Arthur Seldom: Any formulation is valid in the series because we can always find a rule that justifies it.
Drover: We're not really used to...
Lady Sarah Ashley: A woman? I suppose you think I should be back in Darwin, at the church fete or a lady's whatever you call it. Well I will have you know, I am as capable as any man.
Drover: Guests. We're not used to guests is what I was about to say, but now that you mention it I happen to quite like the women of the outback.
Michael Carson: Don't be scared, mommy. He just wants to come play with us.
Sargon: You've come to avenge your father, the great hero?
Mathayus: I fight for more than vengeance now, Sargon. I fight for what my father once believed in. And I fight for what you've corrupted.
Sidney Young: I sent the fish, you know, goldfish in a bowl. Did she get them?
Sophie Maes' Assistant: Yes, but they were dead.
Sidney Young: All of them?
Sophie Maes' Assistant: Yeah, it was kind of shocking actually! Were they dead when you send them?
Sidney Young: No no, who sends people dead fish?
Sophie Maes' Assistant: The Mafia?
Sam Landis: Let me guess. You finally want to start that boy band you've been dreaming about.
Principal Jared T. Kirkpatrick: Landis, do I come down to the strip club where you work and knock the dick out of your mouth? Against the wall. You're late.
Grinko: In Russia, we have expression. "With lies, you may go ahead in the world, but you may never go back." Do you understand this, Jessie?
Joe: I was taught four rules.
Joe: One: Don't ask questions. There is no such thing as right and wrong.
Joe: Two: Don't take an interest in people outside of work. There is no such thing as trust.
Joe: Three: Erase every trace. Come anonymous and leave nothing behind.
Joe: Four: Know when to get out. Just thinking about it means it's time. Before you lose your edge, before you become a target.
Abby: I don't know anything about love. Every time I feel it, it's gone, it disappears and all I have left is pain and sadness.
James Wetherhold: Vanessa here is the perfect little housewife. I mean daughter.
Vanessa Wetherhold: Yes, if by perfect you mean not retarded, slash suffering from insurmountable credit card debt, then yes, I'm indeed perfect.
Ian Hamilton: On that day I heard the voice of Scotland speak as loudly as it did in 1320. As long as a hundred of us remain alive, we shall never give in to the domination of the English. We fight not for glory, not for wealth, nor honors, but only and alone for freedom, which no good man surrenders but with his life.
Arthur Eddington: If the cloud breaks quarter past two tomorrow, we look up into the heavens, take photographs of the eclipse, we will be scientists at our work. We'll be looking at the poetry of existence. And if Einstein's right, the Universe will never look the same again.
Delysia: Men are so untrusting. I can't think why.
Kristen: James, we need a gun. Does your dad have a gun?
James Hoyt: Kristen, I'm looking! There was one here when I was a kid. He always hid it.