Adrienne Willis: I know you've only ever known your father and me. And I love Jack, because he is your father. But there's another kind of love, Amanda. One that gives you the courage to be better than you are, not less than you are. One that makes you feel that anything is possible. I want you to know that you could have that. I want you to hold out for it.

Christine Collins: Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Michael Carson: Don't be scared, mommy. He just wants to come play with us.

Preest: If you needed to find someone, the best place to start was the Faith Registration Centre - Meanwhile's melting pot of the pious. Every creed, cult, religion and doctrine pass through these doors, all looking for the same sense of belonging and hope.

P'tit Lys: The prince went slowly through the forest. His beautiful horse was silent. The sky was taking on the color of roses. "Will I be in time?" the prince wondered. He remembered what the magician had told him. "Night is your only enemy. Once it has cast its cloak of darkness over the world and you cannot tell the shadow of a dog from that of a wolf, you will know it is too late and that your beautiful lady is lost forever. Hurry if you love her." The prince's heart was pounding.

Agnes: Get in the car bitches.

Bud Crain: Sweet spear.
Salazar: You see a black man with a sharp stick and it's supposed to be a spear?

Man-gil: The bounty on your head is 300 won.
Yoon Tae-goo: What? I'm only worth a piano?
Man-gil: A used one at that.

Dr. Paul Faulkner: We see what we look at. But the way we see things is affected by what we know.

Bobbi Prescott: We were pretty sure we didn't get the job.
Officer Degrasso: Wait wait wait wait wait, you mean they didn't hire you on the spot?
Bobbi Prescott: Oh no, we weren't interviewing to be cops.