Corrected entry: At the part where Soo Yung and the 2 Asian guys are in traffic, then diverted down the side street, you can see plenty of people walking the streets right before and when they are stopped. Then Sang shoots and kills the two guys and fights with Soo Yung. It's "rush hour" in Los Angeles in a busy section, why does no one witness this? (00:11:00)

Corrected entry: In the scene where the guy gets electrocuted on the antenna, this would not happen. 1)The power would have shorted out long before the water got to the transformer 2) the guy would not have gotten shocked even if the water was electrified because he was not grounded. The water would have taken the electricity to the true earth ground immediately as electricity ALWAYS takes the past of least resistance.
Correction: The first part should be true, however the second part is completely wrong. Because of such high electricity levels, it would get dispersed in all directions, and as for not being grounded he was holding onto a giant piece of metal; metal has more conductivity than true ground, and would be connected to a ground at its base anyways.

Corrected entry: When Norman is putting Marion's body in the trunk of the car, it's almost dawn, but, when he's sinking the car in the swamp it's late night again.
Correction: I actually thought it was a mistake too, until I realized that Norman didn't turn off the blue neon lights. Dawn starts after the car is thrown in te water.

Corrected entry: When it shows all the girls around the table, the mascot picks up a bottle of alcohol and drinks from it, even though the bottle cap is obviously still on. (00:25:30)
Correction: Not only is the bottle cap not on, we can see the bottle cap actually on the table. And when the mascot takes a drink, we can see the amount of alcohol in the bottle goes down.

Corrected entry: When Mulder and Scully are running around the southwest US, it's obvious that it's the middle of summer. When we see Mulder in Antarctica, (in the SOUTHERN hemisphere) the sun is out. If it IS mid-July or August, Antarctica should be in the middle of a LONG winter.
Correction: Antarctica does not experience a total lack of light during the winter as the Arctic does, due to the tilt of the Earth. The shortest days in Antarctica are in June. In July, there are varying hours of light, usually around 5 to 6 hours, increasing as the month goes on. Around the middle of July, the sun is above the horizon, but even before that, there is light enough to compare to dawn in the Northern Hemisphere.

Corrected entry: When Garrett and Kayley are trying to get Excaliber back from the Ogre, they are hanging down over the edge of the cliff, held by the dragon(s?). At first, Kayley's legs are hooked over Garrett's staff by her knees; the dragon(s?) slips and she falls a little and she is hanging on to Garrett's staff with her feet over it, holding on by her ankles. To do so, she would have had to drop down below the staff, put her legs on the other side, and lift her legs up again, to hook her ankles over it. Impossible.
Correction: She actually only slips down. Her ankles catch on Garrett's wrists, not on the staff itself - perfectly probable.

Corrected entry: When Alan and Christy are on the motorcycle and are being chased by the army squad one soldier fires four darts into Alan's leg. He pulls two of the darts out but when he gets on the motorcycle the two remaining darts disappear.
Correction: The 2 darts are still in his leg.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the female alien jumps through the glass wall of her cell, if you play it in slow motion you will see that the glass is already shattered a split second before she jumps through it. (As per MM's rules, if a mistake is significant the requirement of slow motion/pause to spot is permitted.)
Correction: While you have correctly identified MM's ruling on slow-motion mistakes this particular mistake is a minor one since many special effects and stunt setups become apparent in slow motion and mere split seconds are entirely acceptable within the the realms of film making.

Corrected entry: When Dot first talks to Flik, she is holding his telescope he made and in the reflection of the telescope you see the same part of a hill, no matter where she points it.
Correction: The reflection changes several times during the scene, each with accurate reflections. The "lens" is quite large, so the reflection wouldn't change very much with the slight movements while she holds it.

Corrected entry: The film is set in Botswana, yet gorillas do not live anywhere near there. They live in tropical forests or mountain forests in countries like Rwanda, Zaire and Uganda. Most of Botswana is either the Kalahari or tableland - not forest.
Correction: It is never stated where Joe and the gorillas are from. The only times we hear reference to Botswana was once when it was mentioned by Jill that they were taking Joe to Botswana to the poacher's zoo. The second time was when Pindi told Greg "A man in Botswana will pay you 10,000 for the leopard" the fact that he had to say "in Botswana" implies this forest is not in Botswana.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the girl meets the character that Brad Pitt plays at the very beginning of the movie they show lots of angles of them talking after he has bought her coffee. Every time that they show a different angle of them talking it shows her pouring sugar into her coffee. She pours sugar into her cup over 5 times...

Corrected entry: When Shaggy is driving with the zombie on top of the van and he stops suddenly, the zombie flies off the roof and lands in the dirt. But in the next shot, he's leaning up against a tree.
Correction: The zombie is leaning against the tree in every single shot.

Corrected entry: When visiting Harry, Eddy and Tom find 4 bodies and their bag with money. Eddy leaves with the bag and Tom stays to grab the rifles. Eddy gives the bag to Soap, who is sitting in the back. But when Cris smashes into their car, he grabs the bag from Eddy who is sitting behind the wheel.
Correction: When Big Chris crashed into the back of Eddie and Soap the bag was launched forward onto the front seat beside Eddie due to the force of the crash.

Corrected entry: Sandra's character and entourage are visiting her dad in a nursing home and as they're taking their places for the dialogue to begin, the boom mike appears from the top of the frame. Sandra sees it come too close and she looks around with the "Did the camera see that? Shall we continue?" look around the set.
Correction: I am watching the movie now and this does not happen during this scene.

Corrected entry: Several times, Danielle is referred to as a 'Commoner' (non-nobility). She even calls herself this. But her father and mother were nobility thus, so is Danielle.
Correction: Danielle's father, while wealthy, was not of the noble class. This point is shown in Danielle's and servant's excitement of her father bringing home a Baroness and how impressed Danielle was with their table manners. A Baron/Baroness is the lowest noble title, so their excitement of a woman of equal or lower social stature would seem exaggerated. Also, if the de Barbaracs were nobility, Danielle would be known to other nobles as a courtier and as her father's only living descendant and heir. The Baroness would not be able to relegate Danielle to a servant - in her own house no less! And at the ball, Danielle would have corrected the Baroness by mentioning her own noble blood.
Thanks. Makes more sense now. Then why would the Baroness marry someone beneath her station? And since she did, would that not demote/strip her of her Baroness title, then? Making HER a Commoner, also, then? And unable to order Danielle about?
When it comes to nobility it's actually hard to lose titles. She would remain a baroness unless she married someone of higher rank or was stripped by royals.
She seems to have married Auguste for his money, as she seems to have no income of her own, demonstrated by her selling the castle's belongings to fund her schemes.
While I mostly agree with your take on this you stated "Also, if the de Barbaracs were nobility, Danielle would be known to other nobles as a courtier and as her father's only living descendant and heir." however, I don't believe this to be a valid argument. Her father loved her very much and kept her close since he did not have a wife and Danielle did not have a mother so wouldnt have necessarily been trained in the ways of the court. Also, with the disdain her step-mother had for her, there was no way, she would have trained her. I do however agree that Daniele was from the union of 2 wealthy families but have found no proof that she was of noble blood.
Danielle's mother was a comtesse, fr. Countess, French titles were passed via heredity, if available descendants were present. Only one country in Europe, Poland, stopped this for a time prior to 1,000 AD. Titles can be endowed to a partner in marriage, never stripped that I can find. In the case of a commoner being granted a title, the king or queen could approve the title, money always helped. Dumas gives examples in his books. Stripping property very seldom deleted the title as it was in the blood.
Danielle's mother was not a comtesse. Note that the baroness mocks Danielle's claim that her mother was one.
How could that be though if her mother was a Countess? A Countess is of higher rank than an Baroness.
Correction: Actually, we don't know that Danielle's mother was a comtesse. Danielle uses her mother's name, yes, but she could have just added the comtesse part since she was, at that point, pretending to be a courtier.
At the end, the stepmother says, "after all the insidious jokes, you turned your mother into a comtesse" so that shows that she used her mother's name and turned her into a courtier.

Corrected entry: When Frost throws the little girl onto the road, Blade grabs her before the vehicle hits her. Why doesn't the vehicle stop and why isn't anybody around shocked or amazed?
Correction: I can't count how many times I have seen near miss accidents and the other drivers continue on as if nothing has happened, including the drivers that were nearly involved in the accident. We don't know if others around were shocked or amazed, they very well could have been. People don't usually show emotion or react until after the initial shock wears off.

Corrected entry: When we see Emily cycling home we hear the sound effect of a bell but her bike doesn't have one. (01:23:30)
Correction: As we see Emily enter the house, if you look at the bike handle by her right hand, the bells hammer is visible between the handle and brake lever. The bell was camoflagued against the brake handle assembly.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the Enterprise crew first enters the Baku village to resolve the hostage situation, Captain Picard says to Anish and Sojef, "These are my officers Dr. Crusher and Counselor Troi." When Picard says Dr. Crusher, Troi smiles, and when he says Counselor Troi, Crusher nods.
Correction: Not a mistake, just bad timing by the characters.

Corrected entry: In the last scene, where Coop and Remer make the double play to win the Denslow cup, watch Coop carefully as he makes the winning shot. Just as he catches the ball, he looks at the camera. In the next shot, as he's throwing the ball behind him but just before he hits the ground, he smiles. The whole scene is in slow motion, so it's not too difficult to miss.
Correction: It's obvious that he looks at the camera and smiles for comedic effect. Done purposely, it's not a mistake.

Corrected entry: There are several instances of improper poker playing in this movie. 1. When KGB is going to bet 15,000 into Mike early on, he puts one stack of chips out, then reaches for more and announces his bet. This is called a string bet, going back for more without FIRST announcing how much you are putting in. KGB's bet should have only been his first stack. 2. In one of the home games while Mike is trying to win back money, a man says, "I call your 1,500, and bet all-in" or something. He should have said, "I see your 1,500..." By saying "call" he is calling, and therefore can't put any more money in the pot. 3. There are several players who "splash the pot." Putting chips right into the middle, instead of a little in front of you until the betting round is over.
Correction: Mike tells KGB to stop splashing the pot, and Teddy says that in his club he will splash the pot if he wants to. Not really a trivia, since they acknowledge it.
Correction: String bet nonsense. Maybe at a full table but playing head up Mike wouldn't call him for that. Teddy wasn't playing games trying to get a read off him, there was no action, and no-one to ref the game.
Correction: It's downtown in L.A. Pretty much self explanatory. An area with a large crime rate and notorious for criminal retaliation against snitches and witnesses. It was noticed, but shrugged off.
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