Trivia: Following the release of the film, Mickey Rourke was scheduled to compete in a match at Wrestlemania 25 against Chris Jericho. The two even appeared on "Larry King Live" to sell the feud. Rourke later dropped out of the match, and ended up being a special guest at the event, and "punching out" Jericho after his match. According to Jericho, Rourke pulled out of the match because his agents felt associating with WWE would ruin his chances of winning an Oscar for his performance in the film.
1st Jan 2022
The Wrestler (2008)
1st Jan 2022
The Wrestler (2008)
Trivia: Hulk Hogan claimed he was offered the lead role in this film, which director Darren Aronofsky has disputed. Randy the Ram appears to be partially inspired by Hogan, given he was a megastar in the 80's, has bleach-blonde hair and a tanned skin complexion, and occasionally calls people "brother."
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