Thomas Builds-the-Fire: Your father saved my life.
Victor Joseph: Thomas you don't even know my father. Did you know that my father was the one that set your parent's house on fire? Did you know that my father beat my mother? Did you know that my father beat me too?
Thomas Builds-the-Fire: All I know is that when your father left your mother lost you too.
Victor Joseph: Thomas I wish that fire had killed you.
Thomas Builds-the-Fire: Victor look OUT.

Guest at Party: Nick, I can't believe you look so good for someone so old. How do you do that?
Nick Kudrow: Drugs, my dear. Massive doses of drugs.

Gwen Cromwell Piper: You are not a witch.
Marnie Cromwell: Oh, yes, I am, no thanks to you. You were going to let my powers go away forever.

Dean Martin: Hey Frank, how do you make a fruit cordial?
Frank Sinatra: I don't know Dean, how do you make a fruit cordial?
Dean Martin: Be nice to it.

Dr. John Dolittle: You know how to do CPR?
Rat #2: CPR? I can't even spell it.

Kate Gulden: Thank you for the world so sweet.Thank you for the food we eat.Thank you for the birds that sing.Thank you, God, for everything.

Helen Jordan: I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you.
Joy Jordan: But I'm not laughing.

Stevenson Lowe: So what went wrong?
Lily Marlowe: Well, Max has his faults. There were many women to whom he was not, shall we say, indifferent.
Stevenson Lowe: But you knew that, I mean, you knew that.
Lily Marlowe: I thought it would pass. I think it's a sad loss that men have such an aptitude for love coupled with such an inability for managing it properly.

Cliff: Who wants to do a bong... how about you.

Steve Rubell: Prison can be so fucking dull at night.