Best drama movie quotes of 1993

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Rising Sun picture

John Connor: They say if you resort to violence, then you've already lost.

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Six Degrees of Separation picture

Paul: It is the worst kind of yellowness to be so scared of yourself that you put blindfolds on rather than deal with yourself. To face ourselves - that's the hard thing. The imagination - that's God's gift, to make the act of self-examination bearable.

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Menace II Society picture

Caine: For all the bullshit they try to teach you in high school, I graduated with about half of it. But then, I didn't go to school but half the time. The other half, I was out selling dope. Growing up out here, there was shit that couldn't be learned in no classroom.

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And the Band Played On picture

Eddie Papasano: Let me tell you people something, no matter what happens here today, if you try to close my joint, I 'll sue the ass off you.
Dr. Don Francis: Doesn't it bother you knowing that the people who have sex in your bath-house are playing Russian roulette?
Eddie Papasano: Please just cut out this bullshit. We're all in this for one thing: money. I make'em when the guys come in. You doctors, you make'em when they go out.

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The Age of Innocence picture

The Narrator: Carriages waited at the curb for the entire performance. It was widely known in New York, but never acknowledged, that Americans want to get away from amusement even more quickly than they want to get to it.

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The Remains of the Day picture

Miss Kenton: Why? Why, Mr. Stevens, why do you always have to hide what you feel?

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What's Love Got To Do With It? picture

Grandma Georgiana: Your mama had to go away for a while.
Young Anna Mae Bullock: When is she coming back to get me?
Grandma Georgiana: She ain't, honey. She just ain't.

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Philadelphia picture

Dr. Armbruster: The HIV virus can only be transmitted through the exchange of bodily fluids, namely blood, semen, and vaginal secretions.

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Alive picture

Carlitos Páez: Hey, I'll pay for pizza if you go get it.

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Kalifornia picture

Brian Kessler: I remember once going on a school trip to the top of the Empire State Building. When I looked down at the crowds of people on the street they looked like ants. I pulled out a penny and some of us started talking about what would happen if I dropped it from up there and it landed on someone's head. Of course I never crossed that line and actually dropped the penny. I don't think Early Grayce even knew there was a line to cross.

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The Assassin picture

Maggie: How about you kiss my ass right in the crack?

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Free Willy picture

Rae: You like whales?
Jesse: I like him.
Rae: Well, he doesn't like anybody, so stay away from him. You see, Willy's a case. A very special case.
Jesse: So? Who isn't?

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Sommersby picture

John Robert 'Jack' Sommersby: Now, do you love me?
Laurel Sommersby: Stop it! You're making me crazy.

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Three Colours: Blue picture

Julie Vignon: Now I have only one thing left to do: nothing. I don't want any belongings, any memories. No friends, no love. Those are all traps.

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Amos and Andrew picture

Chief of Police Cecil Tolliver: Son, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take that tape.
Ernie: What about the First Amendment?
Chief of Police Cecil Tolliver: Fuck the First Amendment.

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The Pelican Brief picture

Smith Keen: Didn't they also say they knew of no connection with the assassination?
Gray Grantham: Yes. But what else are they gonna say?

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Matinee picture

Gene Loomis: Y'know, it's hard to believe you're a grown-up.
Ruth Corday: No kidding.
Lawrence Woolsey: You think grown-ups have it all figured out? That's just a hustle, kid. Grown-ups are making it up as they go along, just like you. You remember that, and you'll do fine.

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The Crush picture

Adrian Forrester: What's the matter, haven't you ever seen a Valiant before?

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A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Wicked Wives picture

Ken Malansky: Of all the courtrooms in all the world, she had to walk into mine.

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