Journalist 2: And why should gay people like me support the miners?
Mark: Because miners dig for coal, which produces power, which allows gay people like you to dance to Bananarama till 3 o'clock in the morning.
Dylan: I'm going to stay with you for as long as it takes.
King Eurystheus: When the people called out your name louder than mine, you see, when they saw you as a god, how long... before they saw you as their king?
Hercules: I wanted nothing.
King Eurystheus: Precisely! Your sin, Hercules, was that you had no ambition! I can deal with an ambitious man! He can be bought! But a man who wants nothing has no price.
Prince Phillip: I'm looking for a girl.
Maleficent: Of course you are!
Hilary: Hey, dad, I have a personal errand to run and I need to borrow the car.
Jim: Well, you can't drive without me yet and somebody's got to stay here with your sisters.
Hilary: Dad, I have a personal errand.
Jim: What does that even mean? You taking a hit out on somebody?
Lou: Dad, she's monsterating.
Jim: What?
Hilary: I have my period.
Jim: Oh, I forgot you get those.
Pearly Soames: I'll tell you something that should chill your blood. No matter how far we tip the scales our way, no matter how many of them we turn dark, nothin' seems to break their capacity for hope. They pass it back and forth like the flu at a preschool fair. We're losing, Lucifer. One bright star at a time, we're losing.
Sunset Shimmer: A demon. I turned into a raging she-demon.
Pinkie Pie: And tried to turn everyone here into teenage zombies for your own personal army.
Alex: You know we'll be lucky to see anything bigger than a chipmunk, right?
Will McKenzie: Meanwhile, I was chasing a girl I had recently fingered to sleep.
Pete: Do you think maybe we've gone too far? I'm a child of divorce and I sympathize with them.
Teddy Sanders: My parents love each other, and I think it's hilarious.
Lou Bloom: My motto is if you want to win the lottery you've got to make money to get a ticket.
Todd Burpo: What if you have an experience so far beyond your own experience, it's irrational. What then?
Dr. Alice Howland: When I was, um, a little girl, like, in second grade, my teacher told me butterflies don't live a long time. They live, like, a month. And I was so upset, and I went home, and I told my mother, and she said: "Yeah, but, you know, they have a nice life. They have a really beautiful life." So now it always makes me think about my mother's life, and my sister's life. And to a certain extent, you know, my own.
Tuck: I've never gone a day without seeing my friends They're, like, the only people in the world who get me.
Howard Howe: Your life as you knew it is over, Mr. Bryton. So if you wish to continue living, you will be a walrus, or you'll be nothing at all.