Mary Katherine: Who are you people?
Ronin: We are the Leafmen, protectors of the forest.
Leo Durocher: If Robinson can help us win, then he is gonna play on this ball club.
Ezekiel Stane: I am the wind.
Martin Sixsmith: The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
Philomena: That's lovely, Martin. Did you just think of that?
Martin Sixsmith: No, it's T.S. Eliot.
Barbara Weston: Marriage is hard.
Karen Weston: That's one thing about mom and dad. You gotta tip your hat to anybody who can stay married that long.
Ivy Weston: Karen, he killed himself.
Diamond Dealer: It's not a small thing to wish for, however unattainable... to aspire to the stone's endless destiny. Isn't that the meaning of adornment? To enhance the beauty of the beloved is to acknowledge both her frailty and the nobility of that frailty. We announce to the darkness that we will not be diminished by the brevity of our lives. That we will not thereby be made less.
Joe: The human qualities can be expressed in one word: hypocrisy.
Nan: But then, 'Jesus' spelt backwards is 'Susej'.
Lightning: Not only did you put Sally at risk, if he finds out he can hit you on the right he can kill you.
Henry 'Razor' Sharp: Then I go to my left. I need to do this, Light.
Lightning: Look, I know you're doing this for my sake. And I appreciate it, believe me. It's too dangerous. We gotta call off the fight.
Ivan Locke: It was once.
Katrina: And the difference between never and once is the whole world. The difference between never and once is the difference between good and bad.
Gary Supernova: Nothing says 'peace' like a giant gun, huh?
Master Yang: The universe is blind to our pain and deaf to our sorrows. All things have their way.
Allen Ginsberg: Some things, once you've loved them, become yours forever./And if you try to let them go... /They only circle back and return to you./They become part of who you are.
Lucien Carr: ...or they destroy you.
Amadeu: A decisive moment of life, when its direction changes forever, are not always marked by large and shown dramatics. In truth, the dramatic moments of a life determining experience are often unbelievable, low key. When it unfolds its revolutionary effects and insures that life is revealed in a brand new light, it does that silently. And in this wonderful silence resides its special nobility.
Jerry Wooters: Playing hot potato with a grenade isn't much of a strategy.
Kate: It's easy to say "I love you" while you're rolling around on expensive sheets. It's so much harder when they need washing.