
Corrected entry: In the beginning when the fish squirms out of the fisherman's hands and dives into the water, the fish exhales out his mouth. Fish inhale through their mouths and exhale through their gills.


Correction: Fish don't sing and speak though either, so I'd say this fits within the nature of the characters.


10th Feb 2006

Batman Begins (2005)

Corrected entry: When Rachel and Bruce are talking about how Bruce wanted to kill the guy who killed his father, Rachel slaps his face several times. His hair goes from falling to the front of his face to back just as perfectly as it was before repeatedly without it ever becoming messed up at all.

Correction: She only slaps his face twice, not several times, and his hair moves accordingly.


The entry is correct. After she slaps Bruce for a second time, he has a lock of hair over his left eyebrow. The camera then briefly cuts to Rachel, then cuts back to Bruce, and the lock of hair is now pointed towards his ear. Then after Rachel says "Your father would be ashamed of you," the lock of hair is now over his eyebrow again.


11th Nov 2006

Friends (1994)

The One With Joey's New Brain - S7-E15

Corrected entry: If the actress who plays Jessica Lockhart on "Days of our Lives" has been playing this part for 20 years as she tells Joey in this episode, would she not know him from when he had the part as Dr. Drake Ramoray on the same show during season 2?

Correction: Not necessarily. Not if their respective characters never interacted, as is very possible.


Corrected entry: According to Emmet brown, if someone meet with his alternate ego, it will faint or create a "time paradox" that will destroy time, however Biff talks and interact with his alternate ego with no problem.

Correction: First, Doc says this as a warning to Marty; that it *may* happen, not that it *must*. Second, Biff *does* create a time paradox that destroys time. That's why there is an alternate 1985 when Doc and Marty go back. Biff has destroyed the original timeline.


Young Biff doesn't realise he's interacting with himself. He says Old Biff "Claimed to be a distant relative, but that he doesn't see any resemblance."

Corrected entry: When Yzma gives Kronk the 'poison' he holds it in both hands. After the line where he says 'oh, I can feel it' he takes both hands off, for about 2 seconds, massaging thin air or something. The bottle stays in the exact same place instead of falling on the floor.

Correction: Common cartoon gag, not a mistake.


23rd Sep 2003

Face/Off (1997)

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie when Archer goes back home, his hair is the same length it was before his surgery. Since the healing process only takes a couple of days, how did they get his hair to grow back to its old length in a matter of days?

Correction: Probably in a similar fashion to how they got his wounds to heal, scarlessly, in an equally short amount of time. It's fictional technology.


14th Aug 2004

Face/Off (1997)

Corrected entry: So, they take Cage's face and put on Travolta. Now, they made a big deal about them not having the same blood type. Sure, the face is placed on a plastic mask, but it still needs blood supply. And if the blood types don't match, that's a no-go. Also, when Cage wakes up he smokes a cigarette. And we see the reflection of his face in a pair of glasses. He seems to have both eyelids and lips there, but shouldn't they be on Travolta? And finally.. They give Travolta liposuction to look like Cage who is a lot thinner. When they're turned back in the end, did they just inject all the body fat back in Travolta? Who'd be up for a reversed liposuction after having been skinny?

Correction: This procedure is fictional. All of the procedures ar never *fully* explained. As such, none of these mistakes can be counted. They happened because that's the way it works in the world of this film. As far as the eyelids and lips: There are muscles under the skin which were not removed. These are what were seen in the reflection.


27th Aug 2001

Face/Off (1997)

Corrected entry: When the faces are taken off they go straight into some kind of liquid. However the liquid does not go red in any way. Wouldn't the blood on the skin mix with the liquid?

Correction: There is no way of knowing what this liquid is or what it's properties may be. Perhaps it is meant to keep the blood from leaving the cells. At any rate, without this knowledge, this can't be counted as a mistake.


1st Nov 2006

Zoolander (2001)

Corrected entry: In the end of the movie when Owen Wilson is in the DJ's place, he throws the computer down to get the files out. The only problem is that he just throws the computer screen down. The computer screen doesn't store any files.

Correction: He throws down an original iMac - the monitor casing also housed all the other computer innards, hence destroying everything.


31st Oct 2006

Friends (1994)

The One With All The Rugby - S4-E15

Corrected entry: When Chandler is at the airport with Janice there is a last call announcement for his flight to Yemen, and Yemen being mentioned as the destination in the announcement. However there is no such city as Yemen (the capital of Yemen is San'a) and the destination of a flight should be the destination city, not the country.

Correction: Yemen is a small country. If there is only one destination within Yemen, then it would make sense to use the country's name.


28th Oct 2006

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Show generally

Corrected entry: Throughout the series, incoming wormholes are indicated by the chevrons lighting up one by one - but the incoming gate could not "know" a connection was coming until the connection had already been made and the wormhole formed.

Correction: You have to dial up the destination stargate. It has to be aware that a wormhole is about to open, or the connection could never be established. Just like your telephone rings before you pick it up and begin speaking, the chevrons light up to open the wormhole.


Corrected entry: You have to really listen carefully but when the Doc says "Griff's gonna ask you about tonight" he says "Biff" by accident. (00:08:45)

Correction: Character mistake. The names are so similar, and Doc is more accustomed to saying "Biff".


I just watched the scene and if sounds like he says Griff to me.

Corrected entry: When Sally is stitching herself up after her escape through the window, she pulls the needle from behind her ear, and then goes to her pocket for the thread. She couldn't have threaded the needle that fast, and she threads it incorrectly. When you thread a needle, the thread is doubled over and tied. The thread Sally uses is a single thread.

Correction: Since Sally is a rag doll, it stands to reason that she has far, far more experience threading needles than anyone else. Therefore, no one can say that she couldn't have threaded it that fast or have sewn herself up without doubling the thread over and tying it.


Show generally

Corrected entry: How does Angel maintain an apartment in the first two seasons, complete with furnishings and a few antiquities? He has no job of which we are aware, so no source of income. He was living on the streets when he came to Los Angeles, so he would have had very few possessions (certainly no relics from his global travels). And with a soul, he wouldn't have hurt or killed anyone to acquire money, possessions, or the apartment.

Correction: There are many possible explanations which render this mistake invalid. For an example: The owner of the building may be aware of the types of baddies Buffy fights. Perhaps Angel offered the landlord protection against such foes in exchange for a place to live. As for his possessions, I've no doubt he had them stashed somewhere, perhaps in various crypts here and there.


Corrected entry: Count Olaf tries to kill the three children with a train, however, he needs at least one Baudelaire alive to get their fortune. Only blood relatives and spouses could get the fortune in the event that the Baudelaire's die.

Correction: That's how Count Olaf got custody of the children in the first place: he's a blood relative. Their "closest living" relative (geographically).


31st Dec 2005

Saw (2004)

Corrected entry: Several times after Dr. Gordon saws his own foot off we see his full body. There is blood around him but never any actually coming from where his foot used to be. In other words, he's not bleeding.

Correction: An unusual, but not unheard of, side affect of severe shock.


Correction: He had applied a tourniquet prior to the amputation, and also, the body would naturally restrict the blood vessels and begin the clotting process in response to an amputation. Not sure if it's enough to stem all blood flow, but at the very least, it would slow it down.

Corrected entry: When Kiara falls into the water at the start of the movie, Pumbaa jumps on top of her without knowing it. Then Pumbaa gets partly wet, but when Pumbaa and Kiara get out of the water, only Kiara is dripping, Pumbaa seems perfectly dry.

Correction: "Seems" being the operative word. Warthog fur is such that it doesn't get soggy like a lion's fur would.


Corrected entry: When Zira gives Kovu a nasty scar, she swipes at him horizontally. However, Kovu's scar turns out vertically.

Correction: The pads on Zira's paw made contact with Kovu's snout before anything else hit. This impact turned Kovu's head so that Zira's claws ran the length of his face (instead of the width) when they made contact. Kovu turns his head back to an upright position, and now he's got a vertical cut.


That is not true.

Corrected entry: Igor arrives at the Brain Depositary, but it is not spelled correctly, it should be Depository. In the bonus features on the DVD a copy of the script is shown that has the same mistake.

Correction: Also, a Depositary is a "trust", making this a Brain Trust. I think this is humor.

Correction: lists both "depositary" and "depository" each as correctly spelled, completely interchangeable words.


Corrected entry: In one of the dogfight scenes, there is a shot of Sky Captain pushing the stick forward, (which would result in the plane's nose lowering) with the following shot showing the plane rolling inverted and diving (that would be accomplished by pushing the stick to one side, followed by pulling it back.).

Correction: It only takes a split second to move the stick. Sky Captain could easily have moved it to the side as well as he begun his dive.


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