
7th Jul 2013

Equilibrium (2002)

Corrected entry: When Preston opens fire in the dark room at the resistance in the beginning of the movie, he has just two pistols. He does a continuous, non stop rate of fire with both guns very rapidly for about 17 to 18 seconds straight, never stopping to reload. Given the size of the pistols, there is no way he had that much ammo in the guns to keep shooting that rapidly for that long. (00:04:10)

Quantom X

Correction: It's not the size of the gun that determines how many bullets it can fire between reloads, it's the length of the magazine. Besides, this scene isn't meant to be a continuous display of events. The angle changes from a wide shot showing Preston illuminated by the muzzle flash, to POV shots of the people Preston is shooting. These two angles are showing the same events twice, from two different perspectives, seeming to double the amount of time Preston spends firing rounds. Compare the number of bodies in this scene to the number of guards Preston kills later when they find the puppy in his trunk and how long it takes him to kill those guards; it didn't take Preston 17 to 18 seconds to kill the people in that room.


Corrected entry: In the beginning, Ardeth calls Anubis the "dark god." However, Anubis was not an evil god, simply the one to perform the weighing of the hearts ceremony for the deceased. The fact that he deals with the dead may have created a false impression. But a much better "dark god" could have been Set, god of chaos.

Correction: Anubis was the god of the afterlife and the Egyptian underworld. That's pretty dark stuff - doesn't have to mean evil.


14th Jun 2013

The Parent Trap (1998)

Corrected entry: When Nick is showing Liz his vintage wine collection, he shows her a bottle and calls it a "Burgundy." By naming conventions in the Burgundy region of France, only low-quality pinot noir is simply called "Burgundy." A fine pinot noir from that region would be called "Grand Cru." Someone like Nick, who owns a winery, would know that.

Correction: It's vintage wine, which only means it must be old, not necessarily of superior make. A sufficiently old and rare wine would be valuable and therefore worth saving regardless of quality.


Corrected entry: It is impossible for Vanilla Ice to have come up with a song so quickly for when the Turtles and Freaks were fighting at his concert. The fight was an unexpected, unplanned event that crashed his concert, and he suddenly had a fully written song called Ninja Rap for the fight, specifically singing about the Turtles. (01:09:50)

Quantom X

Correction: It's called "freestyling" and every jazz musician and rap battle contestant ever has used this method of performing. For example, the popular song "Linus and Lucy" which is widely regarded as the theme to the animated "Peanuts" franchise was originally performed as an improvisation. The music in this rap is a generic beat to which Vanilla Ice improvises words. Any rapper worth his salt could have done what Mr. Ice does here.


30th May 2013

Charlotte's Web (1973)

Corrected entry: When the goose starts singing to the rat about the fair, she mentions candy on the ground. At that moment the rat's eyes bug out and his jaw drops as he drools. The very next shot is to the side and his eyes are then normal and his mouth closed.

Quantom X

Correction: It was a visual gag in a cartoon, the gag was over so he was shown as normal.


30th May 2013

Charlotte's Web (1973)

Corrected entry: When the rat is feasting at the fair, he eats many things. His body expands much more, proportionately, when he ate a single banana, that when eating a half of a watermelon.

Quantom X

Correction: The banana expansion was a just a visual gag; he's a cartoon rat during a musical montage in an animated film. He talks too, but that's not any more a "factual error" than this is.


Corrected entry: The entire ending of the film, in which Claudia reveals that Heather is meant to be the vessel of the cult's dark god completely contradicts the cult's intentions from the first film. In the first film, the cult was portrayed as a a fanatical pseudo-Christian cult that tried to destroy darkness and evil by burning it. Some have argued that they are two separate cults, but this is contradicted by the film itself, which states that Claudia is the sister of Christabella (leader of the cult from the first film), and the fact that Vincent, a member of Claudia's cult, refers to it as "The Order" in one scene, which was the name of the cult in the first film. Several film critics have also noted this extreme change of continuity between the films.

Correction: It's kinda like the difference between Roman Catholic priests and Evangelical travelling preachers; both claim to practice the same religion and call themselves "Christians." Claudia and Christabella did not see eye to eye and, after her sister's death, Claudia took the cult in her own direction. It's an extremely common fantasy trope to have two rival siblings. Also, film critics in general are notorious for misunderstanding (or refusing to try to understand) films which they simply didn't like.


Correction: He appears in color in the "real world" too, even though he's the product of a black and white film. Also, the characters in silent films can hear each other so we, being in the film's world at the time, can hear his scream.


Corrected entry: In the final scene, Joseph and his nanny come off the train that has arrived from London. This train then pulls away. Throughout the scene it is clear that there is a single track running through the station yet a couple of minutes later, a speeding train comes from the opposite direction. Surely the two trains would have collided further up the track and Arthur & Joseph would never have been hit? (01:22:20)

Correction: Only one track through the station does not rule out another track merging with that one some short distance down the rail.


19th Feb 2013

Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

Corrected entry: Although Vanellope has hazel eyes, when Ralph looks at her picture on the side of her game, her eyes are green. (00:28:50 - 01:11:20)

Correction: Cabinet art (and box art for home versions) often does not match what actually appears in the game. For example, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1989) for NES' box art showed an image from the comic book, with all four turtles wearing red masks, but the game itself was based on the cartoon series where each turtle had a different colored mask.


28th Feb 2013

Skyfall (2012)

Corrected entry: Q and Bond are trying to crack Silva's computer code in the new MI6 quarters - Bond does not have an earpiece. Once MI6 has been hacked, all the doors open and Bond runs off to find Silva - still no earpiece. Once Bond runs into where Silva was held, he starts talking to Q through an earpiece. (01:28:00)

Correction: He didn't have his gun in his hand either when he was in the same room with Q. Doesn't make it a mistake when he suddenly has it as he approaches Silva's cell. The earpiece was in a pocket, obviously. (And the gun was in a holster.).


19th Feb 2013

Skyfall (2012)

Corrected entry: In the fight scene in Raoul Silva's island, Bond defeats all the henchmen off Silva. During the fight Silva is holding a gun, but as soon as all his henchmen are down, helicopters arrive there. When Silva looks at Bond he doesn't have any gun in his hand. He is empty-handed. (01:20:15)


Correction: It's on the ground. He dropped it.


28th Feb 2013

The Truman Show (1998)

Corrected entry: Regarding the staircase that Truman ascends to freedom - how did it get there without Truman, or the viewers, having noticed it before? It is within walking distance of where he was just sailing. Shouldn't it have been in view before?

Correction: He sailed for a very long time to get there. No, it would not have ever been visible.


Corrected entry: Alice couldn't see future involving half-breeds, such as Renesmee and the werewolves, so she couldn't see how Volturi would be destroyed by the Cullens and their friends, or the scene where Jacob and their grown up daughter stand near the ocean.


Correction: She can't see the future for werewolves because she can't see past an unmade choice, and they operate too much by instinct rather than forethought. She can't see much of Renesmee's future because of the werewolf Jacob's involvement in it, not because of Renesmee's status as a half-breed. In both of the instances cited in this mistake, however, a clear choice had already been committed to by everyone involved, so Alice was able to see the possible future outcomes.


19th Feb 2013

Looper (2012)

Corrected entry: The machine they use to torture Joseph Gordon-Levitt's friend in order to affect his future self completely contradicts the "ever changing" probability of different futures the movie establishes later. Bruce Willis says the present affects his memories in real time and that is confirmed by Leavitt ending both of them by shooting himself in the end but that contradicts the previous time travel logic they set up. Do you think there was any probability of his friend making it to old age in the future to be sent back when his present self was having limbs and body parts removed in that sedation machine, if anything the future self should have vanished the second the other loopers grabbed him.

Correction: There's no reason he couldn't have survived. He probably would have spent most of his time in hospital or a nursing home, but that wouldn't affect his being sent back when they came looking for him.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Bardem's character is preparing to kill Harrelson's character, Harrelson makes the statement that he can get something on the order of tens of thousands of dollars out of an "ATM." Really? You can't get more than a couple hundred dollars out of an ATM.

Correction: If you or the bank which sponsors your ATM card has enacted a daily withdrawal limit you can't. Otherwise, you can withdraw as much money as your account holds or the ATM holds, whichever is less.


Corrected entry: When Bob Cratchit asks Mr. Scrooge for Christmas Day off, he explains that all businesses will be closed and he would have no one to do business with. But when Scrooge wakes up from his last spirit, he asks the little mouse to get the prize turkey out from the window. I thought all shops were closed on Christmas Day as Cratchit had previously said.


Correction: The butcher was closed. But back then, it was common for people to live and work in the same building. So the butcher could be roused and the arrangements made with little trouble. The butcher might very well demand a bit of extra pay for his trouble, but the point is that the shop being closed is hardly an obstacle.


13th Feb 2013

The Incredibles (2004)

Corrected entry: The Parrs fly back to the town using the spare rocket. This would actually be a very bad idea, since the rocket was not designed to carry humans. As shown earlier when launching the Omnidroid, the rocket actually goes through space, before detaching the glider with the Omnidroid. Now if they plot the same course with the spare rocket, the Parrs would've died in space, since neither the rocket nor the van would protect them from the cold and the vacuum. Now one could argue that Violet used a force field to protect them, but as the movie established earlier, she's unable to produce such a large force field. She not only has to encapsulate the van but the entire rocket to protect everyone, since Helen is clinging onto the glider. And even if we assume that she is capable of such a force field, she would have to keep it up until they successfully reentered the atmosphere. But by encapsulating the whole glider with a force field, it would lose any aerodynamics, causing the whole thing to just tumble straight down, instead of a controlled flight. No matter how you look at it, they could not survive using the rocket.

Correction: Unless it didn't go into space. Just because we see one do so once does not mean the rockets always must.


12th Feb 2013

Immortals (2011)

Corrected entry: There are several times throughout the movie when we see close-ups of Kind Hyperion's hands, and they are almost always the hands of a stunt double as they look nothing like Mickey Rourke's actual hands (which are very distinct looking). (00:21:55)

Correction: But this isn't Mickey Rourke we're talking about. It's Hyperion, whose hands are apparently less distinct than Mickey Rourke's. This is like calling it a mistake when an actor doesn't look exactly like a real person they're playing. If his hands changed between long shots and close ups that would be a mistake, but unless we see his real hands as being noticeably different from the closeups, it's not.


12th Feb 2013

Hook (1991)

Corrected entry: At about 2 hours in, right before Peter Pan flies out of the burnt clubhouse, he's wearing a white shirt and black pants. However, as he exits into the sky, he is wearing the typical green shirt and tights outfit.


Correction: Neverland is magical, so when Peter Banning finally remembered who he really was, he was transformed back into Peter Pan, clothing included. This is also why he began to revert to his childlike ways as the film moved past that point; he was returning to who he was before he left for good.

Correction: There's clearly a time-lapse here, wherein he put on his Pan clothes. But that would absolutely KILL the excitement and pacing of this sequence, so they skipped right over that and just cut to the next time he flies.


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