Trivia: When Noah is driving back to Allie's house after Finn tells him she's left, Noah's car bangs into the fence. This wasn't supposed to happen; it was a mistake made by the actor (Ryan Gosling).

Trivia: In one scene Paul is listening to the radio and a broadcast of the debate about whether what was happening in Rwanda was considered genocide. During the conflict there was a news conference that was very similar to the one on the radio. One of the reasons that the US and UN would not label (or appear to label) the situation as genocide was that under legal obligations they would have had to act to prevent and punish the perpetrators if they said what was happening in Rwanda was genocide.

Trivia: This film is actually the second version of "Exorcist: The Beginning" to be filmed and completed. But upon seeing the first version, the studio protested the film was based too much on the characters and wasn't the gore-fest they wanted, so they hired a new director and reshot the entire movie with a different script. The original version of the movie was recently released on video as "Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist."

Trivia: Even though he shares top billing with Angelina Jolie and Ethan Hawke, Kiefer Sutherland is on screen for less than three minutes.

Trivia: Despite receiving top billing, Sandra Bullock has only six minutes of screen time.

Trivia: It's shown in the film that Ray turns up to a protest outside the concert and then refuses to play before a segregated crowd in Georgia, which earns him a lifetime ban from the state. Ray Charles did cancel his concert but only paid compensation and was never banned from Georgia. There was also no protest outside the concert hall.

Trivia: Foreshadow: There's bunch of frogs/toads outside the Beasts' cell, later in the film he fights "Toad Style."

Trivia: There are only 500 balls placed on the wall in Stan's, enclosed in a glass case behind the bar. The crew kept on moving the panels depending on the shot needed.

Trivia: This is a remake of a very successful series of French movies, also called "Taxi". Queen Latifah's character was originally a man, and her Ford was a Peugeot.

Trivia: The Final Interview Subject is played by Lynn Redgrave, who is Liam Neeson's (Alfred Kinsey) real life aunt-in-law. Lynn's niece, Natasha Richardson, daughter of Vanessa Redgrave, is Liam's wife.

Trivia: On the 13th of December, 2005, Stanley "Tookie" Williams was executed in California. In a strange coincidence the date of his execution is the same as Jamie Foxx's (who portrayed Stan Williams in the film) birthday.

Trivia: This "prequel" to "Ginger Snaps" was shot back-to-back with the sequel "Ginger Snaps: Unleashed."

Trivia: The producers had asked porn star Jenna Jameson to appear in the movie, and she agreed. However, she wanted a larger role, that of Danielle, played by Elisha Cuthbert. The producers declined, and Jenna lost the role she was offered. (source: Elisha Cuthbert, speaking on "Lovelines" radio program.).

Trivia: The movie uses a lot of scenes that are taken almost directly from other games. The first game Charlie plays is directly taken from Grand Theft Auto. The Cabin in the Woods scene looks a lot like the cabin from The Evil Dead, and even the scene when Charlie and his friends are wandering through the foggy woods resembles the opening to Resident Evil 1. And the ending scene in the rusted warehouse is Silent Hill.

Trivia: In the opening scenes of the movie there are several massive statues representing necromongers. These statues are also in the film Batman. They are right in front of the building when the goons announce that they will be running Jack Palance's company.