Ra: Egypt has always been a paradise. But now, there is chaos. God of the air, you must protect the mortals.
Horus: I don't know if I'm strong enough.
Ra: Then become stronger.

James Payton: Now, you guys think it's gang-related. I say that's bullshit.
Maya: Because you're an expert on local gangs?
James Payton: No, I'm an expert on bullshit.

Sara: Dead? Is that what you told everyone? You poor heartbroken widower. That story must have wet the eyes of many young lasses. Maybe more than their eyes.

Louis Drax: Pascal made the mistake that all men make. He thought that because Mommy is so beautiful, then she must be good.

Kaa: Are you alone out here? What are you doing so deep in the jungle? Don't you know what you are? I know what you are. I know where you came from. Poor, sweet little cub. I'll keep you clossse. Let go of your fear now... And trussst in meee.

Lee Gates: Is this a union thing?

Pee-wee Herman: L.A.T.T.I.H.T.B.G! Look at the time, I have to be going.

Jackie Burke: Once you can make a woman laugh then you can make her do anything, they say. I don't know if that's true.

Mac Radner: They're using their sexuality as a weapon.

Baird Whitlock: Hey, Obie. You're a Communist, too?

Grimroth: To be a hero, you don't have to do big things... just the right ones.