Fox: Kill one, maybe save a thousand.
Sloan: If I had not done what I did, you would all be dead. I saved your lives. Now look where we are. We are stronger than ever, changing the course of history as we see it. Choosing the targets we select. We can redistribute power where we see fit. The wolves rule, not the sheep. Now, if any of you feel the need to follow the code of the Fraternity to the letter, I invite you to take your gun, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger. That is what Wesley demands. Otherwise, shoot *this* motherfucker and let us take our Fraternity of assassins to heights reserved only for the gods of men! You choose.
The Butcher: You are a pussy!
Wesley: I'm not a pussy. I got a healthy respect for the human... Condition.
The Butcher: Fuck that! You are a pussy!
Wesley: Want to hear something sad? I use an ergonomic keyboard to keep my repetitive stress injury in check. Just the fact that I repeat something enough that it causes me stress is fucking sad.
Answer: I believe it is meant to be assumed that the Russian laid down peanut butter or the scent of peanut butter in strategic points for the rats to follow.