Answer: Well, apparently he doesn't have an issue with having dogs at his presence, only with having skin contact with them.


Answer: She's seen a picture? Been given his description? There are any number of possibilities.

Answer: I'd say this is a deliberate movie mistake to provide plot exposition. Bellatrix was one of the Death Eaters who tortured Neville's parents into permanent insanity when Neville was a young boy. It's unlikely Bellatrix would recognize Neville on sight, but this reveals her involvement in the Longbottom family tragedy, and shows that Neville fighting Voldemort and the Death Eaters is personally motivated.


Answer: He looks like his father, wears similar clothes.etc.

Patrick Smith

14th Jul 2019

Cobra Kai (2018)

Answer: Daniel said he called Shannon but she never picked up, when she came back from Mexico she probably saw Daniel called and figured out the situation.

Answer: Daniel told him.

Answer: DJ ratted them out, told the First Order their entire plan and to look for the little ships.

Quantom X

Question: Finn told the guy that the medallion meant a lot to Rose, but she never mentioned it to him. Why does the medallion mean so much to her?


Answer: The medallion is identical to one that her sister, Paige, wore. Paige served aboard a resistance space ship and sacrificed herself to release bombs that destroyed one of the First Order's dreadnought ships.


Answer: This is just a joke to end the exchange and save time with the overall length of the movie. And it's always implied the trio joke about Hermione being a know it all.


Answer: Miles was touched by what Jeff said, and it inspired him to finally find the focus needed to control his powers.


Question: When Carl told Cargill that people would discover the dome, how does that help them? How is that a problem for Cargill even if they hadn't taken Springfield off the map?


Answer: Carl presumably believes anyone noticing an entire town being trapped inside a dome would do something to help them out of their predicament.


Answer: Hermione was attempting to restrain him because she feared he'd try to rescue Scabbers, not knowing that he was really Peter Pettigrew disguised as Ron's pet rat.


Why would he try with a broken leg?

Hermione doesn't know if his leg is broken or not. Knowing how Ron tends to be emotional and reactive, she's just acting to ensure he remains calm and doesn't impulsively make the situation worse.


People can do extraordinary things when in a desperate state.


19th Jun 2019

The Simpsons (1989)

Answer: There is an episode "MyPods and Broomsticks" (s20e07) where Bart befriends a Muslim kid, Bashir bin Laden, but Homer ends up thinking the bin Ladens are terrorists and offends them at dinner.


2nd Jun 2019

Stepmom (1998)

Answer: Wouldn't have been much fun for her. He would be working most of the time and she would be stuck in the hotel. They wouldn't even he able to go out to dinner as he mentioned they would order room service. And the kids would be there so they wouldn't have any time alone together.

Answer: He had it on under his clothes. When the regular clothes burned off his fireproof uniform was all that remained.


Answer: He was implying she had flirted with him at some point.


Not just an implication. We see this explicitly in The Winter Soldier.

What was it?

Natasha is constantly flirting with Steve throughout the movie.

Answer: Technopathy which is the ability to control certain electrical devices and Electrokinesis which is the ability to generate, manipulate and/or conduct electricity.

Answer: Cap couldn't risk landing the plane without the weapons on board detonating. He crashed it into the Arctic so that no-one but himself would be killed or injured if the weapons did go off.


13th May 2019

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Answer: No - as stated in the film, timelines/realities are independent from each other. Thanos/Nebula coming to "our" timeline means a new timeline is created where they don't exist any more, but we don't follow that one. "Our" Nebula isn't affected by the actions of the "alternate", because "our" Nebula's history is unchanged.

13th May 2019

Cobra Kai (2018)

Answer: Yes, it is the same actress, Diora Baird. The character's name is Shannon.


Question: Is the woman who asks Daniel and Mr Miyagi why they were in her cab the same woman from the first movie who tells Daniel where to find Mr Miyagi so he could fix his faucet?


Answer: Yes, it's the same woman. She is Frances Bay. In the first film she's listed as "Lady with Dog." In the third film she is listed as "Mrs. Milo." She lives in the apartment complex.


Answer: He has showed up in Cobra Kai season 3. Daniel travels to Okinawa for business and meets many old friends including Chozen who teaches him the final secret of Myaghi Do Karate.

Answer: There has never been any explanation of what happened to any of the characters who debuted in The Karate Kid Part II. The series Cobra Kai has so far focused only on Daniel, Johnny, and Kreese while introducing new characters. I wouldn't say it's unlikely Chosen would show up at some point, Yuji Okamoto (the actor who played Chosen) still acts regularly and could easily be brought to the series if the writers decided to focus on his character.


7th May 2019

The Karate Kid (1984)

Answer: One of them was "I thought they broke up" at the beginning of the film on the beach. Tommy replied "she did, he didn't." I don't recall the other line.

Answer: It didn't look like him. It appears to be a random student and not part of Johnny's group of friends seen throughout the film.

Well in that case, I heard Jimmy has two lines throughout the film and I figured they were both of the "yes sensei's." What are Jimmy's two lines then?

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