Patchi: That's right, Tiny Arms.
Alex: Seriously, what's up with those little, baby hands? I mean, look at him he's so cute! I'm sorry, seriously, I mean, what's up with that?

Maggie Blake: The human body was not designed to combat saturated fat like that. The butter impregnates the tissues, and then it hardens and settles like silt. It makes your aorta stiffer than a hockey stick. Whereas olive oil - caresses your insides, leaving nothing behind but its scent.
Caputo: That's right. Oil is in the Bible.

Attorney General: Look, Martin, I can imagine what you're thinking. How this looks to you.
Martin Rose: I've made no allegation.
Attorney General: But if we accept that they - that someone... Then we have to accept all sort of things which are simply unacceptable. And I will not accept that.
Martin Rose: You really know how to clarify a situation, don't you?
Attorney General: I'm not even here.

Chris: Sometimes things that are really hard can be really rewarding because they're hard, you know.

Izzy: Lie to us, we'll lie to you, spy on us, we'll spy on you, poison us, we'll poison you.

Don Jon: There's only a few things I really care about in life. My body. My pad. My ride. My family. My church. My boys. My girls. My porn.

Charity: Never underestimate the power of buried treasure, my friend.

Agnes 'Apple' Bailey: It's crazy how you can go and live with strangers and feel like a family.

Ivan Block: This is your job. You want a clear conscience, go start a charity. But if you want your own island and your boss says you gotta go out there and take a beating, you go out there, take it and come back to work and say, 'do you need me to do it again?

Harper: Brian McDaniels... I like to ski in Vermont. I like to date chocolate girls.
Jordan: Shut up, Harper.

Ray Owens: I saw enough blood and death... I know what's coming.