him why. Later on in the movie, we find out that Boris killed J's father and that K erased it from J's memory as a child and the reason why he suspended J was because he did not want J to try and continue searching for Boris or it may lead him to finding out the truth. He called J to try and explain why he suspended him the best way he could without having to reveal everything to him.

Casual Person

7th Aug 2017

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Question: Did K meet J when he was a boy in the original timeline as well? I mean the one where Boris was arrested?


Chosen answer: Yes, he did. Mentioned earlier in the movie, it was stated something happened to K when he stopped Boris the Animal at Cape Canaveral. This event was when he met J as a child after Boris killed his father and that he erased this from younger J's memory.

Casual Person

1st Aug 2017

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Question: Was J lying when he said that Boris kills K at the Apollo launch? If not, how did he know he died there?


Chosen answer: This can be a little confusing, but here goes: Early in the film, Boris escapes from the lunar prison and returns to Earth, confronting both agents K and J and telling Agent K that he's "already dead" (Boris was implying that he was going back to 1969 to kill K at the Apollo launch site, thus preventing K from deploying the ArcNet). When Boris does kill K in 1969, it changes the timeline, so only Agent J can remember K's existence in 2012. When Agent J goes to MIB headquarters the next day, he is baffled that nobody remembers K, and Agent J has to convince Chief Agent O that K was alive just the day prior. It is Chief Agent O who deduces the timeline fracture, and J suddenly understands that Boris killed Agent K in 1969 at the Apollo launch, preventing K from deploying the ArcNet (which necessitates J going back in time to save Agent K). Although J tried to keep all of this a secret from 1969 Agent K, he eventually admits to K that Boris killed K at the Apollo launch.

Charles Austin Miller

1st Aug 2017

X-Men (2000)

Chosen answer: Ruby quartz. In the comics and various adaptations, ruby quartz is the only substance that can hold his eye beams at bay. There is a scene in "X-Men: Apocalypse" where Hank gives Scott some glasses made out of ruby quartz, along with an explanation of why they will work.


1st Aug 2017

iCarly (2007)

Answer: I believe they meant Freddie is only helping them as in not Sam and Flick.

Question: Spoiler Alert. Why did Toomes lie about not knowing Spider Man's identity in the first post credits scene?


Chosen answer: He may want Spider-Man all to himself for foiling his plans, or he may feel indebted to Spider-Man for saving his life. The post-credits scene from Morbius suggests that Toomes still bears a grudge against him.


Answer: Spider-man had saved his daughter's life and his own; Tooms felt like he owed Peter that much.

Erik M.

Chosen answer: Hermione was angry because Ron never made an effort to pursue her romantically. She was also jealous of and disgusted by Ron's girlfriend, Lavender Brown. Ron, confused by Hermione's behavior toward him and also jealous of her previous relationship with Viktor Krum (who she was still writing to), retaliated by being angry at her.


Question: How come it was Harry who was picked over Katie to be Gryffindor Quidditch captain after Angelina even though Katie had been on the team longer? This was similar to how Angelina was picked in the last book after Wood was gone.


Chosen answer: The team captain would be chosen based on who has the best playing skills and leadership abilities. Just because someone is on the team longer does not mean they'd make the best captain. Harry was a better all-around choice. Katie may also not have wanted to be the captain.


Question: Why does Hermione seem annoyed when she finds out that Harry told Slughorn she is the best in the year? Or am I wrong?


Chosen answer: She isn't annoyed. She's slightly embarrassed at the attention.

Greg Dwyer

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