Trivia: In the last scene, when everyone meets to play poker, Catherine Zeta Jones throws her hands up to celebrate a win and falls out of her chair for real.

Trivia: A little foreshadowing - when the King first goes to the Poison Apple pub, a frog with ruby red lips asks him if she has met him before.

Trivia: In the opening scene where Mia is introduced and waves to the crowd from atop a staircase, (wearing a big red dress) she accidentally flings a bracelet off her wrist, where a footman catches it. That is the same footman who catches the snail Julia Roberts flings in Pretty Woman, and he uses the same line "It happens all the time".

Trivia: Satan is actually played by a woman - the Italian actress Rosalinda Celentano.

Trivia: As is often the case with micro-budget films, the movie was not shot widescreen, but rather was shot on cheaper 4:3 full-frame film stock and cropped for the widescreen theatrical release. Thus director James Wan filmed the movie ahead of time with the knowledge that the tops and bottoms of the frame would be missing from the theatrical cut, and he made sure to compose the shots accordingly. Unfortunately, instead of panning-and-scanning the cropped widescreen release for the full-frame home-video release, the distributors merely uncropped the image. This causes some rather strange and subtle blunders in some full-frame home-video releases, as portions of the frame were visible that shouldn't have been.

Trivia: In order to acquaint himself with his three lead actors, director Alfonso Cuaron had each of them write an essay about their characters, from a first-person point of view. Emma Watson, in true Hermione fashion, went a little overboard and wrote an 16-page essay, Daniel Radcliffe wrote a simple one page paper, and Rupert Grint never even turned his in, as he said that is what Ron would have done.

Trivia: Dr. Curt Connors, Peter's one-armed teacher in the film, is the man who will later become The Lizard, one of Spider-Man's longest running enemies.

Trivia: Brick kills a rival reporter by throwing a trident in a scene lifted from the first gladiator fight in Spartacus (1960).

Trivia: The two old men near the end, talking about it being "old school" are voiced by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston, two Walt Disney animators who worked on such classics as Bambi and Cinderella.

Trivia: When Shaun is on the phone to his mum, Ed shouts "We're coming to get you Barbra". This is a tribute to the famous "they're coming to get you Barbra" line from Night of the Living Dead (1968).

Trivia: If you look at the poster advertising the play "The Marvelous Marriage," you'll see it was written by Al Funcoot. "Al Funcoot" is an anagram of Count Olaf. This is a common theme in the Lemony Snicket Books.

Trivia: If you listen very carefully to the part where Al MIchaels says, "Do you believe in miracles? YES...", you'll notice that it's from the original broadcast of the game in 1980. All other play-by-play was re-done by Michaels as the movie was produced. The reason they used the original 1980 broadcast for just that specific moment is that Michaels had a difficult time recreating the emotion and excitement he felt when shouting it as it really happened.