Corrected entry: During the first big fight scene at the place where the western show is happening, Colt jumps up onto the high ledge. It's impossible for anyone one to jump that high in one leap.

Corrected entry: Dr. Joley calls George at Nina's apartment to invite him for a weekend getaway, and then asks George whether he's still living with Nina.
Correction: He actually says that he's surprised that George is still living there, suggesting he rang Nina's not expecting to find him but to ask Nina for his new number.

Corrected entry: When Angelina Jolie and Ryan Phillipe are in the club having a drink for the first time, Jolie eats the olives off her toothpick, but when the shot changes, one of the olives is back.
Correction: She is eating the olives from the first martini and then picks up the olives from the second martini.

Corrected entry: When Rafael takes Ruby to the club the second time, she tells him that she cannot dance the way that he does, yet in the minutes following that, she seems to have caught on quite quickly.
Correction: She is a professional dancer, she should be able to pick up dance moves quickly, especially in a more relaxed setting like a dance floor where much is supposed to be 'adlibbed'

Corrected entry: When the mother tells the kids to go to bed, we hear, "I'll be right up," but her lips appear to be saying, "We'll be right up."
Correction: What we hear, and what she actually does say is "We'll be right up."

Corrected entry: Nazi soldiers wore brown boots not black as is shown on numerous occasions in this film.
Correction: Their boots were indeed black. They were issued to them in brown or natural leather, and the boots were blackened by the individual. Orders were given in 1943 to stop blackening of boots, but before then, Nazis would indeed be found with black boots.

Corrected entry: Just before the big battle scene, when everyone crosses swords on the ground, someone (I think Leo) is wearing white tennis shoes.
Correction: I had to look at this several times in slow motion but they are not tennis shoes. He is wearing low cut rough leather shoes that tie at the top.

Corrected entry: In the arcade shootout, one of the replacement killers' Heckler & Koch MP5K suddenly switches to a full-size MP5N between shots.
Correction: If you watch him after he takes the MP5K out of the case, he starts walking down the aisle by the photo booth and pulls back the right side of his trench coat, grabbing a full-size MP5N that his hanging from his right shoulder.

Corrected entry: At the end when Manni gives Ronnie the money he got back from the bum, some money would have been missing because the bum bought a bike and some other stuff with it. Manni says earlier that "Ronnie notices everything," so wouldn't he be worried that Ronnie would notice the missing money? (01:14:35)
Correction: The bike and the few snacks the beggar has bought himself certainly would not cost that much. Manni may have completed the amount with his own change.

Corrected entry: As the bartender pours Buddy's drink, he requests him to fill the cup higher and higher. The problem is, he has him pour far more than the cup can hold, and if you look, between shots, the amount of liquor decreases to allow for the extra.
Correction: Buddy actually drank what was in the cup, it just wasn't shown on screen.

Corrected entry: We learn after the 737 is struck by lightning that it looses its hydraulics this would lead to loss of all directional controls "Rudder, Ailerons and Elevators" hence why they use their engines to control their heading and altitude, yet when he flares upon landing the captain pulls on the Yoke pulling the nose up, this would have no effect if the hydraulics are shot, and the nose wheel steering would also be inoperative yet we see it working at the end?
Correction: Pulling back on the control yoke would be force of habit, or the faint hope that it may actually do something. Planes have redundant safety features in the event of hydraulic failure. The nose wheel would be able to be forced into position by either mechanical or compressed air. Any plane I've flown with retractable wheels has the ability to lock the wheels into position in the event of hydraulic failure.

Corrected entry: Right at the beginning - when the team attacks the first goon in the house - they shoot her with the arrow that is attached to the Jeep. As it winches her out she grabs hold of something on the floor to stop herself. Jack shoots her hand off and she carries on. However, when she gets outside, she has both her hands.
Correction: She doesn't have both her hands. One hand is covered in a special effects sleeve made to look like a stump.

Corrected entry: Sol says that density is weight over volume, but density is actually mass over volume and any self-respecting mathemetician would know that mass and weight are not the same thing. Weight is force dependent on gravitational pull, while mass is an independent characteristic.
Correction: Any self-respecting physicist would know that, but a mathematician might not.

Corrected entry: Near the start, when the nun throws Dan Ackroyd's tissue in the bin, listen closely - that's the heaviest tissue I've ever heard. (00:08:35)
Correction: It lands with a wet thud after excessive nose wiping. It's meant as a joke.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Cosette first kissed Marius on the bench, you'll notice that for part of the sequence her mouth is open, i.e., she and Marius are "French kissing." Now, she seems quite experienced for a young lady who has spent the past ten years of her life living in a convent where the only men with whom she interacted were either her Father, the gardener, or various clergymen. (01:31:05)
Correction: Although Cosette could not have learned 'French kissing' from stories other girls have told her (because they would have been from the convent also) she was in love with Marius, she could have been following her instincts or even copying what he did.

Corrected entry: The kid in the second sub-story plays the violin very nicely, except he occasionally plays a low F sharp, a note that is too low for a violin and can only be played by a viola. Is the Red Violin actually a viola that nobody bothered checking the pitches on the strings for?
Correction: The G string was tuned down a half-step.

Corrected entry: How many people head to the grocery store with their passports? When Lucia follows Jason from the grocery store back to Canada she has no problem crossing the border, but what conceivable reason is there for why she would have had her passport with her when she was only planning on going to the store?
Correction: You don't need a passport to go to Canada from the US, just a Canadian citizenship card.

Corrected entry: After the Reverend has sold the guns to Bobby and Mel he tries to leave the hotel room, but seems to have a little trouble with the door.
Correction: They're in a crappy hotel. This is not a mistake, just a aspect of their environment.

Corrected entry: In the opening credits, one of the suicide diagrams shows a woman about to drop a radio into a bathtub. The radio is shown plugged into an outlet labeled as 220v. In the US (where the film is set) the only common household products that run on 220v are air conditioners and similar equipment, and a radio would not be able to plug into a 220v outlet without major modifications. (00:01:30)
Correction: Because the movie is set in the US, does not mean the diagram was created in the US. One could also argue that 220 is less lethal as well.

Corrected entry: When Sabrina fulfills Pauls wish by the fountain it is in the middle of the night. When they get to the destination where Pauls family is, its in the middle of the day. Then when they travel back through the fountain its night again.
Correction: Not according to the folklore of ninjas.