Best movie trivia of 2004

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Welcome to Mooseport picture

Trivia: Monroe Cole states that people will be calling him Mr. President for the rest of his life. While it is true people do tend to call former presidents by that title (thus not a movie mistake), as a point of trivia; is it incorrect to address a former president as "Mr. President" or "former president (surname)." While Cole doesn't have to worry about his ex-wife taking his title, leaving office will do that. It's the media that perpetuates this presidential title error.


More Welcome to Mooseport trivia
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London picture

Trivia: When Cody and Emily are about to kiss, a boy gets his head hit by a violin bow in the background. (01:31:05)

More Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London trivia
First Daughter picture

Trivia: The final film of famed composer Michael Kamen, who passed while working on the score. Blake Neely was brought in to finish Kamen's work.


More First Daughter trivia
Steamboy picture

Trivia: In the English dub of the film, Anna Paquin voices Ray Steam, Alfred Molina voices Edward (Ray's father) and Patrick Stewart voices Lloyd (Ray's grandfather). The three also share another connection in real-life. Paquin and Stewart co-starred in all three "X-Men" films, which were created by Marvel, and Molina starred in another popular Marvel comic-turned-film, when he appeared as the villain in "Spider-Man 2."


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