Sarchie: You see, Father, as we speak every day, out there, someone's getting hurt, ripped off, murdered, raped. Where's God when all that's happening? Hmm?
Mendoza: In the hearts of people like you, who put a stop to it. I mean, we can talk all night about the problem of evil, but what about the problem of good? I mean, if there's no God, if the world is just "survival of the fittest," then why are all the men in this room willing to lay down their lives for total strangers? Hmm?

Andre Allen: Fry or die.

Julian: I feel... Vulnerable.
Abel Morales: Good... Because you are vulnerable. We all are.

Connor: Hope's a necessity where I come from.

James Brown: Are we done, Mr. Byrd?
Bobby Byrd: I'm afraid not, Mr. Brown.
James Brown: I say, are we done?
Bobby Byrd: I think we got more funk in the trunk.

Rama: It will be a few months. You can't know where I am. And I can't be seen anywhere near you.

Mary Bee Cuddy: Why not marry?
Bob Giffin: Miss Cuddy, I appreciate the offer, and the supper, the concert and all. But I cannot marry you. Will not, won't. I ain't perfect, but you are too bossy. And too damn plain.

Rusty Nail: Learned that from a hockey ninja.

Kevin: Okay, So here's the Plan... We take them inside, get their hand stamped and they can't get out. Like Shawshank Redemption.
Marco: I love it.

Matt Scudder: I do favors for people, and in return, they give me gifts. So, what can I do for you?

Madec: I kill you.