
8th Sep 2010

Flash Gordon (1980)

Revealing mistake: When the movie starts, hot hail starts to fall, but in the close-ups it just falls on a tiny area on the ground, in the rest of the wide angles the hail is gone, it neither falls nor is seen on the ground.


2nd Sep 2010

The Joneses (2009)

Revealing mistake: When Larry floats drowned in the pool, his face remains motionless until the very last second, when he starts to chuckle: probably a flaw of the actor straining for the last bit of air.


21st Aug 2010

Jewel of the Nile (1985)

Revealing mistake: Joan gets splashed by Jack's water skis and goes inside the boat to watch a picture of the two of them on a tropical beach. The picture is blatantly fake: Jack's legs become invisible at one point, his skin looks wiggly were it's been pasted and no shadows match at all.


21st Aug 2010

Jewel of the Nile (1985)

Revealing mistake: Jack is on a platform next to the burning stage. In the close-ups it's Michael Douglas, but in the wide angles it is a skinny stuntman with light hair who looks nothing like him. (01:34:10)


21st Aug 2010

Jewel of the Nile (1985)

30th Jul 2010

Knight & Day (2010)

Revealing mistake: Inside the tunnel, Roy is on the car's hood, with the car swerving all the time. When the angle changes to a POV of the baddies he doesn't move, as if he was glued to the roof, revealing the security trick.


23rd Jun 2010

Mary Poppins (1964)

Revealing mistake: After the credits all the smoke coming out of the chimneys remains still, revealing it's a painted set.


23rd Jun 2010

Mary Poppins (1964)

Revealing mistake: Mary takes a huge mirror out of her bag and the kids stare in awe. Problem is that Michael's view points in a different direction, giving away that they were looking at the void and Mary was a superimposed image to achieve the effect.


13th Jun 2010

Pearl Harbor (2001)

Revealing mistake: When the kids are playing around with the plane and make it move along the grass field, tracks from previous takes are visible in front of the plane. When the angle changes the tracks are gone.


13th Jun 2010

Speed (1994)

Revealing mistake: The whole structure surrounding the elevator appears shiny and spotless, with the wires lacking a single spot of grease, revealing it's a set. (00:04:25)


29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

Revealing mistake: When Allen is in the park and drives backwards to avoid the MPs, there's a closeup where the pigeons fly backwards, revealing the angle is the previous one with the birds taking off but played backwards.


29th May 2010

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

Revealing mistake: When the Lion runs out of the Wizard's room, the group disappears because it is an obvious backdrop.


27th May 2010

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

Revealing mistake: When Dorothy's bedroom is flying away to Oz, there's wind blowing everywhere and bits of hay falling. However, the hay is coming from inside the room, instead of outside, and the papers on the table next to the window don't blow away nor move an inch.


26th May 2010

Lost (2004)

The End (1) - S6-E17

Revealing mistake: When Desmond moves the rock, Smoke-Locke and Jack fight outside the cave while an earthquake shatters everything. Watch the leaves around and you'll notice that they don't move at all, giving away the camera effect. This also happens later on when Hugo, Ben and Jack are about to fix the cave of light.


25th May 2010

Splash (1984)

Splash mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Hanks drives through the city escaping form the MPs, the guy driving is a very obvious stuntman.


Revealing mistake: When Indy's car is about to crash against Mac's, there's a wide angle where the car is seen totally black inside, revealing it's empty.


7th May 2010

True Lies (1994)

True Lies mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During the bathroom scene, all the backshots of Arnie taking a pee are of a very obvious stand-in, not the real actor. (00:30:05)


1st Apr 2010

Cyborg (1989)

Revealing mistake: The bad guy that Nady punches and falls through a hole is a very obvious mannequin. Watch for the close-up of the hand.


19th Mar 2010

Lost (2004)

7th Mar 2010

Friends (1994)

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