
Corrected entry: When Bowman leaves Discovery to retrieve the AE-35 Unit, he asks HAL to prepare the "B Pod" and HAL powers up and rotates the middle of three pods. Later, when Bowman asks Poole to help him with a problematic transmitter in "C-pod", they go to the pod bay and enter the middle pod which must still be B-pod as no two pods have left the ship and returned to shuffle their positions. (01:12:30 - 01:22:40)


Correction: This could be a character mistake. And it makes sense in the context of the film. It's the exact kind of thing that would make HAL paranoid if Dave and Frank entered a different pod that they mentioned earlier. It's kind of a counterpart to HAL incorrectly identifying the sequence of moves to checkmate in the Chess game he was playing with Frank.


Corrected entry: When Bowman is getting ready to leave Discovery to retrieve the allegedly-faulty AE-35 Unit, he instructs HAL to "open the pod doors (plural), HAL" when he should be well aware it has only one door. He is not asking HAL to open the pod bay doors. (01:12:40)


Correction: Each pod has two doors - an inner and an outer door.

Corrected entry: Worst rubber 'dead dog' ever. Shot in mid air, it's stiff as a board as soon as it hits the ground. (00:20:10)


Correction: If you watch closely the dog moves its hind leg ever so slightly, so it had to be a real dog on the ground at some point.

5th May 2008

Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)

Corrected entry: The building used for the South African Consulate is actually a bank. When Roger and Leo are thrown out, the glass front doors are marked with winged logos and consulate lettering that is dark in color, but one door has additional white lettering that says "Open to Serve You, Monday - Thursday 9am-4pm, Friday 9am - 6pm"- rather out of character for a consulate. (01:06:30)


Correction: While a consulate would undoubtedly be staffed 24 hours for consular emergencies, it's not uncommon for one to maintain regular office hours for normal business such as visa applications.

Correction: Yep, here're the hours from the LA South African Consulate as of 2021. Their hours are 9-2 Mondays and Tuesdays due to pandemic restrictions, but gives numbers for proper channels for Emergencies. Pre-pandemic they probably had Mon-Fri hours.

9th Sep 2008

Sons of Anarchy (2008)

Pilot - S1-E1

Corrected entry: A BMW is towed to the shop with a buck (male deer) implanted through the windshield - the back half protrudes from the hole in the glass. An employee uses a chainsaw to remove the carcass in pieces. Later, the head of the buck is pulled from a box, and is seen to still have its sizable antlers. These antlers would not have remained attached as the head passed through the windshield - they would have snapped off. And even if they had not broken off, the windshield's damage would have been significantly different to account for the antlers passing through it.


Correction: I would hardly call the buck's antlers "sizable" (having only 4-points and being narrow). They certainly wouldn't have broken off, and you can see the buck's body is wider than the antlers, so the hole size and damage in the windshield is based on the body, not the antlers.


20th Jan 2006

The Driver (1978)

Corrected entry: After the gray Firebird flips over in the final crash, we see from a rear shot that no large pieces of the car are left in the pit between the ramp and the car. But after the bad guys climb out and look around, we see the car's crumpled hood is in the middle of what should be empty space in the pit. (01:21:15)


Correction: The crumpled remains of the hood and fender landed near the far end of the pit on the opposite side of where the car rested, not "in the middle". Thus, the pieces were out of frame during the establishing shots of the wreck, but after the two boys crawled out of the Firebird the camera had pulled back to show all of the pit, including what we couldn't see before.

Corrected entry: When Jonas' SUV blows up, it lands upside down revealing a large black plate used to conceal that the SUV was actually a lightened, hollow shell, not a complete, drivable vehicle. (01:19:30)


Correction: The large black plate visible under the SUV is a defense used by military (and some police) vehicles to protect against land mines or other explosives beneath the vehicle. Its presence in the shot does not indicate that the SUV was a hollow shell.

23rd Apr 2008

The Seven-Ups (1973)

Corrected entry: When a bad guy fires a sawed-off, double-barrel shotgun at the silver coupe, the car's hood flies off. The hood is attached by two strong hinges at the rear corners as well as a double-latched release assembly at the front/center. Even if the two shells could be aimed independently (and they can't), no way could all three attaching points be disabled at the same time. (01:02:00)


Correction: The bad guy fires two shots, and the hood is gone by the second shot. The first takes out the hood latch; Add the force of the buckshot to the passing wind at highway speed and the hood would easily be ripped from its hinges as it is in the scene. The second shot appears to be a miss.

12th May 2007

Deja Vu (2006)

Corrected entry: The bad guy soaks the woman with fuel. The bad guy then shoots Denzel, and runs outside. He then fires at a propane tank that causes the entire building to explode. The fireball is enormous, and flaming debris is everywhere, including being inches from the woman. But she never ignites. (01:31:00 - 01:33:05)


Correction: He soaks her with diesel fuel. It is very difficult to ignite diesel unless it is very hot or atomized into a spray. You could throw a box of lit matches into a can of diesel and they would likely all go out without igniting the fuel.

With temperatures of 3,850°, I'm sure that'd be plenty hot enough. 10 ft from the explosion, you're probably talking 1,800°, plenty sufficient to ignite the diesel. Not to mention that concussive force from all those tanks exploding probably would have killed Denzel and the woman.

The Omega Directive - S4-E21

Corrected entry: When Janeway visits Seven as she works to destroy the Omega molecules in the chamber, Seven reports that 11% have been neutralized. They then have a 1 minute, 10 second discussion, and when it's over, Seven states that 18% of the molecules have now been neutralized. Janeway comments, while checking the computer screen, that at the current rate, "this could take hours". Actually, at the current rate, it will take less than 15 minutes. (00:38:20 - 00:39:30)


Correction: It's possible that the progress is not linear. As fewer molecules remain, it may become harder and slower to neutralize them. There are many situations where that happens in Real Life. For example, killing bacteria or filtering out impurities, where it's quick and easy to remove many, but very hard to remove them all.


Corrected entry: Early in this chapter of the film, we see Discovery has three EVA Pods (from HAL's view, left to right they are C-pod, B-pod and A-pod). When Poole is killed, we see he was using the center pod. Bowman then goes after Poole with A-pod. This leaves behind the C-pod. Bowman gets back aboard Discovery by blowing explosive bolts to release his pod's door. After Bowman deactivates HAL, we can presume he recovers the now-damaged A-pod he ejected from. It can only be placed in either the right or center pod locations, and as we learn in 2010, it is found sitting in its original right-side location. So to leave Discovery for the last time, Bowman must use the C-pod which is on the left, yet is shown emerging from the center doorway B-pod originally launched from. (01:32:50 - 01:59:45)


Correction: Bowman must have made an EVA during the time he was alone on board, and opened the middle door on returning to the podbay. Mistakes are definite mistakes, not ones for which there is a reasonable explanation.


I believe that the last pod departure in the movie from the "wrong door", the center one, was not a mistake but one of Kubrick's subtle visual clues. My interpretation is that it meant the whole end of the movie was Bowman's dream before dying when he was stranded at Jupiter.

4th May 2008

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Corrected entry: Murtaugh and Riggs believe Joshua is going to Murtaugh's home to kill his family. So they have two uniform officers in a patrol car out front of the house, seemingly guarding Murtaugh's family. Magically, tho, Murtaugh and Riggs have beat Joshua there, and are hiding nearby while the family has been removed. The uniform cops are apparently never told who is coming, what he's capable of, looks like, or is driving, as they are very accommodating when Joshua arrives, and are quickly executed. Considering the events prior, this situation is ludicrously inept. Murtaugh and Riggs wouldn't just sacrifice two officers like that. (01:37:15)


Correction: Murtaugh and Riggs did not beat Joshua there. Joshua entering Murtaugh's house and finding that it was empty indicated that before Riggs and Murtaugh set out on their mission to get Murtaugh's daughter back, they hid his family away as well. They didn't want to show them moving the family because when you think Joshua's about to get the family it increases dramatic effect, but, as I said earlier, they were really already gone. Murtaugh and his family had already been targeted by the drug dealers, so the pair of cops were stationed outside of Murtaugh's house in case the drug dealers came back to it. That all DOES happen: the drug dealer (singular now) came back to the house looking for the family, but they were already gone. Riggs and Murtaugh return not out of desperation to save Murtaugh's family (since they're already safe) but to not let Joshua get away. Riggs and Murtaugh arrive only to find the cops guarding the house very visibly dead, so they set a quick distraction for Joshua and placed him under arrest. Riggs and Murtaugh did NOT sacrifice anyone, and they did NOT arrive before Joshua.

Correction: I don't buy this for a second. There was too little time for them to enter the house, leave the message for Joshua, and lie in wait outside. Not to mention, the cops shouldn't have been so incompetent by making small talk with someone who they should know might be one of the bad guys.


2nd Jan 2006

Crimson Tide (1995)

Corrected entry: After the first torpedo attack, it is explained to the XO that the last EAM was cut off when the radio buoy's cable was severed in the attack. An outside shot shows the rear of the sub traveling forward away from camera, with the frayed cable trailing from the top of the sub's hull at a slightly upward angle, and running beyond the rudder. In fact, what should really happen in the shot, is the cable will follow the surface of the hull because the flow of water around the sub would force it to. That would put the cable right into the propeller and cause all sorts of mayhem. This mistake could have been easily avoided by simply having had the cable cut shorter in the attack. (00:55:05)


Correction: The cables for the towed arrays, including buoys on a Ohio-class submarine, are buoyant, and will not tangle with the prop, it is designed for this purpose.

Corrected entry: Real Japanese Zeros were, of course, not available for the film, so American T-6 Texans were painted in Japanese markings instead. (00:40:40)


Correction: The aircraft are actually made from T-6 Texans as reproductions, not T-6s painted in Japanese Markings. The planes were made for the film Tora Tora Tora. The reproduction Zeros are very good copies. One of the replica Zeros is now a member owned aircraft with the High Sky Wing of the Commemorative Air Force.

13th May 2007

Grindhouse (2007)

Corrected entry: In 'Death Proof', a white 1970 Dodge Challenger is featured prominently in both the dialogue and as the vehicle driven by the three heroines. This is a homage to the 1971 film, 'Vanishing Point'. But a major plot point of the story hinges on a feature the car never had. Zoe Bell's character will lay on the hood of the car, held there by belts attached to the frames of the door windows, but no 1970-74 Dodge Challenger ever had such frames. The car is a two-door hardtop coupe, and it's windows are frame-less (and there is no reason anyone would want to custom add them). This error is magnified by the fact that they used chrome frames where black ones would have been far less 'hacked' looking. The entire error could have been avoided by simply installing a full roll cage in the car, using the bars at the A-pillars to attach the belts to.


Correction: Yes, the error could have been avoided with a roll cage, but it's just as unlikely a guy would install a roll cage in a car not built for racing, as installing window frames.


Vick's Chip (1) - S1-E8

Corrected entry: As the scene begins, we are looking through Cameron's eyes as she holds up a photo of a night cityscape framed by plants. She lowers the photo to reveal she is standing in the exact spot that the picture was taken. In both the photo and her view, the plants that frame the distant city are very well lit. But the shot changes to show Cameron turning to face camera and we see the plants are now in near-total darkness beyond her. (00:16:10)


Correction: A possible reason for the lighting change could be different times of day from picture to actual time Cameron visits the site.

23rd Apr 2008

The Car (1977)

Corrected entry: When 'The Car' charges at two oncoming police cars, it leaps up and barrel-rolls sideways over the top of the squad cars. One of the front wheels falls off, but when the Car lands and drives off, all four wheels are fine. (00:56:30)


Correction: The car also has no dents or scratches from doing that. It's a supernatural car, with no driver, no effect from being shot at with revolvers or shotguns, or broken glass when it should have shattered many times over. It's not too much of a stretch, if we accept all that, to have the car replace its' wheel in midair.


8th May 2008

52 Pick Up (1986)

Corrected entry: The "last ten seconds" of Raimy's life actually last 43 seconds, for dramatic effect, of course. (01:45:10)


Correction: Time compression or extension is constantly used in movies to heighten tension, or leave out the boring bits. It's so common a technique, it can't be considered a mistake.


2nd Dec 2009

2010 (1984)

Corrected entry: In "2001", when Bowman leaves the Discovery's cockpit, he descends a ladder that leads to the pod control room (on the ship's starboard side, next to the centered pod bay). But when the ethereal Bowman leaves the cockpit with Floyd following, tho Bowman heads toward starboard, they enter the pod bay through the port-side corridor. This seems to ignore Bowman's knowledge of the Discovery's layout. With time being critical, had Bowman wanted to 'teleport' himself and Floyd to the pod bay, he'd have done so directly - no walking at all. Intentionally taking a meandering route to the pod bay seems to go against Bowman's reason for being here. (01:23:15)


Correction: This is pure speculation on your part. We have no way of knowing why Bowman is doing the things he does.

2nd Dec 2009

2010 (1984)

Corrected entry: Dr. Chandra informs Dr. Floyd that HAL was "given full knowledge of the mission's true objective" and "was told to lie" to Bowman and Poole. Floyd protests, stating, "I didn't instruct anyone to tell HAL about the Monolith!", and when shown that the NSC gave the order, Floyd claims "I didn't know!" repeatedly, shocked. As Dr. Chandra never challenges Floyd on his defensiveness, he must believe Floyd, yet his investigation into HAL's orders surely would have come across the video message seen by Bowman after disabling HAL in "2001" wherein Floyd himself (played by another actor) states that HAL is the only one aboard that has been told the true purpose of the mission. Floyd must be lying and Chandra must know it, and with his deep affinity for HAL and desire to prove HAL innocent, he wouldn't let this lie go unchallenged. (01:14:10)


Correction: What Chandra knew about the orders is highly debatable. As to why he would choose not to confront Floyd, that is a character choice and there are many plausible explanations.

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