Jeffrey Allen: Out here, there is no good and there is no bad. To survive out here, you've got to out monster the monster. Can you do that?

Gabby: I heard every word you said. You were breathing for me baby. Your heart beat for mine.

Kaiser Wilhelm II: I'm ashamed to say that before and after my first marriage I, myself, fathered at least two illegitimate children: one with an Austrian countess, another with a French prostitute who was known in court circles as Madame L'Amour. Both of them, incidentally, blackmailed me for huge sums of money, the Countess and the prostitute. I expected better of the prostitute.

Everett Lewis: Oh! When I was their age did the work o' ten men. Clean this yard, chop wood.
Mr. Hill: Yeah.
Everett Lewis: Built that fence.
Mr. Hill: Yes, but - You were here, around people. Everett? If someone applied for that job? Hire them.

Edward Sheffield: When you love someone you have to be careful with it, you might never get it again.

Newt Scamander: My philosophy is if you worry, you suffer twice.

Anita Hill: Why are you doing this?
Charles Ogletree: I've got students more qualified than Thomas. Plus, I believe you.
Anita Hill: What about tenure?
Charles Ogletree: Hell, in 24 hours, I'll be able to get any job I want. Fuck tenure.

Michelle Darnell: Pity's all you've got. Pity's your best friend.

Carl: They are eating children! Fucking children.

Apocalypse: All is revealed.

Dave Stangle: Maybe Dad'll just forget about his ultimatum.
Mike Stangle: Why would Dad forget about an old tomato?
Dave Stangle: No, his ul... his ultimatum.
Mike Stangle: Old tom...?
Dave Stangle: Ultimatum.
Mike Stangle: Are you saying "old tomato"?
Dave Stangle: Ultima-tum, like a tomb or a crypt.

John Clayton: Your son killed the only person who ever cared about me.
Chief Mbonga: It was an animal.
John Clayton: She was my mother.
Chief Mbonga: How was he to know? My son was just a boy! Not like you! Where was your honor?
John Clayton: I... I had none. I had none.

Manny: So now when you masturbate you think about your mom?