James Payton: Now, you guys think it's gang-related. I say that's bullshit.
Maya: Because you're an expert on local gangs?
James Payton: No, I'm an expert on bullshit.

Sean Briar: You ran. Innocent people don't run.
Michael Mason: Have you seen yourself? You'd run, too.

Louis Drax: Pascal made the mistake that all men make. He thought that because Mommy is so beautiful, then she must be good.

Lee Gates: Is this a union thing?

Sara: We blind ourselves to the truth because we are weak, because we hope. But there's no hope for love. Love ends in betrayal. Aye and always.

Walter Jenkins: There's just no power in the vice presidency.
Lyndon B. Johnson: Walter, how long you been with me?
Walter Jenkins: 21 years.
Lyndon B. Johnson: And in 21 years, can you think of a time that I have taken over a new office, and not made it 100 times more powerful than when I got there?
Walter Jenkins: No, sir.
Lyndon B. Johnson: Power is where power goes.

Jackie Burke: Once you can make a woman laugh then you can make her do anything, they say. I don't know if that's true.

Dan Leno: If you want your name etched in stone, you're gonna have to take up the chisel yourself.

Lady Susan Vernon: Ah, mortality. Our mortality and that of others, but most particularly our own, is the hardest and most intractable hand life can deal us.

Tommy: This amount of lung damage, though, I'd expect the body to be covered in third degree burns. It's like finding a bullet in a brain, but with no gunshot wound.

Maria: Who says a woman has to be married?
Toula: You, all our lives.