Doc Holliday: Oh. Johnny, I apologize; I forgot you were there. You may go now.

Mrs. Doubtfire: I hope you don't mind me being a tad rude, but... How was he? You know, on a scale of 1 to 10?
Miranda: Well, that part was always... Okay.
Mrs. Doubtfire: Just okay? Well, he was probably a Casanova compared to poor old Winston.
Miranda: What was the matter with Winston?
Mrs. Doubtfire: Oh dear, Winston's idea of foreplay was "Effie, brace yourself."

Fortune: I rode the bench for two years. Thought I wasn't being played because of my color, I got filled up with a lotta attitude. So I quit. Still not a week goes by I don't regret it. And I guarantee a week won't go by in your life you won't regret walking out, letting them get the best of ya. You hear me clear enough?

Oskar Schindler: Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don't.
Amon Goeth: You think that's power?
Oskar Schindler: That's what the Emperor said. A man steals something, he's brought in before the Emperor, he throws himself down on the ground. He begs for his life, he knows he's going to die. And the Emperor... Pardons him. This worthless man, he lets him go.
Amon Goeth: I think you are drunk.
Oskar Schindler: That's power, Amon. That is power.

Richard Kimble: I didn't kill my wife!
Sam Gerard: I don't care. (00:37:10)

Miklo: What am I going to tell my parole officer?
Popeye: Tell him to suck his pee-pee.

McKnight: He lied about his brother.
Avery Tolar: Wouldn't you lie about having a felon in the family to get a job like this?
Bill DeVasher: He ought to be kept on a short leash.
Avery Tolar: Why? You've got nothing to be suspicious about.
Bill DeVasher: I get paid to be suspicious when I've got nothing to be suspicious about.

Mitch Leary: Do you have what it takes to take a bullet, or is life too precious?
Frank Horrigan: Well, I'll be thinkin' about that when I'm pissin' on your grave.

Adam: I follow you home.
Caroline: You follow me home?
Adam: I wasn't finished.
Caroline: Finish.
Adam: I follow you home to make sure you're... safe.
Caroline: Well I never see you.
Adam: I stay pretty far behind. I'm sorry.
Caroline: Well, I mean, don't be sorry... I just.
Adam: I wasn't finished.
Caroline: Finish.
Adam: I am sorry I was late that night.

Bruce Lee: The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.