Alex: I've been reading the most amazing book.
Marcus: So what is it?
Alex: It says that the future is already written. It's all there. And the proof lies in premonitory dreams.
Pierre: Wow! It's putting us to sleep already.
Marcus: Even dreams are bad news.
Pierre: I often dream I'm sleeping. It's my only dream.
Alex: Well, at least you relax.

Paikea: A long time ago, my ancestor Paikea came to this place on the back of a whale. Since then, in every generation of my family, the first born son has carried his name and become the leader of our tribe... until now.

Mrs. Cartwright: What sorts of things are we supposed to notice?
Det. Martin Van Zandt: Nothing. You're just her parents.

Cathy Whitaker: Oh, Raymond, Mrs. Whitaker sounds so formal! Won't you please... ask me to dance?

Monty Brogan: Champagne for my real friends, and real pain for my sham friends.

Jim Byrd: You're 32 years old, and you've achieved nothing. Jesus Christ was dead and alive again by 33. You better get crackin'.