
Corrected entry: Sam goes through all the trouble to find the matrix to get Prime back to life, when all he could have done was put the ALL Spark piece into him. It worked for Megatron.


Correction: Megatron's Spark was fused with the Cube, merely "overloading" him to death. The mechanics of his person were still completely intact. Optimus Prime was physically destroyed. His body would not function. Applying the Cube shard to him would be like using a defibrillator on a corpse with a severed head.


13th Jun 2009

Pet Sematary (1989)

Corrected entry: Gage is hit by a large truck moving fast enough to make his shoe fly off, yet when he rises from the dead after his father buries him in the pet cemetery, he doesn't have a mark on him.


Correction: First of all, it doesn't take much at all to get a toddler's shoe off. Keeping them on, there's the trick. Second, damage done could have been fixed by the mortician postmortem.


14th Jun 2009

Transporter 3 (2008)

Corrected entry: The gas station Franks drives to while in Romania (before the guys in the Mercedes appear) looks like a very old Russian gas station from the 60s. There are no more gas stations like this in operation in Central Europe.

Correction: Apparently there's one at least, since they were able to film that scene. Unless you're suggesting they built and stocked an entire, outdated gas station when they could have simply used any gas station already on the road.


Correction: Moldova isn't Central Europe. And it was filmed in 2007, so definitely a functional gas station at that time in a country that poor.

Corrected entry: When Evan is in the prison, he goes back to when Tommy burns his dog. He wakes up a few minutes before the incident and finds something for Lenny to cut open the sack with, however Evan had not blacked out at this point at the beginning of the movie; he had only blacked out later after he lunged for Tommy. (01:16:50 - 01:18:45)

Correction: The whole point of this movie is that Evan can change the past. He typically goes back to times that he remembers having blacked out only because he figured out that's why he blacked out and he wants to see what happened during his memory lapse. This does not mean he is limited to only returning to his past during those periods.


6th Jun 2009

Wanted (2008)

Corrected entry: After cursing out his boss, Wesley leaves the building and sees several newspaper boxes with him and Fox in the store shootout as the cover story. They are wanted and it shows artist sketches and a still shot from a security camera (like help is needed from the public to identify them). Since he just had his prescription filled and does so often, the pharmacist would have his full name.

Correction: Yes, he would. But the pharmacist would have to recognize the wanted man as Wesley and then choose to turn him in. Otherwise the police would have no way of knowing that Wesley uses that particular pharmacy, or which of all the patients the pharmacist serves is the man they are looking for.


Corrected entry: The amount of sand seen covering various Las Vegas buildings would have taken hundreds if not thousands of years to accumulate to reach the depths portrayed in the scene - far more time than what the storyline has occurred in.


Correction: Not really. A few good storms, and all the wind they bring with them, would do the job just fine.


No it wouldn't. That amount of sand would take more than a couple of years.

30th May 2009

Twilight (2008)

Corrected entry: When Bella is in the hospital after the vampire attack, it shows her face and one minute the nose thing is on top of her eyebrow, then it shows another view and it's in the spot it should be in. Then it changes again and it's back on her eyebrow. It keeps going back and forth.

Correction: The nasal cannula mistake has already been noted and submitted. Several times.


Corrected entry: When Dakota is fighting off the killer, she is tied up after she is knocked unconscious. There is no way a man with one arm can tie up a girl in triple knots.


Correction: There is absolutely no reason a one armed individual would be unable to tie any knot you care to list. They'd simply need to go about it a different way than someone with two arms.


Corrected entry: Upham halts a fleeing Steamboat Willie and five other Germans. Just before Willie says "Upham" (Willie's last word before getting shot), note that the German second from the left is smiling. Hardly a situation where you might expect any of them to be amused. (01:09:40)


Correction: He's not amused. He's delirious with fear. Facing your death can do that.


1st Apr 2009

Seven Pounds (2008)

Corrected entry: The first time "Ben" and Emily are in her kitchen, Emily takes a casserole out of her freezer that is covered in plastic wrap and places it into the oven. You cannot heat plastic wrap in the oven.

Brenda Elzin

Correction: It was covered in aluminum foil, not plastic wrap.


4th May 2009

X-Men 2 (2003)

Corrected entry: When Wolverine is told by the police to drop the knives, he eventually retracts his claws and the skin heals instantly, but he's still got wounds on his arms from several minutes past.

Correction: The wounds on his arms were more severe when he received them, so they're taking longer to heal.


27th Apr 2009

Twilight (2008)

Corrected entry: During the scene where Bella asks Edward if there are "other vampires out there," Edward responds with a "yeah" without his mouth moving at all. (01:00:40)

Correction: You can say "Yeah" without any visible motion.


27th Apr 2009

Twilight (2008)

Corrected entry: In the prom scenes, when Bella and Edward are walking into the prom, there are numerous shots of people dancing. In one particular shot, Victoria can be seen standing in front of a big game wheel which is part of the Monte Carlo theme. Wouldn't Edward somehow have sensed that she was near?

Correction: No. Edward can hear thoughts, not "sense" the presence of individuals. There's a room full of people whose thoughts and voices are drowning out Victoria's thoughts.


Corrected entry: The FBI wants the Punisher off the streets because he kills criminals. However the FBI has no problem letting Jigsaw and his gang run around freely even though they murder innocent people. It's not because the FBI are corrupt because they placed a mole in Jigsaw's unit and had been running surveillance on him for the first portion of the movie, not to mention the fact that they arrested him for trying to murder the Donatellis. It also has nothing to do with the sting they set up to stop the distribution of the biological weapon, because the FBI simply let Jigsaw go after the sting was finished. They wouldn't need to rely on the Punisher killing Jigsaw either, since they already had him in custody and could amass many criminal charges against him that would eventually send him to prison. The only logical explanation for this is that the filmmakers needed to further the story and could not come up with a reasonable way to put Jigsaw back on the streets, hence this is a legitimate plot hole.

S. Ha

Correction: The FBI let Jigsaw go because he legally bargained with them for immunity in exchange for the information the FBI needed to set up the sting. As the previous correction for this mistake stated, the FBI are very concerned with Jigsaw's actions, but their hands have been tied. They have to look after the good of the entire country, not just a single city.


27th Apr 2009

Twilight (2008)

Corrected entry: In the baseball scene, when Jasper hits the ball and runs, you see Carlisle run to third base. But when Rosalie hits the second time, Carlisle runs again to third base.

Correction: Already submitted and corrected. This is a common occurrence in baseball. It's called "stealing third" and Carlisle failed.


24th Apr 2009

The Waterboy (1998)

Corrected entry: When Bobby tells Mama he needs to read these books to play football, she automatically finds out the books are for a big exam. How did she know it was a big exam?


Correction: Because she's not stupid. The kind of books, and the fact that he needs to read them to continue playing football clue her in.


24th Apr 2009

Shooter (2007)

Corrected entry: The sniper continually switches shooting hands. During several scenes, Walberg shoots with his right hand (both helicopters, Barrett on Dinty Moore can, agents at boat launch). In other sniper shots, he shoots with his left hand (pistol [most], three guys on mountain-top, as well as dude with shotgun to girl's neck). He also does it with the knife (first guy into kidneys - right hand; second guy in neck from culvert -left hand).


Correction: Since the scenes take place at completely different times, there's no mistake here. It's probably intentional to show the level of the character's skill. Ambidextrous accuracy takes quite a lot of talent and/or practice.


Corrected entry: Early in the movie Moss asks his wife "When would you stop looking for your $2 million?" implying that he knows there are 2 million dollars in the case. That implies he must have counted the money. But if he counted the money surely he would have found the transponder. How could he miss all those $1 bills (that the transponder was encased in) when they should have been $100 bills?


Correction: Because the bands that hold the bills together have the numerical value "$10,000" printed on them. Moss counted the number of stacks and added four zeros to that number. There must have been 200 stacks in the case.


Corrected entry: When Llewelyn is being chased by the Mexicans in the truck he is carrying his large pistol in a "Mexican carry" - meaning he just has it tucked in the waistband of his pants - at the small of his back. We can see the gun when he takes off his coat to dive into the river. Anyone who has ever tried to carry a heavy pistol in this manner knows it is very insecure. It is not believable to think that Llewelyn could tuck that large pistol in his waistband, run a few hundred yards, dive in a river and swim 50 yards without the gun falling out.


Correction: Depends entirely on how tight your belt is.


Corrected entry: When Chigurh shoots the Mexican in the shower at close range with his shotgun if should have produced a much bigger mess than was depicted in the film.


Correction: Not necessarily. Depends on several factors like what kind of shot he's using, etc.


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