Monroe Hutchens: He's a fighter, I'm a fighter, if I'm better on that day, I win. That's just the way it goes. Someday, every fighter loses. Sooner or later, somebody comes along and they got your ticket. Too old, just wasn't your day, whatever the reason is. In the end, everybody gets beaten. The most you can hope for is that you stay on top a while. Be the best.
Jim Byrd: You're 32 years old, and you've achieved nothing. Jesus Christ was dead and alive again by 33. You better get crackin'.
Jakob Elinsky: Jesus Christ.
Frank Slaughtery: Yeah.
Jakob Elinsky: Yeah, the New York Times says the air is bad down here.
Frank Slaughtery: Well, fuck the Times... I read the Post.
Frank Slaughtery: EPA says it's fine.
Jakob Elinsky: Well, somebody's lying.
Mrs. Cartwright: What sorts of things are we supposed to notice?
Det. Martin Van Zandt: Nothing. You're just her parents.
Virginia Woolf: I am attended by doctors. Everywhere. I am attended by doctors who inform me of my own interests.
Richard Roth: Hi. Richard Roth. Don't call me 'Dick'.
Robert Wiener: Robert Wiener. Don't call me 'Dick', either.
Milan: One guy can't take two on, except in the movies.