Rizza: You know the one thing you've got going for you, Frank? You're too old to die young.

Sonja Jones: He had a personality problem with Orson.
Richard Samuels: Meaning?
Sonja Jones: Meaning he had a personality.
Jonathan Brock: We had much in common, your husband and I. I found his ideas original and provocative. I just wish I'd gotten to know him better.
Martha Dennison: Me too.

Nina Metro: She's really sick. She needs to see a doctor, but she's so stubborn we can't talk her into it.
Graham Sloan: Well, where's her dad?
Nina Metro: He's on location in Italy.
Graham Sloan: That's an answer?
Nina Metro: She needs help, Graham.
Graham Sloan: Why do you think I can help her?
Nina Metro: Well, aren't you the one that loves her?
Graham Sloan: What's that gonna fix? Is that gonna help her?

Samir Horn: You know that the Qu'ran says that if you kill an innocent person it's as if you've killed all mankind?
Roy Clayton: It also says that if you save a life its like you've saved all mankind... You're a hero Samir.

Jordan Roark: That's why human beings exist... to save each other from ourselves.

Elliot Moore: Can this really be happening?

Suit: I'm betting beard.
Ben: What kind of remark is that? People's livelihood are at stake.
Suit: Make a note, a producer with a conscience.

Michael: Ice pick?
Delysia: It's in the drawer. Somewhere! Ice in the Fridgedair?
Michael: I want the pick for murder, not ice.

Mika Kobayashi: So what is it?
Daigo Kobayashi: Ceremonies.
Mika Kobayashi: Like weddings? Maybe you can play cello for them. I'll get the sukiyaki ready.