Best movie quotes of 2013

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The Harry Hill Movie picture

Nan: But then, 'Jesus' spelt backwards is 'Susej'.

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Sharknado picture

Baz Hogan: We can't just wait here for sharks to rain down on us.

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Gangster Squad picture

Jerry Wooters: Playing hot potato with a grenade isn't much of a strategy.

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Night Train to Lisbon picture

Amadeu: A decisive moment of life, when its direction changes forever, are not always marked by large and shown dramatics. In truth, the dramatic moments of a life determining experience are often unbelievable, low key. When it unfolds its revolutionary effects and insures that life is revealed in a brand new light, it does that silently. And in this wonderful silence resides its special nobility.

More Night Train to Lisbon quotes

42 (2013)

42 picture

Reporter: Baseball was proof positive that democracy was real. A baseball box score after all, is a democratic thing. It doesn't say how big you are, or what religion you follow it does not know how you voted, or the color of your skin, it simply states what kind of ballplayer you were on any particular day.

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Europa Report picture

Rosa Dasque: Compared to the breadth of knowledge yet to be known... what does your life actually matter?

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More Escape from Planet Earth quotes
Dallas Buyers Club picture

Ron Woodroof: Let me give y'all a little news flash. There ain't nothin' out there can kill fuckin' Ron Woodroof in 30 days.

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Pacific Rim picture

Stacker Pentecost: Today at the edge of our hope, at the end of our time. We have chosen to believe in each other. Today we face the monsters that are at our door, today we are cancelling the apocalypse!

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Man of Tai Chi picture

Master Yang: The universe is blind to our pain and deaf to our sorrows. All things have their way.

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More Homefront quotes
Turbo picture

Turbo: Are you crazy?
Whiplash: Yeah, I'm crazy! What made you think I was sane?

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World War Z picture

Andrew Fassbach: Mother Nature is a serial killer. She wants to get caught, she leaves bread crumbs, she leaves clues... Mother nature knows how to disguise her weakness as strength.

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More Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa quotes
Identity Thief picture

Diana: Ugh, my neck!
Sandy: Neck hurts, huh? Why don't we swap information, Sandy Bigelow Patterson. Bigelow's such a rare name.
Diana: It's a family name. Jeremiah Bigelow was a pretty well known bear hunter.
Sandy: He sounds brave. Here's my driver's license with my name, Sandy Bigelow Patterson. Gotcha!

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R.I.P.D. picture

Roy: Hit him in the jiggly.

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The Incredible Burt Wonderstone picture

Rance Holloway: God damn! That's the worst thing I ever saw in my life. And I saw my kids being born!

More The Incredible Burt Wonderstone quotes
Man of Steel picture

Clark Kent: I have so many questions. Where do I come from?

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The Smurfs 2 picture

Papa: It doesn't matter where you came from. What matters is who you choose to be.

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