
Corrected entry: When Al and Dirk are in the back of the truck handcuffed together, Dirk gets out the gold coin from his pocket to undo the screws holding the bed down. From the coin being in one hand, the camera immediately cuts to Dirk holding the coin in the other hand.


Correction: He gets the coin from his boot with his left hand and places it in his right hand.

Corrected entry: While the Sahara Desert was at one point transected by three rivers that likely provided a more habitable landscape, those rivers, the Irharhar, the Sahabi and the Kufrah, disappeared under the dunes over 100,000 years ago when the area underwent "desertification." This makes it impossible for the Confederate ironclad to have traversed the desert at all. (Source:

Correction: The movie claims a great storm raised the level of the Niger river enough for the ironclad to get further up than normally possible for its size in the past, and a point which was desert in the time of the movie. The upper river is navigable for small boats from Gao downstream to Ansongo. Between Ansongo and Labbezanga there are rapids, but all travel on the Niger is basically dependent on seasonal rains, even from Labbezanga to the sea. The Niger has been suffering low water levels due to droughts since the 60's. Sections dried up in 1985 and 1990, around the time in which the movie is set, I believe. The premise may still be valid if there was sufficient water in the Niger in 1865 and the ironclad had the power to go up stream.

Corrected entry: The scene depicting Muslim praying is wrong. After sujud (bowing down with forehead touching the ground), you are supposed to sit on your legs for tahiyyad. You are not supposed to stand right away, like how the movie depicts.

Correction: You can get up right away. Not every sujud requires tahiyyad, the second and fourth sujud does.

Corrected entry: When Ava is fighting on the beach with the two men and Dirk saves her, while the guy in black robes is holding her down by the neck getting ready to stab her with the knife, his hand changes to a lighter skinned hand.

Correction: The hand doesn't change color. The light colored hand you see is actually Ava's covering the hand of the man choking her.

Corrected entry: When the heroes jump onto the moving train, a guard is sitting on a chair on the guardrail enclosed back end of the rearmost carriage. When they are safely on board, the train travels off into the distance, revealing the rear carriage, now without guardrail, guard or chair. (01:11:55 - 01:13:15)


Correction: I am watching the movie now, and you actually do see the guard and guardrail still on the back of the train. The train is pretty far away but you defenitely still see Hom sitting there.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Rudi shoots the man in the truck with the flare gun, the flare explodes in the truck. However you later see the driver's hands as he fights to control the truck. (00:41:30)

Correction: What's the mistake? The man in the truck gets injured by the flare gun, but desperately tries to control the truck to keep it from wrecking. Even injured, it's logical that he would try to stop, or control the truck to keep himself from getting killed.

Corrected entry: When the boys land at the bottom of the hill under the truck bed, there is a wide shot. If you look closely in front of them, there is an object in the sand. This is the skeleton of Kitty Mannock who was in the plane that crashed. In a deleted scene they notice and examine the skeleton. The producers didn't take it out of the shot.

Correction: This is trivia, not a mistake. There's no reason that the skeleton should have been taken out, and there's no reason the boys absolutely *had* to examine it, which is why the scene was removed.


Corrected entry: It would be absolutely impossible for the three main characters to be able to position their camels and bury themselves in the sand without the train driver noticing them. The train is travelling in a straight line to the plant, and the driver would have seen them.

Correction: Being as the tracks are in a straight line, with nothing but desert around, he could easily have been making a cup of coffee, reading a magazine, eating, or a myriad of other activities rather than watching a featureless landscape roll by. Engineers don't spend all their time looking out the windows, much as airline pilots also don't spend all their time looking out the window, as they have charts to look at, instruments to monitor and other tasks only remotely related to actually flying.

Corrected entry: Clive Cussler, the original author of the novel "Sahara" that this movie was based on, sued the studio because he felt that the producers had taken too many liberties with the screenplay (e.g. removing/changing crucial scenes or information and adding unnecessary material.).

Correction: This isn't exactly true. (a) The lawsuit is actually on hold due to many reasons, including Clive Cussler's health issues, so the full terms of the lawsuit are still unclear (b) the lawsuit involves not giving Clive Cussler final script approval and that the studio went ahead with shooting the film without his approval. (c) removing scenes occurs in every book to film transitions. Therefore can hardly be grounds for a lawsuit.


Corrected entry: Near the end where the villain is flying in the helicopter shooting at the landlocked ironclad ship the heroes are holed up in, he obviously missed thousands of massed Twareg warriors just over the sand dune. (01:47:00 - 01:49:00)


Correction: Who says he missed them? His main objective was to kill Pitt, Al and Eva. As it was stated in the movie, he was probably running low on fuel and wanted to kill them before he did. What was he going to do? Kill all the Twaregs first?


Corrected entry: Although the story is set in Africa, Mexican license plates can be seen on the heroes' Jeep. The Mexican flag on the plates has been partially obscured with dirt but it can be seen.

Correction: I fail to see how this is a mistake. Had the movie been shot in Mexico (pretending it was NW Africa), that it is definitely a mistake. However, the movie was shot in Morocco (in NW Africa). There are any number of reasons to have old plates on jeeps in the desert - stolen, sold on after market, the owner liked the color, etc. All of which could fit into the context of the movie (just not important enough for explanation).

Zwn Annwn

Corrected entry: When the hundreds of solar panels pivot to get the suns energy and it reflects to the hooded character on the roof, this would have blinded him yet he still managed to see perfectly well after.

Correction: If you would stare at the solar panels long enough, it could certainly blind you. However, he was shading his eyes and squinting while he was trying to see if Dirk was still there. Given that and the length of time, he might have several afterimages but wouldn't necessarily be blind. Also, there is nothing to point out that he saw perfectly after that. All he did was try to kill the doctor and then fight with Dirk. He could have done that with partial eyesight.

Zwn Annwn

Corrected entry: When the captured Al and Dirk are cuffed to the metal platform on the back of the truck, They get free by pushing themselves off the back of the truck. They walk through the sands of the Sahara, without water, cuffed to a heavy, metal platform. Without water and with the high temperatures and the metal platform making it even hotter, it wouldn't take long for them to die.

Correction: There is never a description of time nor distance they walked. They might have only been out there for several minutes.


Corrected entry: This error is in the part where Eva, Dirk and Al are trying to jump on the train. You have three camels by the tracks and the characters buried in the sand, ready to jump as the train passes. Sand gets hot very easily and in the Sahara the temperature reaches 50C. If someone would be buried in the hot sands of the Sahara, the person would be dead very fast.

Correction: They might have stayed right next to the camels until the train was upon them and then buried themselves. You don't know how long they were buried. A survival technique used by Legionnaires is to dig down into sand and lie down, preferably with material to cover shallow trench. Only a few inches down, the temperature can be substantially cooler.


Corrected entry: When Dirk is cajoling the Admiral into letting him use the boat, he mentions that Davis had 5 gold dollars struck just before the Mint was destroyed at the end of the Civil War. He claims that Stonewall Jackson was the recipient of one of the dollars, but Jackson was killed in May of 1863...two years before the end of the war.

Correction: It was actually a figure of speech. When he makes reference to the fact the Mint was destroyed, he actually says, "Not before he had 5 gold coins made," (or something similar). He doesn't say "just before." It could have been years before the Mint was destroyed.


Corrected entry: When the characters "stumbled" across the ship they forgot they were looking for, they fired the cannon to take down a helicopter. That cannon has been sitting there under sand for almost 150 years, and yet it works perfectly?

Correction: It is perfectly plausible, the ironclad is in the middle of the desert. Given there is no water source nearby (apart from the initial), and that it is buried (protecting it from humidity condensation), it would be enough to protect it from corrosion, and 150 years is not that much for a bulky cannon like that.

Corrected entry: In the scene were Dirk, Al, and Eva are driving through the desert in the Jeep, Al is sitting in the back with an FN-FAL. In the next shot, he has an AK-47, and in the shot after that, he's got the FN-FAL again.

Correction: There is obviously time that passes between the shots, and if you notice when they get out, Dirk throws down an AK-47, so it is possible that they switched weapons or that Al was cleaning it like he did the FN-FAL.

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie as the Confederate ironclad, Texas, begins to leave the dock, it's flying the Stars and Stripes; -seen behind the captain's head as he's giving orders.

Correction: In the book, it is explained that they flew that flag to "trick" the Union soldiers in thinking the ironclad ship was a Union ship. It was meant to be a diversion tactic, because the Confederate ironclad ship closely resembled a ship in the Union fleet. In the book, all the confederate soldiers on the ship also wore Union uniforms too. Obviously, in the movie this point was not clearly explained.


Corrected entry: When Eva goes to check on the man working at the light house and finds his body, the "dead" man's left eye twitches when she checks the other eye.

Correction: The man isn't dead though.

Factual error: At a stop on the Niger River, before they arrived in Mali, Dirk tells Dr. Rojas of "the angel wing clam" and calls them "Petricola Pholadiformis" and says that "this river is the only place on the earth they are found." Three problems: First, Petricola Pholadiformis are actually called "False angel wing" and are found many places in the world in fresh water (but seldom in the Niger River). Second, what's known as the "Angel wing" shell (no "false" in its name) has "Cyrtopleura Costata" as its scientific name. Cyrtopleura Costata ("Angel wing") is found in salt water. Third, Dirk also said they "glow in the dark"; some varieties of Cyrtopleura Costata shells will glow if exposed to ultraviolet light but none glow from their own internal source. Petricola Pholadiformis shells don't glow at all.

More mistakes in Sahara

Al Giordino: Hi! How are ya?

More quotes from Sahara

Trivia: During the opening pan shot of Dirk's stateroom, the article on the wall with the pic of the Titanic is a subtle reference to the Dirk Pitt adventure "Raise the Titanic", which was made into a movie in 1980, 6 years before the real Titanic was found.

More trivia for Sahara

Question: What exactly is Kazim attempting to gain/accomplish by killing the doctors?

Answer: So they will not discover the poisonining that is going on.

More questions & answers from Sahara

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