Tony Wilson: This scene didn't actually make it to the final cut. I'm sure it'll be on the DVD.
Suzette: Ever heard of Frank Zappa?
Harry: Sure. The Mothers of Invention.
Suzette: Wow. Very good Harry. Well, he named us. The Banger Sisters.
Harry: But you weren't really sisters.
Suzette: No.
Harry: Good 'cause I wouldn't have been comfortable if you were sisters.
Suzette: You're not comfortable now, Harry.
Michelle Bain: I believe that secular entertainment is one of the biggest tools that Satan uses to mislead people.
Mimi: They said I lost the baby. Lost it. Like it was my keys or something.
Max Rothman: I've seen the future. Believe me, it came straight at us. There's no future in the future.
Rosa Louise McCauley Parks: Why do you always push us around?
Simone: You're gonna get in a lot of trouble, Mr Taransky.
Viktor: Why do you have to bring that up?
Samantha Harper: You're thinking about the cop, aren't you?
Katie Burke: Maybe.
Samantha Harper: Okay, visualize this with me. You're down in New York consulting with Lou Gerstner or the head of GE telling them how to buy South American countries but on the weekends, you fly back up here to hang out with the cop, do cop things, maybe go to cop mixers.
Katie Burke: I like the cop.
Samantha Harper: Yeah, um, I can see that.
Paikea: A long time ago, my ancestor Paikea came to this place on the back of a whale. Since then, in every generation of my family, the first born son has carried his name and become the leader of our tribe... until now.
Marcus: Who are you?
Mourad: Who am I? Until proof of the contrary, I can be your best friend.