Sara: You're not real! You're not real! You're not real.
Elvis: No, that's cool man. Buzz sent me one too.
Harry Sims: Young people are disappointing. I find they become tolerable around 35.
Baird Whitlock: Hey, Obie. You're a Communist, too?
Lisa Arlington: Okay, so the Blair Witch. Who is she really?
Talia: Elly Kedward. That's what most people say. She was accused of witchcraft after some of the children in town said that she'd taken blood from them. There wasn't much of a trial system back then. Townspeople took her out to these woods, tied her to a tree and left her to die of exposure.
Marianne Beausejour: I love you with all my heart.
Meacham: There's magic in the woods, if you know where to look for it.
Conor: Your stories never made sense to me.
The Monster: Because humans are complicated beasts. You believe comforting lies, while knowing full well the painful truth that makes those lies necessary. In the end, Conor, it is not important what you think. It is only important what you do.
Conor: So what do I do?
The Monster: What you did just now. You speak the truth.
Conor: That's all?
The Monster: You think it's easy? You were willing to die rather than speak it.
Lee Chandler: I can't beat it. I can't beat it. I'm sorry.
Lizzy: My mom tells me there's no such thing as monsters. But she is wrong. They are out there, waiting for you... watching. They are in the dark... Sometimes where you see them... Sometimes where you don't. I know that now.
Joe Coughlin: I don't wanna be a gangster. Stopped kissing rings a long time ago.