Blade: You better wake up. The world you live in is just a sugar coated topping. There is another world beneath it. The real world. And if you want to survive it, you better learn to pull the trigger.
Nick Parker: You two help Meredith.
Meredith Blake: Sure you'll help me. Right over a cliff, you'll help me.
Hallie Parker: Not a bad idea.
Annie James: Yeah, see any cliffs?
Private Reiben: You wouldn't shoot the kraut and now you're gonna shoot me?
Sergeant Horvath: He's better than you.
Goon: What the fuck is this?
[Picks up a bowling ball hesitatingly.]
The Dude: Obviously you're not a golfer.
Ted: I couldn't believe that she knew my name. Some of my best friends didn't know my name.
Prince Henry: I have been born to privilege, and with that comes specific obligations.
Leonardo da Vinci: Horseshit.
Harry Stamper: You got any more bullets in that gun, Sharp?
Robin Monroe: If you were half a pilot, we wouldn't be on this island!
Quinn Harris: I'm the best damn pilot you're ever going to meet!
Robin Monroe: Ha! I've flown with you twice and you've crashed half the time!
Simba: Kiara.
Zira: Kovu. Move.
Simba: Stand aside.
Kiara: Daddy, this has to stop.
Zira: You're even weaker than I thought. Get out of the way.
Kovu: You'll never hurt Kiara or Simba. Not while I'm here.
Simba: Stay out of this.
Kiara: A wise king once told me, "We are one." I didn't understand him then. Now I do.
Simba: But - they.
Kiara: Them? Us? Look at them. They are us. What differences do you see?
Patch Adams: I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly without complexities or pride. I love you because I know no other way then this. So close that your hand, on my chest, is my hand. So close, that when you close your eyes, I fall asleep.
Truman Burbank: Good morning! And in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
Emperor: The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.
Shang: Sir?
Emperor: You don't meet a girl like that every dynasty.
Lee Butters: You have the right to remain silent. So shut the fuck up. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford an attorney, we will provide you with the dumbest fucking lawyer on Earth. If you hire Johnny Cochrane, I'll kill you!
Queen Elizabeth: Have her then, but you're a lordly fool: she's been plucked since I saw her last, and not by you. Takes a woman to know it.
Eddie: They're armed.
Soap: What was that? Armed? What do you mean armed? Armed with what?
Eddie: Err, bad breath, colorful language, feather duster... What do you think they're gonna be armed with? Guns, you tit!
Lieutenant Danny Roman: A quick lesson in lying. See, this is what us real cops do: We study liars. Example: If I ask you a question about something visual, like your favorite color, your eyes go up and to the left. Neurophysiology tells us your eyes go in that direction, because you're accessing the visual cortex. So you're telling the truth. If your eyes go up and right, you're accessing the brain's creative centers and we know you're full of shit.