Caine: For all the bullshit they try to teach you in high school, I graduated with about half of it. But then, I didn't go to school but half the time. The other half, I was out selling dope. Growing up out here, there was shit that couldn't be learned in no classroom.

Mrs. Medlock: God! Look at your legs, they are swollen and red.

Roberto Canessa: We're gonna die, you know.
Nando: Maybe. But if we die, we're gonna die walking.

Jack Grimaldi: So you're the big hoodlum? Personally, I don't see it.
Mona Demarkov: Keep lookin'.

Gene Loomis: Y'know, it's hard to believe you're a grown-up.
Ruth Corday: No kidding.
Lawrence Woolsey: You think grown-ups have it all figured out? That's just a hustle, kid. Grown-ups are making it up as they go along, just like you. You remember that, and you'll do fine.

Jesse: I love you, Willy.

Ken Malansky: Of all the courtrooms in all the world, she had to walk into mine.

Clydie: Where are you from?
Sam Gillen: Quebec.
Clydie: What do you do there?
Sam Gillen: What difference does it make?
Clydie: It's an innocent question.
Sam Gillen: I'm a lawyer.
Clydie: Where'd you learn to fight like that?
Sam Gillen: Law school.

Mama: If war produces one thing, it's many cemeteries. And in cemeteries, there are no enemies.

Giddy: ...did you know it could be dangerous to wake somebody up when they're dreaming, well, because you leave part of your brain behind. And if it happens too many times, you go feeble in the head.
Sheela: Yeah. You're living proof.

Smith Keen: Didn't they also say they knew of no connection with the assassination?
Gray Grantham: Yes. But what else are they gonna say?