Brand Hauser: Did you know that the word "person" comes from the Latin word "persona", which means mask? So maybe being human means we invite spectators to ponder what lies behind. Each of us will be composed of a variety of masks, and if we can see behind the mask, we would get a burst of clarity. And if that flame was bright enough, that's when we fall in love. What's your opinion on these divine matters?
Natalie Hegalhuzen: I'm not going to fuck you. You know that, right?

Eric: What is scary about commitment is that your life becomes real. It is not a plan, it is not what you had hoped for - it is real.

Juan Antonio: Well, now that the day's almost over, is it reasonable of me to ask you if you'll both join me in my room?
Vicky: Oh, come on, I thought we'd settled that.
Cristina: Vicky's just trying to say that she's engaged to be married, that's all.
Juan Antonio: Great. Then these are her last days of freedom.
Vicky: No. Look, I'm not free. I'm committed. You know what my theory is? And when I drink, I get brutally frank. I think that you're still hurting from the failure of your marriage to Maria Elena, and you're trying to lose yourself in empty sex.
Juan Antonio: Empty sex? Do you have such a low opinion of yourself?

Freya: If you truly believe that you write the tale of your life, then the end is up to you.

Dana Marschz: Oh my god, writing is so hard.

Eli: I'm twelve. But I've been twelve for a long time.

Kate: Sorry Mrs Kingsley, we just got a little bit carried away.
Mrs. Kingsley: Well as I understand, Drippy was totally carried away by Mr Nellis and Miss Rees-Withers - after lying in a pool of her own vomit.
Drippy: Actually, it was Kate's vomit, Mrs Kingsley - I was just lying in it.

Lina Mayfleet: Lizzie! Where'd you get that food?
Lizzie Bisco: All right. I got it from my boyfriend.
Lina Mayfleet: You don't have a boyfriend.
Lizzie Bisco: It's not official, but there's this guy who really likes me. He explores the storerooms, especially the ones on the edges. They're marked empty in the ledger, but they're not all empty. I'll give you a bite if you promise not to tell.

Adele Lack: Everyone is disappointing the more you know them.

Carter Rutherford: I thought you liked me.
Jimmy 'Dodge' Connelly: Look, she's too old for you.
Lexie Littleton: What? Well, you're too old for me.
Jimmy 'Dodge' Connelly: Well, you got me on that one.

Bridget Cardigan: We'll think outside the box.
Don Cardigan: Well that's good because we're selling the box and moving into a smaller box.