
11th Oct 2016

Superman II (1980)

Revealing mistake: When Superman launches the Eiffel elevator in space and he flies back to earth, a white rectangle surrounds him where his image was superimposed to achieve the flying effects. (The Ultimate Collector´s Edition Box Set).


10th Oct 2016

Superman II (1980)

Superman II mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In Houston, when a man is thrown through a truck, notice the ground he falls on: The sand is leveled higher than the rest of the road around, obviously to hide a landing mat. Furthermore, after the fall the man turns around and he's got a bulgy square on the back to help for a safe stunt.


10th Oct 2016

Superman II (1980)

Revealing mistake: During the car chase, before the car rolls down a hill, you can see that it's not Roger Moore driving but a stunt driver. Furthermore, the woman has been replaced by a dummy or a stunt with a bulky and hairy wig that doesn't resemble her at all.


16th Jul 2015

Paddington (2014)

Revealing mistake: After Henry opens the bathroom door and water rushes out, he is replaced by an obvious stunt with darker hair colour and thick and long sideburns. Henry's are very short.


Quantum of Solace mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Bond hands a business card to a guy, then sits on his bike and, right before he grabs his cellphone, there's a man behind him who's supposed to be sweeping the street, but the broom isn't even touching the floor, he's just mimicking or horsing around.


Revealing mistake: During the tornado scene, the wind makes the windows open and close violently, but the cowboy hat on the porch stays in place barely moving. (Laserdisc and international extended editions).


Revealing mistake: When McClane is hanging on the steel cable which pulls their car to the river, right when he says "Run, run" there's a brief shot and it's very obvious that the guy is Bruce Willis's stunt double.


Revealing mistake: When Lacy floats in space, Superman saves her and heads towards Earth. When he comes back, the shot of the Earth behind is the same one from before, yet reversed.


Revealing mistake: When the volcano erupts and lava floods the village. The red truck on the left is a very obvious scale model prop: The engine is missing and the hood is attached to the grilles.


Revealing mistake: When Nuclear Man melts the rifle, note that the SWAT member is holding the barrel and he slides his hand away slowly to make the barrel bend downwards. He was obviously holding it up. If he had burned himself he would've moved faster.


Revealing mistake: When the fire truck explodes, note a tube behind it going straight to the truck. Probably an FX device to effect the smoke.


Revealing mistake: When dying and balding Clark grabs the green glass, the border of his wig noticeably protrudes all around his face.


Revealing mistake: When Johnny and Reed are talking about the bachelor party in the lab, they keep moving from one side of the table to the other: One side has a green book, the other a red one. Note the books behind Johnny and you'll notice by the colour and the reversed text that the shot's been flipped.


Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Right after Lex, disguised as a soldier, orders the launching of the missile, there's a shot of the truck carrying it. The driver is a cheap mannequin that looks very much like a scarecrow.


Revealing mistake: After the power plant 'swallows' Nuclear Man, the needle meters have the word AUTODIESEL UXBRIDGE written inside. Uxbridge is the British city where the scene was shot, therefore not the fictional Metropolis.


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