Easter egg: On the second disk go to "The Borg Collective" and highlight Main Menu and press the left button on your remote to change the white and green button to red. You will be taken to a feature of the concept artwork of the destruction of the Borg Queen.
Easter egg: For the two-disc Collector's Edition, on Disc 2, from the main menu, use the arrow keys to go "right" from the Production selection. There a Borg circle will change from Green to Red & initiate a short film on what names the movie was going to be called before First Contact.
Easter egg: On the two-disc Collector's Edition, on Disc 2, under the "Star Trek Universe" sub menu, use the arrow keys to go "Right" from the Jerry Goldsmith tribute and you will see a Borg node turn from Green to Red. If you click it, a short film about Ethan Phillips, who plays the uncredited maitre d' in the holodeck scene. He also played Neelix on Star Trek: Voyager.
Answer: The borg took control of specific areas of the ship as part of their plan. This included deflector control and the shuttle bay.
My mistake. The main shuttle bay is around decks 5 and 6. The Borg didn't take control of those decks until after the beacon was destroyed.