Plot hole: Otto Octavius in this movie instantly recognizes the Green Goblin as Norman Osborn, a fact that was never public at least as long as Ock lived. On the other hand, he does not react to Lizard being revealed as Curt Connors, who was a colleague of his in 'his' universe but never a freaky mutated dinosaur like in the 'other' universe.
23rd Dec 2021
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
31st Dec 2021
Home Alone (1990)
Question: How come Kevin never told his parents or his family about the Wet Bandits? He also never told them in the sequel either.
Answer: If your kid came to you and said he single handedly captured to two robbers, you'd believe him.
Answer: He never tells them onscreen, nor does the movie give any indication that they know, but realistically, Kevin was a witness to their crimes, and he would be called in to give statements and testimonies in order to put them away. So his parents would have to know about his encounters with them, otherwise it would be a major plot hole. Perhaps the film-makers thought it would be funnier and more in line with his character for Kevin to be secretive about it.
Not necessarily. The police caught them red-handed and one of the cops said their habit of flooding houses was proof as to which houses they hit. It's possible no-one knew Kevin's connection.
Answer: Adding to a previous answer, the cops arrested them at the site of a previous break-in. Even though Marley rescued Kevin, it's possible he didn't tell anyone about them either, so them breaking into the McCallister's house didn't matter. Not to mention, Marv blabbing about them having the calling card to the police didn't help their case either.
Answer: Why would he need to? The idea is that he outsmarted them alone, and his parents were none the wiser.
18th Dec 2021
Arachnophobia (1990)
Question: Which spider attacked the doctor in the barn, killing him? Was it the general, the queen, or just one of the offspring?
Answer: I think he's referring to the Brazilian doctor they brought in to help. If that's the case, it was the main spider that hitched a ride with the body.
Answer: One of the offspring. There was a brief shot of the little one crawling into the doctor's slipper.
Wrong doctor.
The question is actually referring to the entomologist played by Julian Sands, not the town medical doctor that Jeff Daniels moves in to replace.
19th Feb 2009
The Wrestler (2008)
Corrected entry: In the barbed-wire/staple-gun match, the hillbilly character ends up with a $5 bill stapled to his forehead over his left eyebrow. But when we see him in flashback stapling it, it's much closer to the center of his forehead.
Correction: The stapling was real. The wrestler's name is Necro Butcher and he only did it one time.
The mistake is valid. When he is shown stapling the bill into his forehead, the staple is around his glabella, near the inside corner of his left eyebrow, but when the doctor is removing the staple, it is higher up on his forehead and closer to the outside corner of the eyebrow. He may have only performed it once on camera, but that doesn't mean he didn't do it again for the sake of continuing to film the scene at different times.
27th Sep 2020
Ghostbusters (1984)
Corrected entry: Why did the Gatekeeper and Keymaster (the dogs) have to possess Dana and Louis? From everything we see, the dog statues are at the top of the building, and the demon dogs break through. Then they go and destroy half the building to find people to possess. They wait a while, Louis gets taken to the Ghostbusters, and Dana stays in her apartment. Then even later they go back to the top of the building, and stand exactly where they were standing after changing from the statues where the lightning changes them back into the demon dogs. What was the point of them leaving, possessing people, then coming back?
Correction: This is a question, not a mistake. Just because the whole scenario seems pointless to you, it doesn't make it a plot hole.
I agree; it's a legitimate question though, so instead of sticking it in the correction section I'd say to move it in the appropriate section.
It actually is addressed in the new movie why it happens, so I thought about adding the reason in, but have held off on it in case I get some of the details or wording wrong.
24th Oct 2021
No Time to Die (2021)
Plot hole: At the end of Spectre, Blofeld loses his eye in the crash. In No Time To Die, he is being held in Belmarsh Prison, which is a high-security facility and houses many terrorists like him. However, despite the stringent security measures, he somehow has access to a bionic eye, which was provided to him during his imprisonment. This would have been thoroughly checked multiple times to ensure its safety before being granted to him.
Suggested correction: Blofeld loses the eye in an explosion earlier in Spectre, before he went to London. He likely already had the eye with him when he was captured after the crash.
In the UK there are several TV shows about police and prison corruption. It isn't much of a stretch to imagine that one of the guards was bribed and smuggled the eye in for him. Blofeld is a criminal mastermind - he would have many resources at his disposal despite capture.
11th Nov 2021
Untamed Heart (1993)
Factual error: The game was supposed to be taking place at the Minnesota North Stars' arena. But the Red Wings were wearing home uniforms, which they only wore at the Joe Louis Arena.
Suggested correction: The uniforms are correct. In the NHL, the home team traditionally wears dark uniforms and the visiting team traditionally wears white uniforms. Here, the Red Wings are wearing white uniforms, indicating that they are the visiting team.
From 1970-2003, NHL home teams wore their white jerseys, so the uniforms would be wrong. It wasn't until the 2003-2004 season did home teams start wearing their dark uniforms. The scene was shot at the Met Center, but it doesn't seem to be a real home game since during the 1992-1993 season, the North Stars were never ahead of the Red Wings 4-2 at home (but they did win 4-2 in Dec '92 in Detroit). North Stars did have a 4-2 lead at home in game 3 of the 1992 Playoffs, but were in white.
The film's Met Center scene was shot during an actual game in Minnesota in April 1992, which was the 1991-92 season. The North Stars did indeed wear their "road" black jerseys for select home games that 25th Anniversary season. I know this as I was employed by the team at that time.
18th Nov 2006
Saw III (2006)
Question: Originally, the character Detective Mathews was written to be in the movie. Then the actor (Donnie Wahlberg) supposedly left due to creative differences. But nevertheless, he is in Saw III. Does anyone know the details of the matter?
Answer: It could also be due to the death of Gregg Hoffman, one of the producers of Saw and Saw II, who unexpectedly died during the making of Saw III.
Why would the death of a producer make the people involved in the film deliberately mislead fans about Donnie Wahlberg leaving the project?
It literally says on the Saw III Wikipedia that Wahlberg didn't want to return for Saw III, but because of Hoffman, he decided to return for his honour.
14th Oct 2021
Friends (1994)
The One Where Ross Dates a Student - S6-E18
Other mistake: Ross' semester supposedly just ended, and he's handing in his grades. But the episode just before this one was about Valentine's Day, and the one immediately after this one is about spring break, so this episode is happening sometime between mid - February and March/April. It doesn't matter when the show was aired or produced; Valentine's day is still in February. There's no semester that ends at that time of the year, and NYU wasn't on the quarter system then.
Suggested correction: This episode (production code 225567) was produced before episode 17, "The One With Unagi", (production code 225568) and just aired out of order. So this episode happens before Valentine's Day.
11th Oct 2021
Venom (2018)
Question: In Spider-Man 3 Venom made Peter more aggressive. Why doesn't Venom make Eddie more aggressive this time around?
Answer: If you saw the mid credit scene at the end of Venom 2, that crossover has happened and Venom seems to have an appetite for Spider-man.
The Venom and MCU Spider-Man crossover is official, but it remains to be seen if the Tobey Maguire version of Spider-Man crosses over with one or both.
Answer: The two films don't take place in the same universe, and although a crossover with Spider-Man: No Way Home seems likely, they are not bound by each other's rules.
4th May 2003
Final Destination (2000)
Corrected entry: In the scene at the beginning when some of the students have left the plane after Alex has had his bad dream, the plane starts to leave without them. Alex and his fellow classmates exchange a few words, have a fight and they see the plane fly off without them and then it explodes. Thing is, is that there is no way in the short space of time that they were fighting and talking that the plane could leave the boarding gate, taxi to the runway, wait for another take off slot, take off, fly for about a minute or two then explode.
Correction: We see that some time has passed as Tod has gone to fetch ice from the bar.
The mistake is valid. At the 18:00 mark, you can see Carter watching the plane as it slowly backs away from the gate. Twenty seconds later when he turns to approach Alex, you can see the reflection of the plane in the window and it is still backing away from the gate. Then Billy sees the plane in the air 30 seconds later, and it explodes 10 seconds later. You can tell everything is happening in real time because of the flow of the conversation. Planes don't go from the gate to the air that fast.
25th Oct 2017
Dexter (2006)
The Getaway - S4-E12
Corrected entry: If we assume that Dexter took off the oil cap while it was still in the shop for Arthur, it still doesn't explain how Dexter got the jump on him when his car (hours later) broke down. Arthur's not shown to stop, but to merely drive for hours on end until night. Arthur's on a barren strip of road with no other cars or traffic to be seen for miles. It cuts from Arthur looking in his engine to Dexter suddenly walking out from behind the Mustang. The only explanation is that Dexter waited in the car with Arthur, which doesn't make very much sense. All this takes place in the last 15 minutes of the finale.
Correction: Dexter was hiding in the trunk of the car. If you look very closely when Arthur is saying "Where's my f***ing oil cap?", you can see Dexter's leg appear to the left (viewer's right) of the rear passenger side tire, in the open space under the car's body.
The trunk thing makes sense, but they could have made it more clear. I too was wondering how the heck he just appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
30th Aug 2010
Dexter (2006)
Corrected entry: In the season finale of Season 4, when Arthur Mitchell threatens to steal his son's fillings from his teeth, his wife screams at him by his real-life name, "Jonathan" instead of "Arthur". (00:20:45)
Correction: There is no mistake. The woman cries out "Jonah" to her son, that's is name. In any case, Mr. Lithgow's first name is John, not Jonathan. TRIVIA: His middle name is actually Arthur.
Nope, she screams out "Jonathan, please!" while looking directly at Arthur. The fact that Lithgow's first name isn't actually Jonathan is irrelevant to the fact that she called him by the wrong name.
The correction is correct. When Arthur moves towards Sally, Jonah gets up to confront his dad. Sally says "Arthur!" then hold Jonah back and says "Don't, Jonah, no!"
I'm watching the episode right now, and going over this scene again. Jonah says to Arthur "What the hell is going on? What did you do?" Then as Arthur angrily approaches Jonah, Sally - while looking in Arthur's direction - screams out "Jonathan, please, no!" Then Arthur tells Jonah he's lucky he doesn't pull the fillings out of his teeth, just as the mistake describes. The entry is valid.
Then you're watching a different version than everyone else. I too just watched it and the correction is correct. She says "Jonah, no." But she is looking at Arthur because that's where the threat is.
If a mistake occurs in a certain version of a TV show or movie, then I would argue that it's still valid as long as there is a caveat pointing it out. I watched the episode on Amazon Prime and reviewed the scene around 10 times, and Sally saying "Jonathan" is unmistakable. The first syllable of "Jonah" is pronounced differently than the first syllable of "Jonathan," and "Jonathan" has an additional syllable. I even double-checked the scene on YouTube, and she can be heard saying "Jonathan" in the video titled "Dexter 4x12 Trinity Confronts His Son," around the 0:43 mark.
17th Apr 2005
Hulk (2003)
Corrected entry: After The Hulk kills the poodle he transforms back to Bruce. The Hulk was naked, which means that Bruce will be naked, but when Bruce is approaching Betty's car a flesh colored covering is visible, used to protect Eric Bana's modesty.
Correction: The Hulk wasn't naked. He was wearing the tattered remains of underwear to cover his modesty.
The entry is correct. You can see the Hulk's bare behind as he walks towards the pond, and then Banner's bare behind after he reverts and walks towards Betty's car, and the piece of clothing he is wearing to preserve his modesty is visible as he collapses to his knees. It's also worth mentioning that any tattered remains of underwear the Hulk would have been wearing would have been far too baggy to stay around Banner's waist.
26th Feb 2007
Ghost Rider (2007)
Corrected entry: The Caretaker suggests Johnny Blaze not leave the cemetery, saying he's safe as long as he's there, since the demons pursuing him can't come onto hallowed ground. However, Blackheart later confronts a priest in a church, which, presumably, is also hallowed ground. (The final confrontation between Ghost Rider and Blackheart also occurs in a church, but it could be argued that this ground has long since become unconsecrated.).
Correction: The caretaker was correct. The demons pursuing Blaze could not come onto hallowed ground. Which is why they waited outside the church while Blackheart spoke to the priest. Blackheart is a son of the devil, and the devil has been known to stand in the very presence of God Himself. So, it seems a fair enough assumption that the devil's offspring could enter mere hallowed ground while lesser demons could not.
Correction: Blackheart had no idea where the contract was, so kidnapping Roxanne was the only way to get it.
21st Jan 2009
Liar Liar (1997)
Question: After Fletcher gets his son to try to unwish the "No lying" wish, he tests to see if it works. He gets slapped in the face. When his son asks "Did it work?", Fletcher says, "Not as well as I had hoped." What did he mean by that?
Answer: As you said, he was testing to see if the wish was broken--by going up to an attractive woman and talking to her. While we don't hear what happens, he apparently said something a little too "forward" to her (probably more forward than he would have done otherwise, hence the "not as well as I had hoped"), and got slapped, so he knew that he was still under the wish's effects.
But I want to know what he said to the woman.
It's deliberately made unclear what he specifically said, because him getting slapped in the face is the gag that shows the audience that he's still under the spell. If we heard what he said, then we would know right away the new wish wouldn't have worked. It's ultimately up to the viewer's imagination to decide what he told the woman.
27th Sep 2008
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Trivia: The scene in which the Fellowship mourns Gandalf in Moria was filmed, ironically, before the group had even met Ian McKellen.
Suggested correction: Not true.
This isn't a valid correction. Anyone can say "Not true" to any submission if they want to. You need to have actual data to back up your claim.
Agreed, but by the same token, anyone can post anything as trivia. How do we know the original post is true? The OP offers no source.
This entry doesn't look nor sound credible.
That may be so, but since the webmaster approved it, anyone who wishes to correct it needs to have information proving it to be wrong.
It's always a bit case by case - the member who submitted it is generally reliable, not prone to making stuff up, etc. But I'm open to corrections!
13th Nov 2018
The Crow (1994)
Question: It's supposed to be Devil's Night, so why are there child trick or treaters running around in costumes when Eric is wandering around outside?
Answer: "Devil's Night" is the night before Halloween, Oct. 30. Many communities across the U.S. hold "Beggar's Night," the night kids go trick-or-treating, on a day other than Halloween, often Oct. 30.
Answer: Given that there is going to be likely dozens of buildings burned down by the next day, kids probably want to get their trick or treating done a day early.
9th Sep 2002
Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)
Question: At the end of the second film, Felicity went to the future with Austin. When this film starts she's nowhere in sight for the whole movie. Whatever happened to her?
Answer: An original cut featured the opening scene with Heather Graham in it (I'm not sure what happens) - I'm assuming they dropped that idea when they could get hold of all the cameo stars. Hopefully it'll surface on the DVD.
Answer: Remember that there were 2 Austins at the end of the second film, thus she likely ended up with one of them, while the other Austin went in a different direction.
20th Nov 2015
Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
Question: I never really understood what the motive was when Clyde murdered his cellmate. Why did he do it? What did this act have to do with the plot of this movie?
Answer: To make sure he was placed in solitary confinement. The warehouse that he owned and operated out of that was next to the prison also had a tunnel connected to every cell in the solitary wing. Clyde needed to be in one of the solitary cells so he could leave the prison whenever he needed to unnoticed, which also served to make it look like he had an accomplice on the outside.
When Nick is talking to a spook later in the movie, he is quoted as telling Nick: "That cell-mate that he killed, you think that was random? No. That's a pawn being moved off the board. Anyone who had anything to do with that case, he's gonna be coming after you." Just as all deaths played roles in Clydes game, as the audience we are led to believe this inmate played a role, but were never given any resolution as to what significance it was. Not a big deal in grand scheme of things, but unexplained.
I don't know if you just didn't read the answer thoroughly or if you didn't pay close attention to the movie, but Clyde killing his cellmate was far from being unexplained. He can't leave the prison if he's in a regular cell with the general population, so he kills the cellmate in order to get placed in the solitary wing, because every solitary cell is connected to the tunnel in his warehouse that is next to the prison, which allows him to leave whenever he needs to.
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Suggested correction: Green goblin died and his identity would've been public after his death.
Wrong. Peter placed Norman's corpse on his bed and was discovered by Harry. It's not like he left Norman's body in the building ruins to be discovered by the authorities. Harry himself didn't even know his father was the Green Goblin until the very end of Spider-Man 2. Even Norman's dying wish to Peter was to not tell Harry the truth about him.
Phaneron ★