Matty Blast

18th Apr 2004

Man on the Moon (1999)

Trivia: During filming, nobody was allowed to call Jim Carrey by his real name. Whether the camera was rolling or not, Carrey stayed in character, and everyone was instructed to address him as "Andy."

Matty Blast

Question: Obi-wan ordered the people on the ship to "send no reply" when the cries for help were being received from Naboo ("It sounds like bait, to establish a connection trace," he explained). That being the case, how did Darth Maul know they were on Tattoine? Darth Sidious even asked him, "Are you sure your trace is correct?" or something like that.

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: As a Sith, Maul has methods of tracking that would not be available to non-Force users. When Obi-wan ordered them not to reply, they're not aware of any possible Sith involvement - his precautions would be secure against technological means of determining location, but not against a Sith Lord.


Answer: It is stated in the novel that they did send a brief response. I see no reason why they could not have defied Obi-Wan's advice and done the same off screen in the movie.


14th Apr 2004

Stay Tuned (1992)

Continuity mistake: During the music video for "Start Me Up," one of the dancers accidentally turns down the volume to the music, and we see the "Volume" status bar on the screen decrease. The dancers stop and act confused until one of them turns the volume back up again. The problem is, the "Volume" bar on the screen gradually increases, yet we hear the sound come back suddenly, as though someone just pressed a "mute" button.

Matty Blast

25th Mar 2004

Never Been Kissed (1999)

Trivia: At the prom, the popular girls tell a couple that there's "no room" at their table. The couple is dressed like Mary and Joseph of the Bible, whom were told there was "no room" at the inn (and therefore had to give birth to Jesus in a stable).

Matty Blast

24th Mar 2004

The Brady Bunch (1969)

Trivia: The house that is used for the shots from outside (the introduction) has only one storey. The window is fake, and was added simply to give the illusion that it's a two-story house.

Matty Blast

Continuity mistake: When the band auditioning to be Julia's wedding band plays "Ladies Night," the trumpet players aren't really playing; what we're hearing is from a synthesizer.

Matty Blast

Continuity mistake: At the Bar-mitzvah, George is not actually playing the clarinet; a synthesizer is playing sampled clarinet sounds.

Matty Blast

Question: Is it possible for a 10-year-old kid with straight hair (Episode I) to develop a natural curl within the next 8-10 years (Episode II)? I can understand Anakin now having a darker hair color because he no longer lives on Tattoine (where the two suns were constantly lightening it), but where could the curl have come from?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Absolutely - my cousin as a child had straight blonde hair, but around puberty (also soon after the Chernobyl explosion - draw your own conclusions) his hair went dark and curly. I'm sure someone can expand on the specific reasons why it might happen, but it's certainly possible.

Jon Sandys

18th Mar 2004

The Flintstones (1994)

Revealing mistake: Near the end, when Fred uses the rock to bowl over the bad guy, you can all-too-easily see his fingers make big indentations into the surface when he picks it up. Either Fred has the strongest hands in the world, or the rock is made out of something similar to paper mache.

Matty Blast

18th Mar 2004

Flatliners (1990)

Question: Just before Lebracio goes to the subway to find the ghost of Billy Mahoney, he crosses the street and about a dozen bicyclists come whizzing past him. Was this a hallucination? If so, why would he have a hallucination like that? If it wasn't a hallucination, what the heck are a bunch of racing bicyclists doing on a wet street that late at night?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: No hallucination. It was Halloween night, so everyone was acting a little crazy. That's why one of the med students shows up in a skeleton suit. Going further, the 'hum' of the bikes were used not only to throw the viewer off as the same humming noise Nelson describes with coming back from the dead, but to confuse Nelson with death and reality and these new sensations/feelings he is experiencing since being brought back to life. The cyclists are used, in a sense, to scare Nelson and viewers. The same 'hum' can be heard when Nelson first finds Billy Mahoney in the dingy tunnel.

Chosen answer: The Empire renamed the soldiers when it started accepting cadets into the Imperial Navy. Since they were not all clones, the name had to be changed.

Timothy Cheseborough

Trivia: In one of the trivia books about the movie, there is a page where the different beverages sold at Dex's Diner are illustrated. One of the substances is labelled 'Alludium PU-36.' Alludium PU-36 is the 'explosive space modulator' that Marvin the Martian attempted to use to blow up the earth in the Warner Brothers Bugs Bunny cartoon.

Matty Blast

25th Feb 2004

Minority Report (2002)

Question: When Anderton, after his eye surgery, has his dream about the day he lost his son, look carefully at the people shown at poolside after Anderton discovers that his son is gone. For about a second, the camera follows a suspicious-looking man wearing a fairly wide-brimmed hat, and a towel around his shoulders. While we see this man, the video suddenly becomes "choppy," as though something significant were happening. The camera also zooms in toward his face. This all happens in about one second. Are we to assume that this is the man responsible for kidnapping Anderton's son?

Matty Blast

Trivia: The chapel that was built for the movie had to be torn down immediately after filming, as it was on rented property.

Matty Blast

Factual error: Upon finding the cordless phone's base in the shed outside Mark's neighbor's house, the cop says, "There's the transmitter, which means the receiver could be in any house within 1,000 yards of here." I noticed no amplifier or anything to soup up the transmitter, and I know of no store-bought cordless phone with a range even remotely close to 1,000 yards. (01:09:05)

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: I don't think it's ever said. I always assumed Pidge was a boy, and I'm not sure why. I think because it was a man who did the voice.


She is a girl it is made clear she is a girl in episode 5 season 1. It is also made apparent she is a girl in season 8.

24th Feb 2004

Miracle (2004)

Factual error: In the actual Olympic games, the ice looked nowhere near as immaculate as it did in the movie. The movie's ice is pure white, with vibrantly-colored blue lines, red lines, etc. Anyone who has seen the actual footage of the game knows that the ice surface is blotchy, very much like a pond.

Matty Blast

4th Feb 2004

Minority Report (2002)

Continuity mistake: When we see the Leo Crow previsions for the first time, we see the numbers "9" and "6" backwards because we are seeing the previsions from behind the screen. But in the cyberparlor we see the previsions from the same side that Anderton and Riley are watching them, and the numbers are still backward.

Matty Blast

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