James Wetherhold: Vanessa here is the perfect little housewife. I mean daughter.
Vanessa Wetherhold: Yes, if by perfect you mean not retarded, slash suffering from insurmountable credit card debt, then yes, I'm indeed perfect.
Yamashita: People are talking.
Daigo Kobayashi: About what?
Yamashita: Get yourself a proper job.
Kristen: James, we need a gun. Does your dad have a gun?
James Hoyt: Kristen, I'm looking! There was one here when I was a kid. He always hid it.
Grinko: In Russia, we have expression. "With lies, you may go ahead in the world, but you may never go back." Do you understand this, Jessie?
Lady Spencer: I have heard a rumor.
Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire: Yes?
Lady Spencer: That I will soon be addressing my daughter as her Grace, the Duchess of Devonshire.
Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire: Is it true, Mama?
Lady Spencer: Yes.
Tom: Nobody in the world makes me laugh the way you do. You're my best friend. I just wanna be with you.
Joe: Where there's money, there's competition and the guy paying me usually wins.
Ben Thomas: It is within my power to drastically change his cirumstances, but I don't want to give that man a gift he doesn't deserve.