Best movie trivia of 2004

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Resident Evil: Apocalypse picture

Trivia: The method by which Alice disposes of the zombie dogs (by throwing a flaming object into a gas filled kitchen) is similar to one of the numerous ways Jill Valentine defeats Nemesis in 'Resident Evil 3'.

More Resident Evil: Apocalypse trivia
Along Came Polly picture

Trivia: Polly explains to Reuben that she's travelled to many exotic places (Singapore, Costa Rica, etc.). The last place that she lists is Buffalo, New York, which is the city that Jennifer Aniston's (Polly) last movie, Bruce Almighty (2003), took place in.

More Along Came Polly trivia
The Punisher picture

Trivia: While filming the knife fight scene, Thomas Jane accidentally stabbed Kevin Nash.

More The Punisher trivia
Alien Vs. Predator picture

Trivia: The line "You are one ugly m*****" that Lex delivers to the Alien when she kills it before the exit through the shaft, is the same that Major "Dutch" Schaefer said to the Predator in the 1987 film.

More Alien Vs. Predator trivia
Troy picture

Trivia: Due to the political situation in Iraq, the location for scale shots was moved from Morocco to Mexico, an ideal alternate choice with its broad beach. However, the rushed decision presented some obstacles. Coastal Mexico is an endangered turtle habitat, so to be granted permission to set up the Greek encampment and build boats on the large stretch of beach, the film crew implemented their own turtle incubation nursery, releasing a multitude of turtles while on location in Mexico. They also did not have an accurate idea of the physical conditions of that particular beach - it was unstable and 100 feet of beach washed away overnight, leaving Greek ships teetering precariously on the edge of the bank with the missing sand.

Super Grover

More Troy trivia
The Village picture The Village trivia picture

Trivia: At the ranger's office when the security guard was stealing the medical supplies, you see a cameo of M. Night Shamalayan in the reflection of the glass.

Tricia Webster

More The Village trivia
The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie picture

Trivia: SpongeBob has worked for the krusty krab for at least 31 years, according to his 374 consecutive employees of the month awards. He is considered a kid because sponges can live to be 500 years old.

More The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie trivia
Secret Window picture

Trivia: One should really stay to the very end of the credits, as Johnny Depp (Mort) sings an amusing little tune.

More Secret Window trivia
Hellboy picture

Trivia: The BPRD complex was (according to Del Toro) was originally FDR's secret emergency bunker. The library where Professor Broom dies was the president's office and Hellboy's room (with the big vault door) was his fallout shelter, just in case Germany perfected the A-bomb first.

Mark Bernhard

More Hellboy trivia
50 First Dates picture

Trivia: Lucy's doctor mentions that their hospital is funded by T.B. Callahan Auto Industries, a reference to "Tommy Boy" Callahan, a major character from "Tommy Boy" (1995).

More 50 First Dates trivia
King Arthur picture

Trivia: One thing was digitally edited for the promotional posters (the trio of pictures of Guinevere, Lancelot and Arthur): Keira Knightly's (Guinevere) bust was increased purely to attract more viewers.

More King Arthur trivia
More Starsky & Hutch trivia
The Day After Tomorrow picture

Trivia: Before the film was released, N.A.S.A. sent a memo out to all of its employees stating that they were not allowed to comment on the likelihood of the events portrayed in this movie.


More The Day After Tomorrow trivia
Thunderbirds picture

Trivia: When Alan and Fermat are in Thunderbird One a puppet hand is lowered onto the controls in place of Fermat's.

More Thunderbirds trivia
More Hidalgo trivia
National Treasure picture

Trivia: When Ben is talking to Riley in front of the Lincoln Memorial, you see a long pool behind them. This pool is filled with computer generated water, because the pool was drained at the time of shooting.

More National Treasure trivia
I, Robot picture

Trivia: Often times when a movie is distributed the name of the movie on the actual can is changed or altered to prevent piracy. The name on this movie was "Hal," a reference to "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968).

Johny English

More I, Robot trivia
Eurotrip picture

Trivia: As Cooper stated at the vandersexxx: the "safeword" is really not a word, it's complete nonsense. The letters are taken from several European languages. One letter, the €€, is the symbol for the Euro, the EU currency. (00:51:35)


More Eurotrip trivia
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story picture

Trivia: Make sure to stay after the credits have ended. There is an extra scene with Ben Stiller looking very different. (01:28:05)

Jane Doe

More Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story trivia
More Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid trivia

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