Todd White: Hey self, what is it, twenty five years in the future and I just know you are playing in the NBA now and are super rich. And you also have a super smoking hot cheerleader girlfriend, so what are you hanging around here for? Why don't you head up to your penthouse and bang her good, bro.
Trey: That's your time capsule message, Todd?
Todd White: Huh... why not?

Bernie: I wanna talk to you, man. All that stuff that I was sayin' to you about her potentially being Alison? I didn't mean it, man. I'm seeing a difference in you. I feel like it's because of her. I'm kind of like, jealous, a little bit? I'm really happy for you, Danny.
Danny: Really?
Bernie: Fuck no! This is stupid.

Jim Bennett: You're born as a man with the nerves of a soldier, the apprehension of an angel.

Jami: It was crazy of me to think I could help the police, but I'm going to keep researching, keep writing, there are stories that need to be told, so.

Mary Bee Cuddy: You are a poor specimen of a man, Vester Belknap.

David Raskin: We didn't invent time travel. We just put it together with the instructions.
Quinn Goldberg: You make it sound like we got it at Ikea.

Matt Scudder: I do favors for people, and in return, they give me gifts. So, what can I do for you?

Sheriff McDowell: The logging barons always cry "jobs" and "free enterprise," but the truth is, you barely pay enough to put food on the table.
Pemberton: Oh, we pay more than any job these men can get, and that's why there's a line fifty-deep every time there's an opening.
Sheriff McDowell: Openings? Yes, you always have openings, don't you, Mr. Pemberton? Because your camps have killed more men than the war between the States.

Alice: To be no good at something bad is good.