Cam Brady: My heart is pounding. Like a phone book in a dryer.

Renate Richter: Please do me a favor: Play a Nazi.
James Washington: And if I don't?
Renate Richter: They will eliminate you.
James Washington: Oh great.

Mr. Rzykruski: Back home, everyone is scientist. Even my plumber wins Nobel Prize. Your country does not make enough scientist. Always needs more. You should be a scientist, Victor.

Aubrey Miller: Your balls are vibrating.

Joyce Brewster: You want me to go to one of Gayle's miserable singles event? That's what you want? You want me whoring myself out? Put on a thong?
Andrew Brewster: I'm going to sleep now, Ma.

Jean: Are you telling me to go out and smell the roses?
Cissy Robson: Oh no. We're telling you the roses are long gone. But the chrysanthemums are magnificent.

The Major: Perhaps, sir, since out little caper is far from over, perhaps we should consider removing the cartilage.
Harry Deane: Don't be an ass, man. I'm hardly likely to be hit in the face a third time.
The Major: Uh, that was the third time, sir.
Harry Deane: This isn't a math class.

Curtis: Here. You want to take that one down to the basement, dude? I'm coming with you. Let's go.
Finn: [Hearing the statement Alexis made earlier] "People get really good deals if they find, like, a dead body in the basement". The basement level in Dragons and Warriors is a prison filled with ghosts.
Curtis: Yeah, well, the basement in a real life is just a basement. You can do it. (00:07:56)

Doc: I can't do what I said I would do. Mercy is a one-saying, mercy.
Claphands: Finish this.