Arnie Grape: I killed him Gilbert, I killed him.
Momma: You're my knight in shimmering armor. Did you know that?
Gilbert: I think you mean shining.
Momma: No shimmering. You shimmer, and you glow.
Arnie: Gilbert, how many more miles 'til they get here?
Gilbert: Few million, buddy.
Arnie: Three?
Gilbert: Yeah.
Momma: You left, and I hate that. You know I hate that.
Gilbert: You don't hurt Arnie, you just don't.
Gilbert: Bobby, how's business?
Bobby: Oh, not good... nobody's dying.
Gilbert: Why will I take care of it?
Arnie: Gilbert.
Gilbert: Hmm?
Arnie: 'Cause you're Gilbert.
Gilbert: 'Cause I'm Gilbert.
Arnie: Match in the gas tank, boom boom.
Gilbert: I know a boy whose name is Arnie... he's, uh, 'bout to turn 18 and have a big party. I know a boy whose name is Arnie. C'mon down, buddy.
Gilbert: You know what? You're such a big boy.
Arnie: Yeah.
Gilbert: You're such a big boy.
Arnie: I'm a big boy.
Gilbert: You know what? I bet you could do this all by yourself if you really wanted to. Could you do this by yourself?
Arnie: I'm a big boy.
Gilbert: Yeah, you're a big boy. Now take this.
Arnie: Take this.
Gilbert: Wash everything, your towels are there.
Arnie: Okay.
Gilbert: And your robe is there.
Arnie: Okay! The big boy is gonna wash himself.
Arnie Grape: I could go at any time.
Becky: It's a praying mantis. Do you know how they mate? The male will sneak up on the female and she'll bite off his head and the rest of his body will keep on mating and when they're done... She'll eat him. She'll eat the rest of him.
Tucker: How's momma?
Gilbert: She's fat.
Tucker: Come on, man. She's not all that big, Gilbert.
Gilbert: What?
Tucker: Listen, I saw a guy at the state fair who was... a little bit bigger.
Gilbert: A little bit bigger?
Tucker: Look, all I'm sayin' is that she's not the biggest I ever seen, okay?
Gilbert: Tucker, she's a whale.
Tucker: Well, take her out for a walk once in a while.
Gilbert: Take her out for a jog.
Arnie: She's a whale! Tucker, she's a whale.
Arnie Grape: Good night to you but not me.
Arnie: I'm having a birthday party, but you're not invited, but you can come if you want.
Arnie: Dad's dead! Dad's dead! Dad's dead! Dad's dead! Dad's dead! Dad's dead.