
9th Jun 2024

Flash Gordon (1980)

Flash Gordon mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Zarkov watches Kala's corpse, the amount of black goo changes between one frame and the immediate next one. This happens BEFORE her body starts collapsing.


24th Apr 2024

Flash Gordon (1980)

24th Apr 2024

Flash Gordon (1980)

24th Apr 2024

Flash Gordon (1980)

Continuity mistake: When Dale hugs Flash before his fight in the ring, the position of both of her hands is inconsistent between shots.


24th Apr 2024

Flash Gordon (1980)

24th Apr 2024

Flash Gordon (1980)

Flash Gordon mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Ming is about to die, he slips away from the spike, which has parts of it covered in green blood. When Flash sees him, the spike is fully covered in green blood.


24th Apr 2024

Flash Gordon (1980)

24th Apr 2024

Flash Gordon (1980)

Revealing mistake: Zarkov's rocket blasts through the greenhouse ceiling, but doesn't burn or scorch a single millimeter of the place.


24th Apr 2024

Flash Gordon (1980)

Flash Gordon mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The pilot hands Flash a People magazine to sign. When Flash sits down to autograph it, one can see it's already signed (seemingly from previous takes). Then he scribbles on the same spot again.


24th Apr 2024

Flash Gordon (1980)

Continuity mistake: When the movie begins, Flash is reading a newspaper, sitting sideways, his back leaning on the door. When Dale's van arrives, he is facing straight, with the paper resting on the steering wheel. Then the shot changes to the first position and he turns sideways towards the wheel.


5th Sep 2011

Flash Gordon (1980)

Revealing mistake: When Flash and Vultan are watching the battle, Flash is on his bike with moving hair and all, but the distance to the shuttle never decreases, revealing he's really not moving. (01:27:35)


5th Sep 2011

Flash Gordon (1980)

Revealing mistake: Flash is inside his car reading when hot hail starts to fall in front of the camera. Problem is, the shot is from inside the car, which is absurd.


2nd Oct 2010

Flash Gordon (1980)

Continuity mistake: While Dale is watching the destruction of the palace, her head is either tilted or looking straight, depending on the angle.


21st Sep 2010

Flash Gordon (1980)

Continuity mistake: When Flash is seated inside the gas chamber and a hood is being put over his head, he swaps from facing to the left to straight between one frame and the other.


21st Sep 2010

Flash Gordon (1980)

Continuity mistake: When Dale escapes and fights the guards, the editing is really awful: first she knocks a guard, who later on changes positions. Then she walks away, leaves her shoes on the floor, and hides against a wall, but after a brusque cut she appears somewhere else, the shoes are 15 meters away and the guard from before lies in front. (I guess that some of the fighting in between was deleted.)


21st Sep 2010

Flash Gordon (1980)

Revealing mistake: When the movie ends and the Hakwmen say thanks, watch for the people on the far left: they become greenish transparent because of the blue screen.


21st Sep 2010

Flash Gordon (1980)

Continuity mistake: In Arboria, while Aura kisses Barin she says "I brought you a present", then her left arm swaps from being up to down between angles.


21st Sep 2010

Flash Gordon (1980)

Continuity mistake: During the plane flight, the sky outside keeps switching back and forth between cloudy or puffy clouds opening to let a red light, depending on the angle.


21st Sep 2010

Flash Gordon (1980)

21st Sep 2010

Flash Gordon (1980)

Revealing mistake: While Dale and Zarkov fly to Arboria against a blue screened backdrop they become transparent.


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