Snow White and the Seven Bradys - S5-E3
Trivia: The teacher being honored, "Mrs. Whitfield", was played by Frances Whitfield who was the on-set "teacher/legal supervisor/referee" for the kids during the show's run.
Trivia: Barry Williams has a Band-Aid on his lip in this episode because he was in a car accident a few days before filming and needed stitches in his lip. (00:05:00)
Trivia: Two of the "Sound of Music" kids had guest roles: Nicholas Hammond, who played the oldest son Friedrich, was in "The Subject Was Noses", and Kym Karath, who played the youngest child Gretl, was in "Cyrano de Brady".
Eenie, Meenie, Mommy, Daddy - S1-E3
Trivia: This episode was based on something that happened to a classmate of Sherwood's daughter, Hope. At Hope's school there was a play, but only one relative was allowed to come. Hope's classmate's mum had just gotten remarried and he was confused and wondered whether he should take his new dad to show he was OK, or risk taking his mother.
The Hair-Brained Scheme - S5-E22
Trivia: "Jan: Call Eve" is written on the small chalkboard. Jan was played by Eve Plumb. (00:01:30)
Trivia: The house that is used for the shots from outside (the introduction) has only one storey. The window is fake, and was added simply to give the illusion that it's a two-story house.
Trivia: "Colonel Dick Whitfield" got his character name from the real-life husband of Frances Whitfield, the on-set teacher for the Brady kids.
Trivia: Barry Williams admits to having been stoned when the opening scenes were filmed. Watch as he stumbles over the bicycle pump.)
Trivia: Whenever they talked on the phone there wasn't even a stagehand on the other end. Mike was voted the best at talking to silence.
Trivia: Look at the wall behind the girl Peter is on the phone with. As pointed out in the commentary, that is the same wall seen at the head of Mike and Carol's bed. (00:19:55)
Trivia: Alice, upon hearing an Indian phrase, says "That'll come in handy if I ever bump into Tonto." Jay Silverheels - who portrayed Tonto in 220 episodes of "The Lone Ranger", would make a guest appearance in the following episode. (00:18:35)
Trivia: Susan Olsen, thinking she was still in rehearsal, sticks her tongue out as she leaves the kitchen with Tommy.
Trivia: During Bobby's dream where the family is killed by Jesse James, Mike Lookinland looks genuinely horrified despite the "cartoon style carnage" that is going on around him. The reason is because just before the scene was filmed, the producer pulled him aside and told him to think of things like his real-life family getting killed, his dog getting run over, etc. He was then "debriefed" afterward. (00:22:15)
You Can't Win 'Em All - S4-E22
Trivia: Edward Knight, who plays the game show host, is the real-life father of Christopher Knight, who plays Peter.
The Subject Was Noses - S4-E18
Trivia: The day this episode aired, Maureen McCormick, who played Marcia, was in a car accident and injured her nose.
Trivia: Susan Olson, who played Cindy, loved the TV show 'Family Affair' and begged her mother to give her a 'Buffy' hairdo. The producers loved her hair that way and so for several seasons, she wore it that way (and grew to hate it).
Trivia: The reason that there is no glass in the sliding back door, and the reason for a similar mistake in the popular sixties show Bewitched is that real glass is generally not used in windows in movies and TV shows, because the glare drives the camera crew nuts.
Trivia: The daytime camping scenes were shot at the Franklin Canyon reservoir, which is also where the opening credits of The Andy Griffith Show (1960) were shot.
Dough Re Mi - S3-E16
Trivia: This was Christopher Knight's least favorite episode to do. He hated doing it so much that a crew member had to say all the lines where Peter's voice cracked.
Hawaii Bound - S4-E1
Trivia: Greg's surfing accident - which to this day still scares Barry Williams every time he sees it - was nearly left out of the episode because it was deemed "too frightening for the nature of the show". In reality, he was able to turn around at the last minute and while avoiding hitting his head on the exposed coral, his feet became, in his words, "hamburger meat".
Answer: The dangling bracelet was used for dramatic purposes - to keep the audience on edge.