Best movie quotes of 2013

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More Machete Kills quotes
The Railway Man picture

Eric: What do you tell people about what you did to us?
Nagase: We do not talk about it. No one will talk about it.
Eric: Nor do we. And you know why? Because no-one would believe it. No one would believe what you did to us. You treated us like animals because we surrendered.

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The Numbers Station picture

Grey: I'll get you a prescription for Ativan, it'll stop your conscience bothering ya.

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Hatchet III picture

Amanda: I knew that you were real. I came to save you.

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More Welcome to the Punch quotes
More A Haunted House quotes
The Fifth Estate picture

Sarah Shaw: Do you think the President of Turkmenistan will be more upset that I called him a practised liar or that I called him vain?
James Boswell: I don't think he's worried about the opinions of a mid-level foreign attaché.
Sarah Shaw: That's why I signed Hillary's name to it.

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Agent Carter picture

Howard Stark: It's called a bikini.
Dum Dum Dugan: The bikini. You invent it?
Howard Stark: No, the French.
Dum Dum Dugan: Bikini.

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Fright Night 2: New Blood picture

Gerri Dandridge: Hey kids, did Charley tell you everything he saw in my apartment last night?

More Fright Night 2: New Blood quotes
Blood Ties picture

Monica: Come on, Chris! Fuck me. You're dying to, I know you are.
Chris: I just got married.
Monica: Yeah. And? It'll be your wedding present.

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Elysium picture

John Carlyle: Droids, there appears to be some type of wheeled vehicle with one - two occupants, they are armed and I'd like them dead.

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Mama picture

Louise: A ghost is an emotion bent out of shape, condemned to repeat itself, time and time again until it rights the wrong that was done.

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The Spectacular Now picture

Sutter: The best thing about now, is that there's another one tomorrow.

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Trance picture

Simon: I was really good, but not good enough. And not good enough really isn't very good.

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Bad Words picture

Proctor at Spelling Bee: So, are you a judge?
Guy Trilby: No. I'm the winner.

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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 picture

Batman: He'll still be weak, between the nuke and so little sunlight. Just how weak we'll see when he finds my first surprise.
Robin: Yeah, but how long you expect to last against him?
Batman: Long enough.
Robin: Boss. I'm trying to get the plan here. I mean, you gonna die tonight or what?
Batman: Figure I will.

More Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 quotes
One Chance picture

Julz: How much money do you need?
Paul: I'm still short about five hundred quid.
Julz: When is it?
Paul: In three weeks. I'm thinking about selling my body.
Julz: How will you get the other 498 pounds?

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21 and Over picture

Jeff Chang: That's my laptop.
Julian: Get a desktop, bitch.

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Last Vegas picture

Billy: Why every time the phone rings you think somebody is dying.
Sam: I live in Florida now, usually when the phone rings somebody is dying.

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The Big Wedding picture

Alejandro: My mom is Jbuddist, which is Jewish slash Buddhist, and my father thinks that organized religion is for.

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