Grey: I'll get you a prescription for Ativan, it'll stop your conscience bothering ya.

Amanda: I knew that you were real. I came to save you.

Max Lewinsky: I'm paid to catch crooks, not get them elected.

Kisha: I'm a scary ghost.

Howard Stark: It's called a bikini.
Dum Dum Dugan: The bikini. You invent it?
Howard Stark: No, the French.
Dum Dum Dugan: Bikini.

Gerri Dandridge: Hey kids, did Charley tell you everything he saw in my apartment last night?

Sutter: The best thing about now, is that there's another one tomorrow.

Simon: I was really good, but not good enough. And not good enough really isn't very good.

Proctor at Spelling Bee: So, are you a judge?
Guy Trilby: No. I'm the winner.

Batman: He'll still be weak, between the nuke and so little sunlight. Just how weak we'll see when he finds my first surprise.
Robin: Yeah, but how long you expect to last against him?
Batman: Long enough.
Robin: Boss. I'm trying to get the plan here. I mean, you gonna die tonight or what?
Batman: Figure I will.

Jeff Chang: That's my laptop.
Julian: Get a desktop, bitch.